I felt the same. Liked some little vignettes in there. I thought the feel of the land post climate change was really good - but … The story telling was really clunky. I didn’t really care about the people? I dunno…left me…dunno…
I felt the same. Liked some little vignettes in there. I thought the feel of the land post climate change was really good - but … The story telling was really clunky. I didn’t really care about the people? I dunno…left me…dunno…
I know some people who have used it. I have used it for a night or two as a reset but find I wake up pre dawn. Peoples’ mileage varies…
As an aside I have a friend that’s a long time insomniac/delayed sleep person. They have recently started drinking cherry juice at night - apparently it’s an amazing natural source of melatonin and has actually helped them. This is someone that’s previously tried melatonin, sleeping tablets, GABA etc and been down many medical rabbit holes so I trust they are not just jumping on some wellness bandwagon.
I am pissed off on your behalf about this! Hope it’s easily sorted tomorrow
I buy dishwash liquid and dishwasher stuff from source bulkfoods. Both are good, as is their laundry powder. You can buy a reusable bottle or take your own. I also don’t mind ecostore brand too.
Big fat salad with roast potatoes, boiled eggs, crispy salami and lots of crunchy lettuce/capsicum/snow peas and a few other bits and pieces.
I tend to stick to gin and soda now after I realised how much sugar was in tonic 😳 still better then wine tho
Weird choice but spag bol. Took mince out of the freezer yesterday and then bailed and bought a pizza. Made it in the instant pot to keep it a bit cooler.
And a big salad on the side
🙌🏻 yay for new notebook day!!
Yep. Had a nice cool swim but then got a bit sandblasted. Still good tho
Beach beach beach (after I get my kitchen cleaned…) you can do this oldgreeeeeeg
Also how bloody good is Trammell Tillman? Milchick is gonna turn …
Any Murderbot fans out there? Apple TV is releasing a show based on the books. Very excited but fascinated to see if it works - the books are great largely because of murderbot’s internal dialogue…
Had a long day so broke my 2025 rule of no grog on a weeknight and shouted myself a little wine and hour looking at the waves. Such a beautiful evening
Love you too Seagoon
Oh he is a delight 😎
I had a great day. Lil sleep in, wimdy walk and bird noticing. Saw a bunch of ducks and a heron and an egret and a few crested grebes ♥️ shopping done, sheets washed, nap napped. Haven’t cleaned the flat yet but should have time tomorrow. Got sausages cooking and about to flop.
Somedays are just good days, ya know. Not all that often, but it’s nice when it happens.
I am sorry to say it too but if you are applying for jobs on there maybe stick to Simon until you get a face to face 😕 I have had the unfortunate experience of having to advertise jobs on there and there a known issue/scam/shitfulnes that you get a massive influx of applications (almost immediately) and they are random people from all over the world (many are likely using bots). So a name like Simon from Melbourne actually stands out as non bot-trash.
It sucks. I actually think linked in encourages it because it’s free to advertise a job until the first 50 applicants then they pause it and want you to pay per job view (like 150 bucks a day).
Sorry I have been recruiting for my team so I am scarred the opposite way to you right now.
👌🏻 nice