Every now and then and I let myself think for long enough that I start wondering: is this enough? Am I a total fuck up? just a little bit? does it matter anyway? how could I be better? what if i…? and then my distractions blissfully take over and I forget all that for a few weeks. Ho hum
It doesn’t matter.
All that matters is that you have peace and contentment i think.
That’s how I try to live. I fail often, but I never give up.
Fuck up compared to what? The middle-class aspirational consumerism-is-all lifestyle? Nah, that’s not where it’s at.
this is where it’s at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPfmNxKLDG4
I solved that problem by accepting I was a fuckup. Lots of us are not perfect. That’s life.
same, I just try to be my best self
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As long as I do my best, that’s all that matters. Even if it’s shit compared to others efforts it doesn’t matter because I know I gave it my best shot. That’s how I sleep well at night anyway.
Ignorance is bliss.
And yes, agreed with Spud, you’re not a fuck up
Curlcumbers and a tomato.
Yeah they can keep their raise.
@[email protected] was right.
Just finished a meeting with the new manager. I’ll pass.
Have 2 more final stage interviews this week then I’ll pick the best offer.
Sounds like the right move and I can’t wait to hear when you’re getting out of there
Once I’ve completed the onboarding for another role I’m out. And taking all my sick leave so good luck with the handover lol
Sounds like you’re better off with the new role and staying at your current house a bit longer til you’re through promotion, than staying on at the current job…?
Yep I’m thinking that too. Will just have to tolerate this for another 6 months if need be.
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Good stuff. On and up!
well. Shit. So a poor offer? or they just really dont care?
No offer till Friday. I’m not interested. Today was an utter shit show.
I really feel like this past year I’ve been feeling the heat a lot more. It’s not meant to be nearly as hot today as the last three but I’m still feeling it. Maybe I also need to drink more water… might have to do with the ADHD medication too…
Made very very minor progress on uni stuff but brain has otherwise shut down after poor sleep last night. I have developed a bit of a nasty attitude to this project, sadly. It’s now just this awful traumatic thing I need to get out of the way. Not how I intended to finish this degree but w/e.
Should be ready to finally get a belated start on my uni fieldwork tomorrow at least. Even half a day is better than nothing!
Study is hard, especially when life happens and then you lose your mojo. Be kind to yourself, you will get there!
Thanks, I needed to hear that. I’m trying to let go of this old story about who I thought I was and what I was good at. I’m learning to be fundamentally ok with who I am even if I’m not impressing anyone anymore. Even if I need to limp to the finish line I’ll make it happen!
I’m limping to the line with my study, so I completely understand. Lost my routine and mojo over the Xmas break and only just had a look today to pick up where I left it. Gave myself a panic attack, cried and emailed my trainer who has very gently given me the push I need to start/finish. And because I needed kindness and she gave it, I can give that to others.
💜 all the best to us both over the next semester. We got this
ADHD meds tend to do that (they also increase my baseline levels of anxiety 😅). It’s like you keep drinking water but it feels like it’s never enough. Hope things pick up soon for you <3
I take a really low dose so that I don’t have as much of an issue with the anxiety but boy the heat intolerance is something else. I confess I feel a bit better after some ice cream lol.
If it helps I think Bulla Ice cream is half price over at Coles this week now.
Tomorrow we’re in for a hot one apparently of 33 and next week Wednesday it’s forecasted for 36.
Oh man, 37 next Wednesday is such a drag… probably gonna be hot through to March but by June we wouldn’t even remember what this feels like
Same thing here with the ADHD meds. I sweat A LOT these days
Another account manager quit.
And then there were 2…
Bail refused for the bird graffiti artist, but somehow is granted to violent offenders in some cases.
Am I missing some legal nuances here?
Bail refused for the ram raider and assaulter of transit employees who also happens to do bird graffiti. Still an FU to DV victims, but the whole system is a bit of an FU to DV victims.
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Maybe, with the violent offenders I can think of the underage ones and they always get bail no matter what they’ve done, even when it resulted in a fatality like the car accident a few months ago.
It does seem really strange, considering what other people get bail for
Ate some toast for breakfast and only after noticed some blue mould specks on the remaining loaf. It’s been nice knowing ya all. Pray for my guts to survive the day.
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You’ll be fine.
Assuming no penicillin allergy, in which case you can have a delightful rash
losing weight takes so long 😫 I expect I have to do at least another 6 months of this meal replacement diet
You’ll get there! It’s boring at times but worth it for how you feel about yourself.🫂
I’ve gone down one clothing size in 3 months, which is not bad, just got so much to go still
so in a way it’s already good, I’m getting new clothes and have a wider choice now
at the same time I’m not so young anymore but fuckin’ hell, I just can’t believe what other women my age wear, those giant abstract shirts or lurid prints.
They do??? Nothing wrong with being so far behind the trend as to be ahead of the game.
