Pineapple fritter thanks
Pineapple fritter thanks
Don’t Wait Up - Midnight Generation - new music for me… alright alright alright
Edit - if anyone can point me to any other artists with this sound that’d be just swell.
Edit edit… YouTube algorithm has come though with the goods
Our first family VCR was a Toshiba. It felt like I was living in the future.
Toshiba? I haven’t heard of them in years… What do they do these days tech wise?
P-plater lost control, jumped the curb and smashed into the local fitness park this morning…no one was hurt, driver and passengers shook but ok. I’ve stood on that corner with my intrusive thoughts wondering if I could get out of the way in time if I saw that happening…bloody hell
Did you guys see that kayak fishing video with the great white…Jesus Christ that was a big shark.
Edit - found it -
iiNet seems to be down.
I just found out Tommy Emmanuel is playing Hamer Hall in May! I think I’ve gotta go…
I love that game
This is really helpful, thanks
Dealing with the heat earlier
Yeah, that was the plan. Just looking for a bit of a heads up I guess.
Alright, so edibles question. My doc recommended trying gummies which arrived today. They are 10mg thc/10mg CBD. I’m not really across what this equates to in terms of strength… Obviously edibles are slow onset, but how strong is this going to end up being in comparison to other methods of consuming (smoking, vaping etc)… I’ve had edibles exactly once 25 years ago, and they tasted so nice that I did the have way too much thing. Not wanting that to happen with these…
Heading to Flaming Lips tonight, should be fun. I’m guessing they haven’t installed aircon at festival hall…?
Edit. Feels like there’s fans, but it’s still really quite hot.
Edit. There seems to be no fans. I was mistaken.
Edit. My god, I’m drenched already.
Second set … I’ll ease off now 🙂
I’m very much looking forward to this…
Becoming Led Zeppelin which I think releases in a week or so
I’ve discovered the true use for Instagram… Alan Partridge clips.
Faber Castell all the way for me.
It’s from the other place, so sorry in advance but… I’ve been trying to separate them for like 30 years and apparently you can do this…what the hell?