The lovely roomies bought me flowers.
Those are so beautiful. 😊
They are really pretty and they smell delightful.
Well guys, I finally did it. I went and bought nicotine patches.
Reasons for quitting:
*I want to start jogging - can’t do that on the gaspers.
*We’re going to Japan this year - can’t do that on the gaspers.
*I know once I’ve quitting my man will follow - I want to be the good influencer for once instead of the other way around.
*I love a competition - He is now in a competition he doesn’t know about yet.
All very valid reasons.
Plan of attack:
*This weekend will be my last hurrah. I may drunk post tomorrow. Probably. Most likely.
- Starting Monday I will be patching up.
*I will do my best to not be a cunt through this process. No guarantees.
I’m gonna cry but I’m good. I’m gonna be such a cunt.
Thank you for reading. ❤️
I’m gonna be such a cunt
All of us here will still love you :)
😭 ❤️
You can do this Ceo. Even if you don’t get it right the first time just try again.
I have faith in you!
Thanks mate ❤️
You can do it! I believe in you!!!
What others have said about patches is good advice!
Also, find something to do with your hands! Lozenges should help with the ‘mouth feel’ but you may need to do something with your hands as well when you have an urge - it’s a mental thing. You might get all fidgety, so maybe take up drawing/doodling or knitting, reading may help, or a free mobile game or something!
Since I’ve taken off my wedding ring I started fidgeting with a pen (click click click) but I should find the fidget cube that’s somewhere in this house. It has all these different fidget fuckers on it. If I can’t find it I’ll buy another one because I’m a master fidgeter.
I haven’t smoked regularly for maybe 4 years now, I successfully quit using lozenges. Downside is, I’m now hopelessly addicted to the lozenges. Oh well, less weevils and all that
LessER weevils*
Right on. Sincerely hope you manage to quit, but keep in mind, those fuckers are real addictive and really hard to quit so don’t beat yourself up too much of it doesn’t go as straight forward as you hope. I smoked heavily for 14 years. Took me about 5 tries to be successful in quitting. 14 years ago in February just gone… Having said that, I hope your smash it. Look into Parkrun for jogging. It’s the bomb.
I’ve been smoking now for nearly 30 years apart from the one year I had my daughter, which was easy to give up, so I know it’s gonna be the second most toughest thing I’ve had to do in my life.
I’m a realist. I’m expecting failure at first but I’ve got tenacity on my side. 💪
Fuck yeah well done!!!
It takes a lot of courage to face it head on.
You can do it!!!
YES I CAN!!! 💪
You absolutely GO GIRL, I love this for you!! Tis the season for change indeed. Cry and be a cunt all you need in here, you’ve got our full support in this endeavour! Love that you’ve got solid reasoning and goals behind you.
Thanks ❤️
Fucking onions.
You got this. I’m 12 years free next month. I used patches too, and the man followed me 6 months later but he too champix. Its tough, and I used the quit app at the time, it had games and info which helped. Treating each craving as it comes and then celebrating that success later worked for me. Because they’re just cravings, and life has thrown worse shit that I’ve survived, you know?! Anyway, best wishes on your journey, and find something for your hands!
Thank you ❤️
Sorry for the double reply but just re-read your spoiler. Be warned about Japan. Not smoking is extremely hard despite you not being allowed to smoke in public. 20%+ of the population smoke.
The cigarettes are $6 for 20 Marlboro Red and you can smoke indoors whilst eating food in some places. The novelty of it means you will almost certainly smoke. I did as I couldn’t resist. Excessively. Last year. And I quit about 6 years ago. If you’ve recently quit it will be even harder for you. You will almost certainly smoke there. Even my non smoking partner smoked.
Interesting. It’s more the flight over I’m worried about. 😂
Yeah sorry, even the packets are branded like they used to be and so so cheap. I’ve even kept a packet in my memory box because of the novelty. I hope you both have more willpower than I do.
Also, I’m utterly terrified of flying but that was actually a nice flight, I’d expect yours to be the same! ❤️
Hopefully by then I can smoke, drink and karaoke and leave one of them behind. ❤️
Will you miss singing?
The singing and the drinking will come back with me. I’ll leave the smoking there If I do.
Yeah haha, I was just joking as you laid that one on a plate for me :D Again, good luck to you, you’ve definitely got this. I can promise that the moment your lungs feel normal again will be utterly amazing.
Also hope you have fun in Japan! It’s a beautiful country and I can’t wait to go back.
I found having an emergency spray thingie in my handbag was very helpful when I was starting on patches. Cos patches take time to work and the spray is immediate and tides you over until the patches kick in. I didn’t like using the gum.
I also found that the patches sometimes left a sore red mark on my skin when removed. Usually when that bit of me got overheated or sweaty. Chemist also warned me NOT to put the patch anywhere near where I was going to spray perfume or deodorant - apparently these kick the patch glue into overdrive and can burn the skin chemically. I usually ended up putting the patch on my upper leg. Hope this helps a bit.I’ve tried the gum once before and didn’t like it because I don’t chew gum anyway. I’ve tried the spray and it wasn’t bad but this time I’ve gone with the lozenges. I don’t mind sucking on a lolly.
I was thinking about sticking the patch on my leg so this does help. Thank you ❤️
You can cut the strong patches up to make weaker ones, no need to pay the same price for a seven pack of half strength ones.
I’ve got a bit of hair pretty much everywhere, I’d put some sports tape over the patch to hold it on.
Sticking stuff to your body, tape or patches, after a while the sticking gum stuff will cause a bit of irritation. After removal, cleaning the site with alcohol swabs or an essential oil on a cotton bud will remove the leftover gum in a way that soap won’t.
My mate got onto the official nic vapes via a prescription he got online.
