• 11 Posts
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月17日


  • First day of school today.

    Classes were boring. Hopefully the ones later this week will be better. People were interesting. So was getting lost on a new campus.

    little first world problem dump from a lost bean

    I’m so torn on what to do with careers. I know I’m never stuck, but there’s that part of my mind that needs an answer. Do I get a generalist job, that will teach me many skills but might not allow me to make the impact I want, or do I do more study, having wanted to do well in the past, but failed to live up to my potential? One of the many things that have attracted me to teaching is the less apparent corporate greed and not sitting at a desk all day. Although, part of me just wants to “surrender” and get a job so I can GTFO of this house. A job that will mean I won’t have to take work home.

    I’ve got my parents and sister in one ear, with one saying don’t do teaching because I’m going to get abused by “shitty kids” and cry and not know what to say when a kid tells me to fuck off. Plus the workload.

    I’m going to try living in the present more. See how I go after prac. I am trusting that I will know with time. That’s what always happens. Now it’s time to do some tolerating uncertainty exercises.

  • I was going to do the same last year but I have no room. Go for it and have fun! Start a one man band.

    There’s a drummer and guitarist on YouTube called Aaron Paulsen who does videos playing the drums and guitar and the same time. He’s going more into internet humour territory these days, but his earlier videos should suffice.

  • umm

    Mentioned to the psychiatrist that my psychologist thinks I could have autism.

    Psychiatrist: I see that

    Me: how? What signs am I showing?

    Psychiatrist: I can’t say in particular but I’ve had X years of experience. The way you answer questions maybe.

    Can I have a factory reset? So I can change my mannerisms? My appearance? And anything that might make me seem autistic?