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Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • just_kitten
    toMelbourneDaily Discussion Thread: 🍵 Friday, June 21, 2024
    български език
    11 hours ago

    Happy Friday cobbas. I got up on time this morning and decided to rug up and WALK to work at 7:45am - and feeling really proud of myself! It’s only 2kms and almost a straight line basically. Unsurprisingly, I feel a whole lot better than I would’ve today given the amount of work that’s turned up on my plate. I will definitely be doing it again, great way to roll some exercise into the day, like I used to before I had a licence and car.

    Back home and had the energy to put together a kung pao chicken with mock meat. Still got a fair bit of pep in my step which is unusal. Putting together my to do list and this weekend will involve a whole lot of Adult Responsibilities. I was gonna catch up with a friend to break it up but they’ve got the 'vid so I wonder what else I could do instead (that doesnt involve a screen) so I don’t feel like the weekend is all work and no fun.

  • Far out that was a long day. 10 solid hours of work, on green tea only (really not cutting it), plus a lot of faffing around with getting locked in the office building because I stayed so late… It’s too early in my job to start pulling long hours. But I’m telling myself it’s a once off due to a particular combination of unanticipated things. That, and I want to do half day on Monday for cake related reasons, so it’s Strategic. I will NOT let it be a pattern! I have Boundaries.

  • I was absolutely famished when I got home and noodled around on my phone in my car (seriously, does anyone else here just love spending ages sat in the car after coming home? I live alone, but procrastinating in the car hits differently.)

    But despite that and the cold I am proud to say I walked a TINY BIT today (650m each way to the Further Shops and back) when I didn’t have to, as a form of self care that I am usually too negligent to engage in. Maybe I might do it again tomorrow. Take a more circuitous route. I’m so sedentary… I do miss field work :(

  • Yay: got some exciting news about some uni study I’ve put off for years and can finally complete. I can exercise my brain in ways I never could at work

    Nay: I kind of forgot about it because it was in limbo for months, so now I need to turbocharge my brain and think of research topics ASAP.

    I’m starting to find the commute to one of my jobs is really a drag, especially in winter, and I don’t get as much out of being in that office now that I have my other job… I think I’m going to make it a policy that I wfh one day every other week. If I’m going to be studying again, even very very part time, I definitely need to cut down on all that BS.

  • Yes! Actually even though it was a really vivid dream with a bad ending, it’s helped my subconscious process some emotions (writing it all out helped a lot, too). It’s been a great day, actually, feeling like I’m shedding the post holiday blurgh and maybe coming to terms with the weather on a physical level. Next two days are more challenging, let’s see how I go

  • Ha, I love the pee ones that aren’t about anything other than needing to pee - way to break the fourth wall, body!

    I do think dreams have some meaning insofar as it’s our subconscious unpacking stuff, they dont predict the future but they give some hints as to how we might act or behave about certain things. When I’ve responded in an unexpected way or intensity to something and I’m trying to understand where that came from, dreams have been a great clue. Even the ones I dont remember, aside from when I have a dream later and all I can remember is “I’ve had this dream before”.