Had an attempted break in last night while doing dins. Door was locked. Back door handle (which you can see from the kitchen) started shaking violently for a few secs then stopped. Went out to see what was going on and sure enough there’s someone running away through the garage, security lights tripped.
Don’t usually lock doors until bedtime.
Well fuck.
Shit. That’d jangle your nerves. Drugs? Normally wouldn’t expect someone to be so brazen
Yup :( wind noises aren’t helping heh.
and how odd
Just got catcalled by fucking ten year olds. Strong urge to find their parents and beat the shit outta them
Yes, beating the shit out of the parents is definitely the way to go.
well thats fucking gross. Yeah if you know the parents deffo go knock on the door.
Ew wtf
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Meh, they didn’t scare me - i grew up in chaddy during the 80’s. (Iykyk) but honestly theres no cause for that sort of lead-addled idiocy in this day and age, parents need their fucking reproduction cards revoked for jump starting date rapists.
After another what I thought was a good date only to be ghosted afterwards (and I waited 6 hours for them too) I am deleting dating apps. And I am deleting reddit off my phone.
No more distractions. No more external elements in life that bring me misery and depression.
Good riddance.
After another what I thought was a good date only to be ghosted afterwards (and I waited 6 hours for them too)
F me thats bad. I had someone show up to a date an hour and a half late once, then was surprised when I was barely keen when they finally showed. A mates mrs (who set us up) was excited to ask me how it went. I said “Well, she stood me up for ages… so not really interested!” She replies “Oh, thats just who she is. You’ll get to know her!” “Nah, I’m right thanks. I might hate myself, but I respect myself more than that”.
It wasn’t a stand up. It was more I was in Launceston doing some things, hoping to see my brother who was flying in to watch the footy but he had flight issues, and I talked to her and she had something on and wanted to meet afterwards.
It means waiting 6 hours but she seemed keen to meet. I liked what I knew of her, we spoke on the phone, so I went for it.
Thought it went well but … apparently not.
It also takes me 90-100 minutes to get to Launceston.
I feel like a real mug sometimes.
Miss 100% of the shots you don’t take bro. Look at it as an absolute win: you’re not so jaded that you didn’t try.
Thanks :)
I’m sorry you went through that. It’s happened to me as well and it hurts like hell.
The apps aren’t really good for ones mental health. They are tipped heavily against the average man as well.
Take some time to heal, and try going out and meeting people in real life. It’s a lot harder and I’ve only really started myself, but it’s a lot better.
Take care of yourself mate ❤️
Thanks. Appreciate that.
I’m gonna focus on uni and writing and how things work out.
More work mates have fallen ill it seems. This time even the higher ups. Appears that I am the highest ranking person in my group today and have been made delegate at a upper management meeting.
Thankfully I’m not speaking or presenting, and notes will be available after BUT my presence is required because of reasons.
Yay, I guess.
Give yourself a payrise, mandate PJ Fridays and and insist on having your own entrance music for the meeting.
I was planning of firing the people I don’t like…
Same at my husband’s work so he’s jumped on the forklift so he can’t answer anymore emails. Later he’s gonna barricade inside his office so no one can ask for stuff.
Whatever is going around, is kind of nasty. Hope he fights it off
Magpie update : 2 chicks in the nest, both about a week old. So far the nest has survived the wild weather, but tonight will be a real test. Mrs maggie is very very hungry - she took food from my hand for the first time today. Have strewn some rolled oats around on the grass so she’s got dinner once she’s fed the chicks with the mince rolled in magpie supplement that she took directly from me. Young male maggie is fucking useless. Not doing his job of feeding Mrs, and is near constantly begging food from her cos he’s too lazy to scrounge for his own food. Bloody teenager. I’m not giving him any mince until Mrs is properly fed at the moment. I’m really looking forward to the moment when the chicks start begging food from him. I think this will be a gamechanger moment in his developing sense of responsibility. I hope.
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If I’ve still got a pergola in the morning I’ll be surprised! Told the Mrs she should park her car in the garage. If anyone spots a blue hatchback flying through the air please let me know where it lands, it’ll probably still run!
