Sorry, I know this is probably a stupid clarification, but somebody else argued with me over poor phrasing the other night so I feel the need to clarify: I’m not saying “who gives a shit” about your problems, I’m saying “who gives a shit if you complain? Complain as much as you like and don’t feel guilty about it! It’s half the reason the DT exists haha”
Ah who gives a shit. Complain away, my friend
to clarify
Sorry, I know this is probably a stupid clarification, but somebody else argued with me over poor phrasing the other night so I feel the need to clarify: I’m not saying “who gives a shit” about your problems, I’m saying “who gives a shit if you complain? Complain as much as you like and don’t feel guilty about it! It’s half the reason the DT exists haha”