I am not a fan. Not only are they dumb, they sound hideous, especially at 5am in the morning.
I am not a fan. Not only are they dumb, they sound hideous, especially at 5am in the morning.
Got back about 45 minutes ago, apartment was hooooot but could be worse, at least it was a bit cooler than the outside. AC blasting like a mf. Esky tipped on the back floor of the car the one time I didn’t wedge it securely, it had yoghurt in it… Luckily there was a spare floor mat on top of the floor (from moving house) and only that received a dribble of the stuff. Promptly washed it out. Could have been a lot, lot worse.
Time for my crackers and dip and maybe some tv. This was the view from the hut I stayed in. I miss nature outside my doorstep so much. I can’t wait to move out from here
You’ll fit right in on the drive back to Melbs. Here’s the keys! 😴
Bird day: for most of my holiday I stayed in a hut that a lyrebird lived right outside of. Every morning I’d get the multipack of birdsong waking me up. I’d tarry a while just to hear his full repertoire. It was beautiful.
I saw couples of lyrebirds casually strolling around the property and hopping off garden walls. Didn’t have my phone on me for the most part so didn’t take any photos.
Good morning. I have about 3.5 hours of driving left to do can someone do it for me please.
In Albury for the night on the way back. I’ve definitely had my cup filled (but already missing being out in nature all day and all night, and physically very tired from various tasks). It’s an absolute oven outside. Thankfully the AC was running at my accom before I arrived so I’m just chilling for now (got a free upgrade to Queen, score!).
Debating whether to get a proper meal for dinner or just some ready-to-eat stuff from Woolies… Might splurge on the meal tonight and get some crackers and dip for breakfast and the rest of the drive home tomorrow.
Gee I hope the fires don’t actually reach Ararat and Stawell, that would be awful.
It’s supposedly a warm night out here where I am but compared to last night in the hotbox I’m positively loving it. Lovely balmy breeze. Just nothing but the sound of insects chirping and the wind through the trees, no humans anywhere near, no lights, no electricity (though maybe annoyingly for trying to break bad habits, some phone reception…)
No thankfully complete opposite direction, past Canberra now. Still been a hot day of driving though. Car said temp outside was 37 most of the way through. Will be getting the cool change a day later than Melbourne where I’m going, it won’t be as hot a night as yesterday though. I am glad I slept in a bit without driving while exhausted, some real clowns on the road
Ended up leaving Melbourne at 10am (after doubling back realising I’d left my wallet and hat at home). Made pretty decent time just pedal to the metal to Albury now another longer break just past Yass. Just 1.5 hrs more after this. Caught up with the fire news and it looks farked. So many people love Halls Gap though I have every confidence it will come back even if it gets hit really hard this time
Still so warm in the hotbox bedroom. I had plans of leaving at like 7 am tomorrow but it’s not happening I think. The beauty of driving is I can push it back. It’ll be hot regardless… Leaving at 8:30 won’t be that much worse on Boxing Day, surely, especially when most people will probably be staying indoors
Had planned on watching the last episode of Shrinking but CBF now, I’ll watch it when I get back. It turned so soapy I kind of hate it now.
I did finish the first series of Northern Irish cop show Blue Lights yesterday though and that was really entertaining. Looking forward to s2.
a lovely daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (gasp) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
I found early Dec to be the best for quality/price combo a couple years back but should check out the Jan offerings. cherries are the best
Back home after train delays. Kind of glad I went for the lazy option driving to and fro the CBD, much less lugging around heavy dishes in the heat and thanks to the wonderful city trees my car stayed nice and cool all day. Barely any traffic, zero stress. The first song that came on when I was about to enter the city was Bill Withers’ Lovely Day. I can never get the full “daaaaaaaaaaaaay”… But it was great vibes.
Lunch was alright and I’m glad I left when I did. So many loud obnoxious kids on the ride home. Right. Just need to push myself to get the pots and crap out of the car, vacuum the house, pack… and disengage. C’mon me, one last push. We are almost done with being in GO mode
Having splurged on good cherries the difference is absolutely worth it.
11/30 and I’m lucky I got that far. Genuinely no clue about anything
I’m an idiot and forgot to set the AC on a timer before leaving. At least the blinds are down and windows closed. Oh well, just gonna rack up bills cooling the place down when I get back.
What did you end up doing with the windows?
She looks so soft and secure in her wrapping paper fort 🛏️
Merry Christmas 🎄! On the train to the 'Rat and it’s lovely seeing quite a few on board with gifts and food. I even saw someone on the way to southern cross pushing around a pram with an Esky in it 😂
I’m also chuffed that my sneaky plan to drive to the CBD and park near the station (all day free street parking on a PH!) worked - although plenty others had the same idea as me on Little Collins St, that was full up, lucky I got a park on Collins just 3 minutes walk.
Downside of today is I packed my headphones and forgot to bring the adapter and I’m kicking myself. Luckily it’s quiet in this carriage… I have to get used to the modern world and their stupid headphone-jackless phones.
E: families piled on around Rockbank. Oh well, I can live with it for now…
The cinnamon yes (though right now I’ve only got small pieces and sometimes I just end up eating them), cloves sometimes, but I always leave the cardamoms in. Mustard seeds, cumin and fennel seeds I always leave in when using
Gotta pick out the pandan leaves as well
They’re on the upper side of mid. Not much colour ordinarily, but lovely tails and a fairly sizeable and mobile bird. One of the larger birds in forested inland areas aside from emus…