getting the f outta dodge should be the top priority. And whatever way that takes without having to whore yourself out or sell bags sounds a shit load better than when you are now tbh.
getting the f outta dodge should be the top priority. And whatever way that takes without having to whore yourself out or sell bags sounds a shit load better than when you are now tbh.
Still no joy convincing the mrs on the camper trailer/poptop/campervan/whatever you want to call it. She wants to think about it more. her primary concern is we wont use it enough, but its real hard to convince her shes wrong when the campervan would make it all so much easier to actually do it more frequently. chicken and egg. We dont do it often cause its hard so we dont wanna spend money to make it easier.
Found a couple worth checking out. But the flipside is I found tons of places I want to go assuming we get one.
very much so! Still looking forward to teaching him to crap in a place other than his pants though haha
eyes dart around to check if anyones watching before sitting up straight myself
wow! really? Thats gonna go down like a lead balloon.
passed my Azure exam! Also “Mama” is now “Mummy”. I’m still “dada” but hes working on it. something like “dada-ey?” I also told him the other day “no chance” of me getting in the sprinkler with him. He goes “Chance!” so we ended up running around the house going “Chance!” “No Chance!” “Chance!” for a while.
level with them. “its shit. Its all shit. I’m planning on GTFO, you should consider it too”
Oh yeah its totally about subjugation hey. Its about power. If you just wanna see naked people you go on the internet.
what the actual f?! who does that?!
oh come on dont leave us hanging!
hit miss. Some nights its a godsend. others it just annoys me. and no rhyme or reason as to what it’ll be on a given night. worth a try though, especially if you can get one second hand.
Almost certainly the P plater was pushing the limits.
The fucked up thing is Mark is in the wrong and Cecil is in the right, but Cecil handled it so so poorly. he just HAS to be in control. You telling me the dude has no training on how to disarm a situation like that?
At no point did he just sit down and say “Mark, let me explain everything to you. You may not agree with me. I dont expect you to, but my job is to protect the planet. What happens when the Viltrumites come back? Morals dont mean shit if the planet is destroyed.”
Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho
Started season 3 of Invincible last night, only got up to episode episode 3 but maaaaan. That show can get under my skin unlike anything else.
There’s a fight where someone should probably die. the “hero” is in the wrong, the “villain” is too but someone crosses a line and I’m just sitting there totally enthralled muttering “Kill them. Kill them now”.
apple, plain yogurt and some savoys. Afternoon tea of champions. Dont know why the combo works but it does!
But do you like getting caught in the rain? I bet your not into health food but you are into champagne.
But in true bom fashion when it comes down to it it’ll claim to have a headache or something anyway.
Kiddo has decided dads alright. I’ve gotten more cuddles in the last 5 days than I had all of 2025 so far. Even just now he as walking out the door to go to daycare. I wave bye bye and he turns around runs and gives me a big hug.
I suspect he is a bit sick haha.
better success rate than an 18 year old tiny break at orange whip back in the day.