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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Bleh. After yesterday’s nap I somehow managed to strain or pull something and some area of my neck or back shoulder is sore which unfortunately is leading to pain when I move my head.

    Taken some Panadol and nurofen but I hope it’s only an minor strain and not anything serious.

    It’s a day of keeping warm and resting today.

  • Just an update again from earlier.

    Good news and bad news….fuck.

    A mechanic near me can do the replacement work for 30 dollars unless something unusual happens and he takes longer it’ll cost more.

    Bad news is that after I got home I checked my headlights and the smaller one on the opposite side is not working either.

    No idea at the moment how much it’ll all cost but this isn’t looking good and there’s also a chance that all 4 lights need to be replaced.

    No idea now but I’ll have to wait till I get paid next week since the costs will likely blow out when I have time off to deal with this but I’ll check with them tomorrow to see what they think and if they have stock of the globes.