I have a favourite work mate. But today he came to work sick and now I’m feeling a bit shit.
I really wish people wouldn’t do that.
You have a friend at work. This is a really good thing. 🙂 I hope he gets better soon.
Seagoon you are the sweetest thang
Poor form new work mate, poor form.
Cheesed off today having to be in the office and overhear some dumb shit opinions …
workplace rant
…from one member of my team around the Australian flag not being featured alongside lgbti/atsi flags and making fun of Aboriginal words. I get that a lot of corporate virtue signalling is BS but this bloke absolutely has had the whole “true blue Aussies” thing going based off prior conversations as well, and worst of all getting approval from other people in the office (mainly an old fogie).
It’s a very working class part of the org and I’m the odd one out here, dude is absolutely friendly enough here and a vital part of the team… and it doesn’t really impact me that much personally, but it’s enough to sour the rest of the day and feel acutely aware of being an outsider. Hard to brush off because this guy is a long term fixture and popular with many of the other long timers.
Now this is not new to me over my adult life and I kind of feel like I’m overreacting a bit because I’ve been tired/stressed/uncentred lately.
Plus I don’t actually work with this person (and the people I do immediately work with are really lovely), and because of my recent wfh days our in office time rarely overlaps. I could easily put on headphones and ignore the guy. I’m also extremely part time here so honestly, it’s not that big a deal.
…but it’s enough to make a lot of my warning flags go up and it really, really impacted my productivity today. I absolutely don’t care for it.
So I’ve decided I’ll speak to my supervisors next week, and ask for ongoing WFH on the day our office time would overlap, and just generally mention that these sorts of conversations are a factor without naming names.
Is that fair? I’m not trying to be all cancel culture and newspeak and thought control (incidentally another favourite topic of this person), and I don’t care to change the culture at this place, but I think this is a reasonable middle ground where I feel heard and can move forward without attracting unnecessary attention.
I’d be concerned that this would label you as a troublesome employee
Even without naming names?
Fwiw I’m 100% confident I’d get the support of my direct supervisor, also there are a zillion reasons why they wouldn’t/can’t turf me or reduce my role. I also have a fair bit of leverage, and wfh hasn’t been an issue so far. I just dont have any formal support atm to know how much longer I can keep doing it.
If anything I guess it’s me warning them that they could lose me if this keeps happening - but instead of management trying to talk to these people (nightmare), in this instance I’d personally prefer wfh, to have the ongoing option of avoiding them and going along my merry way. And nobody would notice tbh. Everyone wins.
Well your own read on the situation and people involved is going to be better than ours of course. I don’t know your value to the company or relationship with anyone involved. Just in this situation more often than not I’d keep my head down and ignore it
Which it shouldn’t!
No argument there
I wouldn’t say anything unless it’s directed at me. I’d keep my head down and think about the pay cheque.
Technically, I could just lose this job and up my hours at the other job I have, which pays better and is much closer. I’ve only been staying in this one to learn from the specific experience of working in a big org (I don’t intend to stay long term). At some point I have to ask if the costs are gonna outweigh the benefits, right now not so much yet but I feel like I’ll be heading in that direction if I don’t do something for myself
I hate to say this as well but I agree with Ceo in not saying anything.
It’s one thing to be annoyed at it all but it’s another to change work culture of people who are set in their ways at a workplace.
Also it sounds like there’s quite a few people there who you’d clash with if you did take it up. Some things are better left alone.
I was just thinking yesterday that we just don’t have enough public awareness and acceptance of Native Australian languages and dialects.
I can’t think of a single saying from Native Australian culture in common usage, I know a few place names and objects and animals, I know pretty much no kriol.
This makes me so sad, we are all poorer for the lack.
Does this office have the sort of training programs that make those sort of remarks explicitly wrong?
Certainly does, but in this part of the org I dont think anyone really cares, it’s a bit of the wild wild west here. Which has its pros, I don’t need to be dragged into endless meetings or have to look nice or play as much politics.
