I’m the only one on-site today in my area (as usual lately), if I bounce there’s nobody to stop me 🤔
I’m the only one on-site today in my area (as usual lately), if I bounce there’s nobody to stop me 🤔
5 year old would not sleep at all last night.
Work is utter hell, I want to go home already.
World is going to shit.
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
-screaming intensifies-
I deal intimately with a very large fleet (ie. thousands) at my workplace, mostly Dell Latitudes & Precisions, HP EliteBooks and Apple MacBook Pros.
I agree that HP have no business being in the corporate laptop game these days. Absolute garbage.
That’s what usually happens to me too, if I’m not here everything just piles up.
I’m away for 2 and a half weeks in April. Pray for Mojo.
Here I was bracing for a photo of out-of-season chocolate.
The only fridge here is a bar fridge, if you’re in that I’d be impressed and frankly a little horrified.
Drive safe! So jealous of the road trip, long drives are one of my absolute favourite things to do. Gotta wait till April for my next one.
As someone currently experiencing a very severe case of the Mondays, if someone morning buddy’d me they’d be wishing it was Tuesday already.
Started back last Thursday, and it’s been hell. Somebody please put me out of my misery, feels like I’ve had no break at all :(
Hmm, well I guess technically correct IS the best kind of correct.
And now my wife tells me there’s problems with the water at home and we may need to call a plumber.
That’s it I’m done. 👋