I’m back. Spent Friday in hospital with some pretty sketch vitals but they gave me an IV and I appear to be alive again. Viral meningitis is the leading theory, we couldn’t actually diagnose it and given I’m no longer looking like the reapers next target no one is all that stressed any more.
God, glad to hear you’re feeling better now
Holy shit. Glad to hear you’re still with us but that sounds like the shittest weekend possible. May you recover swiftly
That is a shock, Tiny! Speedy recovery!
Meningitis 😮 Glad to hear you’re on the mend Tiny!
so many hugs, rest up
Oh wow! So glad to hear you’re feeling better though!
Eeek! Glad you’re feeling better now. Helluva way to weekend though.
That’s scary! Hope you’re on the mend soon
Oh shit. Glad you’re feeling better.
Glad to hear you’re ok mate! I’ve had that illness and it fucking sucked!
Ow. That’s bananas and very scary. Glad you are on the mend
Jeez rough. Glad you’re feeling better.
Holy shit dude, glad you’re better. That’s absolutely scary.
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Hooray we got it. Actually had no idea I did until this morn. lol. Turns out it was a bit more south than i thought. Couldn’t see it with the naked eye.
10" exposure 800iso f/1.8 so pretty faint really. I thought it was supposed to be brighter. but now we know where to look (thanks to tha little rock in the foreground thanks buddy) so will have another go tonight.
Such a lovely shot!
Gorgeous photo!
Omg that’s an amazing photo! I actually like the asymmetry of the photo, with the comet to the left like that.
That’s beautiful. The colours are so perfect. I’d frame this
Washing machine sorted. A leaky hose. Now I have 4 weeks worth of washing to do. Me happy.
you had 4 weeks of undies? I couldnt go 2 weeks, and even then wouldnt make it that far in socks.
Well. Undies were the last things that I washed and sometimes I didn’t even bother to put some on after showering. It’s good to let bits breathe occasionally.
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I would just start hand washing necessary clothes.
Hooray! Good weather for a wash-a-thon.
Sure is.
Alright. The meeting for a pay rise is tomorrow.
Thankfully, I’ve got 2 more interviews. One from Australia and one from a very large multinational electronics firm.
Let’s see what happens.
Goodnight all ❤️
Goodnight and goodluck 😘
Just beautiful on the beach tonight… Water is the perfect temperature.
Gorgeous photo, perfect angle.
I’m out of NRTs
So I’m going cold turkey
Pray for me 😭Edit: thank you all for your advice and support! Truly. But I cannot buy NRTs or anything until Friday, we have less than $100 and I would prefer to keep that for cat food/human food.
Apologies for complaining. I’m always complaining.
It’s just a craving. And it will come and go.
You’ve dealt with tougher shit than that.
nicotell stage 3’s. A months worth for the same price as a deck, and they help you maintain. You might still kinda habitually want, but you won’t be at the “shank my grandma for a durrie” level.
If you want my 2c?
Cheap reusable vape kit + nicotine prescription + premade 0% juice to slowly water it down over time.
It’s a bit fussy and looks douchey short term plus the long term health risks haven’t been researched. But tapering down slowly and then off will help you with a really tough quit. Hopefully you won’t need it for too long.
A decent strength initially helps break the habit of the cigs and then you can work with it from there.
Pick a MTL (mouth to lung) option as it’s more similar to smoking and doesn’t produce huge obnoxious clouds. I bought an Aspire Pockex kit which at the time was around $30 on eBay for vape + charger + a coil. It was about the size of a ‘lipstick’ style power bank. It’s not fashionable but was a very good tool to quit.
Very good advice
Avoid any butter flavours. Choose fruit or go unflavoured (diacetyl = popcorn lung). Avoid sugar in liquid as it can burn coils faster.
Avoid disposable black market vapes (unpredictable strength, heavy metals and lipid pneumonia). These are what led to the acute short term health problems in the news.
Use an online calculator and either a jewellery scale or syringe to dilute as accurately as possible.
Don’t start/use the device when the tank is empty or the liquid is getting low. Also get enough spare coils to change them frequently - when using for the first time or changing the coil either let it sit for for a while or slowly drip liquid inside the coil to completely wet the cotton before firing the device. (Burned coils taste terrible and emit seriously bad chemicals. Dirty ones also aren’t good.)
I don’t know what strength you get prescribed (I quit before the ban) but treat the nicotine liquid with caution. Clean up any spills or wash it off your skin immediately. Don’t let Mickey near it and try to avoid vaping near him.
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My work forecast today:
Pictures not of my actual work, as I’m still on a bus crawling along a busy road!
Got an early start tomorrow, we’re gonna beat the heat (hopefully) and get the pizza bases finished early. Now I’ve got to try and get some sleep in a house where everyone is still up and about 🙉Goodnight everyone! 💤
Good night 😘
Some shitty news at work this morning. A couple of vacated senior positions will not be back filled. That’s a few opportunities we won’t be getting. Time to start looking elsewhere methinks.
Sounds like the way to go. If there’s no way up you’ll just have to move sideways
I’ve got a contract until end of this year. It being public service, the job is all but guaranteed until then. Looking at other departments now, cause I want to keep my entitlements at least, but could go private if necessary.
I’m fortunate enough to have a decent amount of time to make that decision, others don’t have that luxury.
Got up from my desk to stack the dishwasher and clean up and somehow ended up in bed with the covers over me…no…I have been exhausted all day. No idea why
I have just ordered 2 boxes of frosty fruits. 🧊🍊
The frosty fruits ad has lived in my head rent free for … what…40 years now? https://youtu.be/C6CncXJe27E
thank you for that , I had never seen it 😐
Oh my god!!! Nostalgia!
I just had myself frosty fruits fruit stack, pretty yum.
One of the boys had a croaky voice and now I’m feeling it too. Time to see how flexible the new job is with being in the office, lest they want everyone else to get sick too
Hard to choose the sunset swim pic but we’re going with this:
Also met the most ridiculously tiny toy doggo who just ran up to say hello. Would’ve been no taller than my ankle. Fearless.
sky pretty
Ugh, ded.
Big weekend of scooting around. Sabotaged bedtime in typical Llab fashion. Waking up hurts.
One of the larger companies account managers needs to be away for 2 weeks.
So guess what’s happening? Either me or my feckless co worker will have to do his job while he’s away.
If I get given this, and no pay raise, then I’m bailing asap.
It’d be a shame if you got sick.
“Thanks boss! which of these responsibilities should I delegate to make room? And to whom?”
Love when someone else’s leave becomes your problem. A couple years back my old boss went galivanting around Europe for 2 months and most of her work fell onto me, it was hell.
I love the word gallivanting. It’s a nicer word than whoring or trollopsing.
Heheheh trollop 😂😂😂
When i went on leave for a week for my birthday last year nobody was asked to take over.
I’m still catching up and that was in November.
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Penske file that shit.