In which case start your document chain, be than untearable dedicated notebook or a zillion emails to non-work self. Cover Your Arse. You may want an option other than running away later. Best 🖤
Fingers crossed they let me indefinitely wfh on that day, and that guy sticks to his wfh days, and we won’t cross paths again!
I will definitely be documenting anything relevant and keep that shit aside for when I need to work it to my advantage (if anyone kicks up a fuss about wfh), or if anything more serious happens. I was feeling like maybe I was being an oversensitive sook about it but I kind of feel more empowered now. Thanks!
Who’s on the no snacking after tea train? Starts tonight or tomorrow. Whenever suits you. All aboard!
*Fridays are exempt for me.
Hmm, I’ll try. No guarantees. Sometimes chocolate just jumps into my mouth.
You can only do your best. There’s a difference between enjoying a row or two of chocolate and eating the whole block. Which does happen more than I’d like to admit.
Well to be fair, with shrinkflation the blocks ain’t as big as they used to be.
There is one day a month this happens to me. The next day I’m like, yep, that explains the chocolate last night.
Are they chocolate frogs?
I veto this proposal
You can’t overrule a veto, only challenge the right
Indeed you were. Next proposal please
I’m probably going to fail since I have a choc chip muffin here waiting for me.
Have that muffin. Enjoy that muffin and join us when you are ready.
Does gin count as a snack?
Certainly not.
OK, I’m in, starting tomorrow.
I’m in!
Alright I’m in. I’ve got nothing to lose except puddingy middle aged woman belly. I find if I have a cup of tea as soon as I get home and then another after dinner, I’m less likely to indulge in treats, which is odd. It is how I gave up the booze now I think of it 🤔
Bin night in our area. Bins vs winds will take place overnight. Place your bets.
I’m going to risk forgetting and leave mine until the early morning to put out. Some people in my street have put theirs out and the wind has already blown the lids open and rubbish everywhere.
FOD all over the road.
Wind will win I reckon. 40-50km/h at the moment.
Sky nice pink colour. Tree branches lashing out at passers by.
It’s windy out there….
Windows and doors shuddering. Hasn’t been this bad in a while
Hopefully it’ll calm down a bit by tomorrow, taking the motorcycle to office tomorrow.
Yeah. I hope we don’t have a mass power outage like the last time we had the bad storms.
Wind chimes are going crazy.
Leaving wind chimes up is a war crime
I’m just putting it out there. I put on a little weight during the Olympics. It turns out snacking after dinner while watching sport at all hours doesn’t help a middle aged woman then continuing that pattern doesn’t help either. So I’m breaking that habit. Haven’t snacked after dinner for 4 nights now. I hope to lose around 5 kg. Nipping it in the bud before it becomes a major problem.
I’ve put on a little weight since covid…
Same. Turns out having pasta with wine for lunch and sitting around all day is not conducive to a svelte figure
I love a cuppa and a biscuit or 5 in the evening. That’s the hard bit.
I love a cuppa and a biscuit at 2 pm and then 8 pm. Need to drop the biscuits from the equation for the sake of my belts.
same 😔
Get the family assortment pack. It’s healthier. ha.
That just makes me want 2 of each.
Covid then hernia has done my waist line no favours. Started food tracking again. Done it before, just keep chipping away at it and don’t fall of the wagon too hard. Fuck I love to eat though.
Fuck I love to eat though.
It’s my hobby
I haven’t gained weight, it’s my clothes that have shrunk. :|
Boooooo to the covid bitch 👎
I’m still carrying baby weight. We’ll ignore that he’s 10, he’s still my baby.
Menopause is not being kind to my already genetically predisposed chubblish post lockdown ass
You need to jump on the no snacking after tea train with me and anybody else who wants to join.
Home delivery from ikea is cheaper than public transport so why not
Do they deliver the meatballs?
I wish IKEA was on ubereats 😢
Hell Yeah!!
I made these over the weekend. I just used the premade meatballs from Woolworths so I just had to make the sauce https://thenovicechefblog.com/wprm_print/easy-swedish-meatballs-with-creamy-sauce
Dogs are obviously inside. Sadly the cats decided to go to sleep on the couch next to them so not looking forward to the 3am punch on.