-“those giant abstract shirts or lurid prints”
I immediately pictured what you mean lol. Too loud for me, too lairy!
I don’t mind figural or loud but these are always just blotches
Well done on your progress so far! Do you mind if I ask how many meals per day you’re replacing, and is it with shakes? I need to shed a more than a few kgs and am struggling to get motivated
I’m just doing the dinner. My breakfast and lunch is already pretty minimal. I’ve reduced snacks and replacing bad foods with better foods.
I have a new dinner bowl / plate and used it to make nachos and have grossly underestimated the amount of nachos it can hold…it will be a race against time to finish this code review before I slide into a sweet sweet cheese coma
this is a problem I could handle
I’m gonna struggle through…
sending you tots and pears
It’s a problem I experience many times per year, the over-nachoing. I regret nothing.
I wondered if you could reheat nachos the next day… surprisingly the answer is yes? Microwaving could make them soggy but the internet says ovens or air fryers do well
Good to know. But I can’t try it because I ate them all like a big guts. At least I don’t need dinner now
Taking the rest of the week off because I can. Also have 2 interviews this week AND another manager asked me backfill a role in his team (higher pay) for the next few months AND urged me to apply.
same! Im going camping tomorrow for 5 days and cant friggin wait! First real holiday in a while!
Perfect weather too. Enjoy it, you done deserve that.
yeah sadly not down there but s’all good. 20 is probably better than 30 something in a tent.
I hate camping when it’s too hot. I’m guessing fire bans are still in effect so no warming up next to flames?
no fires in a national park sadly, but thats alright i’ll bring a good hoodie and some trackies just in case. I think the minimum is like 17 so its not gonna be cold per say.
Let today be fairly easy please!
I’m going to the beach, nothing fancy, just Seaholme.
Tomorrow as per the BoM:
‘Winds northwest to southwesterly 15 to 25 km/h tending southeast to southwesterly’.
They should really condense that and just say ‘yes wind’.
Wind ✔️
Unfurl the headsail and raise the Blue Peter !
Three sheets to the wind!
Last night my aunty who is the executor of the Will of my grandma messages me to try to influence me into making my other family members hurry up with reviewing financial documents so that the will could be executed and distributed to everyone.
She tried to influence me by telling me that she was going overseas which would see the delay of the will and also was telling me how much interest I would be missing out on because everything was sitting in a trust fund.
She ends the message with “Please settle asap”.
I was trying to stay out of all of the family politics but even I’m suss about the financial documents not being up to scratch but overall I’ve taken a neutral stance and choose not to be involved to help my stress.
For all the complaining and being the poor victim that my Aunty says she is, she’s trying to also drag me into the conflict.
I really hate that.
Anyway I left a message telling her it’s not up to me and that I’m not in contact with the other members of the family but I really thought about not responding or telling her not to drag me into the conflict as I’ve made it quite clear I didn’t want the stress of it.
Big convo at my husband’s work yesterday. A lady came in to the tearoom with a Vegemite and lettuce sandwich for lunch. Which the aussies declared “I’ve never heard of that”.
So it prompted my husband to ask me if I’d ever had this. “Shit yeah. It was mother’s favourite lunch to make for us. I never liked it because after 5 hours in a hot school bag the lettuce was pretty sad”.
He can gleefully skip into the tearoom now and announce that it is indeed a thing because his wife said so. 😂
Hrmm… That’s the first I’ve heard of doing that.
Wouldn’t the salt in the vegemite draw moisture from the lettuce into the bread leaving a unrecognisable puddle?
Not a puddle but it did make the lettuce go old and limp if left to long. I would imagine if freshly made and eaten straight away it would be different but I don’t want to.
I did not have Trump commandeering Gaza,
kicking out all the Palestiniansstraight up demanding ethnic cleansing, and then proposing a property development to turn it into a ‘middle eastern riviera’ on my Trump bingo card. I don’t know how my mental health is gonna survive the next four years. I think I need to switch off the news. If ww3 breaks out can someone let me know, so I can go out and stock up on toilet paper. Ta.I haven’t read any news for about 2 months. It’s better for my mental health.
I really need to stop ☹️
Nope. Forewarned is forearmed. Just be a bit cynical about the current reportage, and consider its sources and the interests its serving. That really helps.
Can do. WW3 is not going to happen for some months imo. And when it does it will be in the northern hemisphere. Probably centered on Greenland. Toilet paper supplies should be fine for now.
In fact, Oz might just have lucked out AGAIN. China’s demand for iron/steel will probably drop to zero soon, but re-building Ukraine will pick up the slack and we’ll just sail through the next cataclysm pretty much untouched. All this is subject to further information coming to hand of course. I would worry if I was male and of military draft age. Particularly if potatohead comes to power, cos I don’t think he can resist the temptation to play little tin soldiers.
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It’s just words. Unless it’s in that Project book he won’t have any support.
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