"This just in:
Man gives up and just lets cat bite him. Figures it’s better than getting the claws."
Man, I’d love to convince the old people to switch over to Thunderbird instead of Outlook if they HAVE to use an email client, but it’s probably more trouble than it’s worth.
Also, I think I’m covering too much in these sessions at once. We make good progress but how much is sinking in? Stretching things out means more money from return sessions, but it’s also probably better for them as we can spend more time going over a single action
I think shorter sessions are better, with enough time to practice.
Otherwise you’re just rehashing the same thing each lesson.
I’ve already had someone switch to Thunderbird since The Windows Mail app stopped working.
omg omg omg, picking up a calligraphy brush after 2 years and I remember it all, still have the skills 🥹
now to complete some projects 🙂
Is the muscle memory still all there? That’s impressive
It’s just like writing but with a brush. ( I have about 800 hrs of practice )
I have harvested seeds from the red and yellow manzano chilies ready for next season. I think I’ll plant them up in autumn and grow them in a protected area to get a head start.
plant them up in autumn
Keen as mustard! You’re more adventurous than I am! I don’t even have a ripe one yet.
i’ve eaten most of mine already , they are yum .
Doggo much more comfortable after his second summer haircut.
On the airbed at the new place tonight trying to get the cats acclimatised somewhat before the Truck tomorrow. LittleOne coping much better than TheVoid. The bottom corner under the stairs is his lair now and he is NOT coming out. I feel so mean.
I just had the most outstanding ice cream. Mango and cardamom is love, mango and cardamom is life
That sounds fancy and now I want some lol
Wow! Is this marvellous confection purchasable perchance?
The chai shop at QVM was selling it at the summer night market
Thank you very kindly.
Handover documents are almost done.
Spoke to my old manager.
Turns out it’ll cost twice as much to replace me than what I was asking for a raise.
Fucking idiots.
In more positive news managed to complete a new track from the music sesh last night. Pretty happy with the outcome!
Are you collabing with my neighbours? She’s at it again.
Go out back. Lean over the fence and say " excuse me, can you not sing outside this late please?"
sky very pretty
Mashing paint again for this video. https://youtu.be/eBuR2nMGBhQ
I’ve stuffed up a few times and am only halfway through but oh well. And the paint dries quickly being in small space limited piles even on baking paper. I think I need a proper palette or something
Maybe try paper plates? Or those ultra cheap plastic ones from colesworth?
The plastic ones sound good.
I’m finding paper absorbs moisture and speeds drying. Also I’ve been accidentally scraping through wet paper
just keep on practicing, use different materials, daiso is very good for cheap and good artist supplies
but you are awesome, you are slowly but surely doing things 🙂
Thanks. For paint I’m currently using Anko from Kmart and Born from Officeworks but will check out Daiso for more art supplies
Edit: The Reject Shop also has cheap primary colour paints
cool, art supplies can be a real money bottomless pit so I hear you 🙂
It feels criminal to squeeze out so much. And the cheap kits mean buying a bunch of colours I don’t use.
Canvas is also going to add up so paper sketch pads might be worth trying
use all the colours just to get brush skills , sketch pads from daiso are a definite option
right now I’m using a so so quality burnt sienna ink, it good enough for practice
Long long day out in the heat but at least I was out in the hills all day so that was slightly less heinous. Something that really unexpectedly lifted my spirits on the way back was having a ute coming in the other direction flash me a warning about a mobile speed camera ahead (although I already had a warning come up on Waze). Idk why but it was just so heartwarming. Maybe they were being extra nice because I was in a work suv with high viz on. (I know it’s a done thing especially outside the city…)
I also saw an old cream-coloured 60s car (Chevrolet?) with club permit plates… that was a LEFT HAND DRIVE. I thought you needed a sign on the car but evidently not. Props to the young woman driving it who had to look around pretty well to merge and shit
Time for a nice cold shower and scrub, and then maybe one of those shitty frozen fillets with a bit of raw carrot and celery, and call it a day. Back out west tomorrow ugh.
Mental health
The sketchy junkies have been going past my place at night again (more frequently) and the break in nightmares have come back.
I’m trying to use hobbies to distract myself but I’m so tired.
I’m sorry you’re experiencing that shite. Fkn junkies, just make everyone feel unsafe and seem to get off on it like they’re tough shit.
I wish there was something tangible I could do to help you feel safer, Melb 💜💜
Thanks. I don’t really care what anyone does with their life but I am so tired of watching my back.
In the last half an hour the temp in my backyard has dropped from 38 deg to just over 30. Thank you clouds.
Yay. I told Mr Woof it was too hot for second walkies, but it is looking like an evening walk might be possible after all.
There’s a lovely cool breeze coming through too.
sweet sweet yum yum sweet sweet yum yum
the final clean out has commenced
packing starts tomorrow
While packing and moving is always a pain, no matter how well practised, think of how good being close to the beach is going to be! Beeeeach!
Beeeeach 🥹
I am n/k, it’s a 5 min walk to sand
and the same to the train station
This episode of Seagoon is called BEEEEACH