Yeeas! And a touch or Rodriguez 👌🏻
Yeeas! And a touch or Rodriguez 👌🏻
+1 libreoffice is great. PowerPoint replacement is still clunky but word and excel replacements are great
I am attempting a Friday night clean up. Powered by gin and tonic and a cruisy Spotify mix (JJ Cale, Cat empire etc) …let’s see if I can federal this joint so i can enjoy the weekend!! 💪🏻
The magpies are having a good old warble this afternoon
Am seriously considering just deleting my news apps until it’s over. I am in a safe seat. I know how to get local info so I can decide who’s a climate/progressive independent and who’s a cooker. I don’t think I can handle hearing how more gas exploration and firing 40 thousand people is the way forward.
I don’t know what’s more niche - you writing that at 10pm or me seeing it and nodding in agreement at 4am. Open source spreadsheets FTW
This has been a stressful week but I’m feeling grateful. Grateful for you lot, grateful for my work team who didn’t blink when I had a minor panic attack today and thought nothing of my spending the meeting sitting on the floor cuddling the office dog so I could stay grounded and regulated and still participate. And having access to an office dog is 👌 There are still good peeps out there.
Um… shouldn’t there be a fire wall in between two apartments? .eek
Seconded. Rest up seagoon. The water awaits
GoodSAM. I’ve not looked into it beyond being told about it today (Red Cross)
edit: looks like you sign up through the ambos and then use the app.
Did a first aid course today. It was way more interesting then I expected (I am scarred by some terrible OH&S seminars). Also a bit confronting. And there’s an app you can sign up to and opt-in to be notified if someone nearby is having a cardiac arrest. So you can hightail it there and help while the ambulance comes. On the one hand I’d love to do that but it also terrifies me
Low, you sound like a teacher already - yep its a frustrating job, and that is a super sucky placement. But you care about those kids. Which is really important. And there are other schools out there. Yep, the education system sucks. So does the health system. So do most of the systems (yay, late stage capitalism). But people care, and if you can find a group of them that do it’s awesome. There are schools with better cultures.
This also reminded me - I learned how to write essays in year 10. Not because it was on the curriculum, but I happened to have one ace english teacher and she taught us the principles one day. Decades later I am still grateful for that teacher, and use that info still, and my science/maths teacher who pushed me into trying when I wanted to just fail.
Edit: posted then worried that sounded lecturey - was trying to be empathetic and share in response…
ooh thank you! I need to build up my own gear now I’m not with my ex (who was a long time camper and generally stocked up)
hahahahahahhahahahah. good riddance.
I have instant pot-ted a big batch of tomato pasta sauce (two jars tomatoes, two small onions, four ish garlic cloves, carrot rough chopped, salt/pepper/paprika/oregano, bit of tomato paste) Pour in the tomatoes, plop everything on top and set off for 30 mins). About to blend it, mix with some pesto for tonight and the rest can go n the freezer for later.
Was a complete experiment but tastes pretty good
Edit: next time imamngoong to add some brown sugar. Other then that it’s good
No. Referral went in a few weeks ago. Got acknowledgement of referral pretty quick then phone call yesterday and booking next week. I was expecting it to take longer. Western health group.
Welcome home 😊 that’s a big effort.
Three gins worth of cleaning and dancing round the apartment. Need to pass the mop over the floors and do some clothes sorting but mostly done. And I wake up tomorrow to a clean kitchen.
Night all ♥️