• 77 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • NathAtoMetaWhat happened to @unionagainstdhmo?
    11 hours ago

    Definitely not I. The whole point of giving you guys full control of your accounts is you can do this to your own account any time you like. I heard last week that we lost Baku, also. That one was sad, I was going to share a year’s streak of my own (for running) after he shared a year of Duolingo. But, he was gone.

    Maybe they’ll be back one day?

  • NDIS is just a government programme that funds people with disabilities. Don’t think of it as a company or single entity. There are many providers that work within the framework of the NDIS, and your experience within the program will depend 100% on the provider(s) you work with. The bad reputation the programme has is because there are many cowboys and awful operators in there. The government is trying to clean it up, though.

    I don’t know how it works first-hand, but people using the scheme generally have someone handling their plan and being their advocate. I have a friend who fulfils this role for her daughter, and it’s basically a part-time job to do it yourself. Most people pay someone to manage their plans.

    I’m sorry that I don’t have anything specific to suggest, but NDIS is overall a thing that is good. Don’t be swayed by the bad press thrown at it any more than you’d blame Medicare if you had a bad doctor experience. The programme is expensive, and so of course there are lots of people who want to get rid of it.

  • As far as I can tell she has previously existed in this zone as both Seagoon and Seagoon_

    Both accounts are still just fine in the database, I can recover either of them. I have gone for Seagoon_, as that’s the account she’s been using the past year. But yeah - it could easily have been the other account. I haven’t heard from her since last night, and that was through CEO. I figure she has more important things going on in her world today. Which is fine, I’ve been at work and not exactly brimming with spare time anyway.

  • NathAtoMetaEmails from Aussie Zone
    2 days ago

    Right at this moment, we have a regular Melbourne user trying to reset a password/recover account. Receiving that reset notification has been a challenge. Not every user even has their email configured in their account, it’s optional. It is sorta necessary for account recovery, however.

    Through this process, I’ve learned that the user table in the database is basically what you see on the settings page. Yes, I can see which of you crazy people choose a light theme, but I’m not judging! You do you.

  • Lodion and I have both emailed her directly. Not sure if its a first for him, but this is the first time I’ve emailed an Aussie.Zone user. She hasn’t replied to me - I don’t think Lodion has had a reply, either.

    There is one last trick I have in my arsenal: to change her password myself and send it to her. Though that will leave me in a situation where I know a user’s password and I’m not really comfortable with that direction. I’d prefer to get her password reset with our present approach.

  • I would argue getting rid of all monarchist influence was one of the few good things it did.

    What is the problem with the monarchy? That they’re unelected? Well, neither are the Billionaires who fill that same niche in US politics. Except Billionaires have a strong agenda and really drive the popular and political narrative. Even here, we’re not entirely immune to the influence of the Billionaire class. Only, I find myself at odds with just about everything the Billionaires say. By contrast, the royals rarely engage with politics. When they do, I find myself in agreement with the things they champion more often than not.

    I do understand that the royals have a lot of influence on our government. And that when they speak, we’re all but obligated to give them at least an audience. But that brings me back to the previous sentence: I can’t think of anything they’ve said that I took substantive issue with. I say this also as someone who never much liked Charlie. I liked his mum and first wife, though.

    This is coming across as me being pro-royal. I’m not really black-or-white on them like that. My own stance is more that I don’t have anything strongly against them - rather than being particularly pro-royal. I won’t cry myself to sleep if Australia cuts ties with the monarchy. But, I’m not marching in the streets seeking that outcome, either.

  • The real answer to this question is “habit”. The people who drew up the Australian Constitution in the 1890’s thought of themselves as British citizens, even though they were literally making plans for a new nation that would be independent of England. In terms of taxes, I don’t believe Commonwealth membership costs us much - though I’m not super informed on this point. I could be swayed on the matter.

    Even as citizens of the new nation of Australia, that generation of Australians still thought of themselves as British, too. It took a few more generations for us to really think of ourselves as purely and exclusively Australian.

    If the constitution were being drafted up today, we’d have a serious conversation about whether we’d be a Constitutional Monarchy or some sort of Republic. But, it’s not and we’re not.

    There are real advantages to being a member of the Commonwealth of nations. I’m not entirely dissatisfied with the status quo. If we ever do split from the Commonwealth, I’d want to look closely at what is proposed to replace it. I would not for example want our government to end up like what our friends in the USA have.