That’s good.
That’s good.
I saw this. Thought youse might like it.
Good idea.
Go. We’ve only got 2 or 3 days before the heat returns so go outside now.
A happy accident.
Bliss for the next couple of days!
I tried to end the carnage but I couldn’t 😔
How good is this weather? I’ll be school shoe shopping today with the kid where she’ll complain that they’re all ugly and it’s hard to choose between ugly and ugly.
I’m sorry, I know this is a serious convo but Tech Whore. 😂
This needs to go into the next Collins Dictionary as word of the year.
Collies are overachievers and so obedient. Kelpies are street smart. 🤣
No need to jump on the defensive again, seagoon. I was answering a question, not attacking your beliefs.
It just came across as patronising that’s all. Listen, some people are really hurt by what trump has said today. It’s just best to leave it and move on. Plus it was bloody hot and everybody’s grumpy.
That sounds so good! I like that it’s different to what you’d normally find in IGAs.
I tell you what, that is so inspiring. I’m so proud of you. 👍
Ours seems to be a derro stop courtesy of the park bench out the front.
The other day I walked passed and someone (on her Pat Malone) was having a full on convo with her imaginary office co workers. Do not look up CEO. Keep your eyes on the ground.
Why not just buy the curry next door? Lol.
Of course whoever is in front has the right of way but sometimes you have smartarses coming up beside you to overtake. All I’m saying is let them go ahead. It’s not worth your life to prove a point.
Good news is I’m back from the shops with everything we need until next week. Bad news is it took 2 hours. Good news is the dog didn’t shit on my carpet while we were gone.