• 3 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2024


  • Baku, you are NOT a burden. For many of us you’re a shining light. Social skills is something we all struggle with from time to time, and you do as well as any and better than some. Growing up is hard work, and even harder for those that are self-aware. I, for one, value very much your willingness to communicate. We may never meet you in person, but I think we all have a pretty strong liking for you, and much respect for your courage and good heart.

    But you do you. We will be here when you feel you are ready to resume transmission.

  • Put it in a big pot with a 50/50 garden soil & compost mix. Put pot in shade to semi-shade and protect from excessive wind. Water well and regularly. If you like, after a few months dose with a hydrangea colour fixer as flower colour depends on ph of soil and can be adjusted. Feed once a year with ordinary general fertilizer. Cut back hard after each flowering season. Hydrangeas are fairly tough little buggers so can cope with a bit of neglect but do need protection from too much sun and do need enough water. Some snail bait is a good idea while it’s getting adjusted to its new living conditions. Great patio plants if protected from too much sun.