Patches gave me weird sleep, I took them off in the evening.
This is all very useful information. Thank you. Luckily I’m like a hairless cat thanks to genetics.
I don’t want to go down the vape route but if in the future I have to I will.
I’m expecting failure but I know me well enough to know if I fall I will pick myself up and keep going and each time it will get easier and easier. I just have to start.
It took me a hundred goes to quit. Failure isn’t having a ciggie. Failure is giving up on quitting. Today was a good day and I didn’t cave. Today was a bad day and I didn’t cave. got me through some struggles.
I love this thought!
This is probably a bit left of field as a tip that I personally found helpful (note that I do vape, but with almost no nicotine simply for the hand to mouth habit which I can’t break):
So I always carry a box of cigarettes with me wherever I go, having them on me means that I never have that “oh no, I’m out of ciggies. Need buy cigarettes immediately at any cost” feeling and it reminds me not to smoke.
Also know that having a single cigarette isn’t game over. You got this!
Those are very valid reasons, benefiting others and most importantly your health. I’m lucky that I never took up smoking even though I was surrounded by friends / family who smoked. So I don’t have any advice to share except you got this!
Thanks mate ❤️
Good luck! I was a real see you next Tuesday and had to taper very slowly.
You! No way!
If I start calling youse bitches it’s a term of endearment and nothing more.
deleted by creator
You’re tough and determined. You will win! Congrats on the decision, we are here for any venting when the see you next tuesdays hit!
Good luck Chief. 🤞
Thanks cobber
Nicotinell over nicorette, fuckton cheaper.
If you can’t control dreamstates then take off before sleeping.
Sour gummy wormsThank you. ❤️
This has been a stressful week but I’m feeling grateful. Grateful for you lot, grateful for my work team who didn’t blink when I had a minor panic attack today and thought nothing of my spending the meeting sitting on the floor cuddling the office dog so I could stay grounded and regulated and still participate. And having access to an office dog is 👌 There are still good peeps out there.
Office dog!!!
We are grateful for you :)
Thanks Low 💚
We are happy you are here. 🙂
Today in the junior class I was observing, the teacher handed out connector pens. Some kids started using them as guns and point them at others. Wouldn’t care but they were distracting each other. So I went around the room and collected the pens, and of course offender numero uno said,
“Whyyyyyyy?! That’s so rude of you!”
These kids just sit there talking or fidgeting the entire time and then when it comes to doing work, they’re clueless. The teacher didn’t do an awful lot of behaviour management because she didn’t want to take time out of the learning for the kids who actually wanted to be there. She also said having a seating plan makes them antagonise you more sometimes.
Ring leader of the disruptive kids was pulled out of class by the teacher. Turns out he forgot to take his ADHD meds today. This is the moment I realised why ADHD was most commonly looked at in boys. Girls tend to be less disruptive.
Had to get a tooth removed. Really upset tbh. I’ve spent about $17k to get them somewhat fixed and I feel like I’m in a losing battle.
This time I pretty much can’t eat properly or smile until I get my denture in 6 weeks.
This is the price of absolute stupidity.
So much work and effort to get where I am and I haven’t been able to smile in almost a decade. It has absolutely wreaked havoc on my confidence.
Fucking hell.
You’ve come a long way, friend!
Sometimes the scars of our journey are invisible, and sometimes they’re not, but it says a lot about you that you’ve overcome such hardship and are now in a position to look after your health!
We don’t always come out the other side unscathed, but you are doing fantastic! I’m proud of you!
Besides, you have a great smile! 💜
You care way more about this than anyone around you cares about this. Legit no ones looking at your teeth. If you wanna get it fixed for you then thats great, but dont let it harm your confidence.
It happens to the best of us. It could have just as easily happened anyway for purely genetic reasons or an accidental knock.
What matters is you’re taking care of yourself now
Life happens. Lots of people have a missing tooth for various reasons, either from accidents, decay/weak teeth, lack of fluoride as kids etc. You wouldn’t know it though, because modern dentistry can make the replacement look so natural. I know someone with a false tooth due to lost it as a teen from a bad bike fall. Even if your reasons are different, it doesn’t matter. It’s natural to be upset, but also remember you’re doing so well now and looking after yourself! Hope you feel better soon!
You’re a lovely man even when you’re not smiling, and you’ve come SO far since the “stupidity” you’re now paying for.
Chin up, hey? You’re going to outlast it
Jesus Christ the robot baby is crying.
Jesus Christ ain’t here. Put a sticker over the speaker holes. It will dampen the noise.
pick it up
is there an off button
Oh no, not the chicken dick.
Cock for the cock god!
Thigh for the thigh throne!How did this even come about? Let me do some snooping
Scroll down to the very start of this discussion thread.
I’d say a chicken would be better than the peanut butter the youths of today seem to be using
It’s a conundrum if you like both. I’ve never tried both together before though.
Hmmmm 🤔
Rose bush not objecting to new location
ooh really, really, ridiculously good looking!
“Red Intention” much pinker than the label suggests but ♥️
So pretty!! 😍
Why does the election have to be on my birthday? :(
Maybe I should throw a democracy sausage party.
I’ll be at work, so it looks like I’ll be postal again.
There’s an election?
Early voting here I come.
Yes, early is the way
I’ve been meaning to get my name updated on the role. I’ll have to get on it now
Do your civic duty!
Would you like to know more?
If you don’t vote in Australia you get 10 lashes on the St. Andrews Cross
The company wishes to inform me I have survived rate review.
They’ve given me a box of treats
Just looking at some pics of Gwendoline Christie in both GoT and Severance and and beautiful and talented.
I would love to see her in many other shows.
She’s in the newer star wars movies but you don’t really ‘see’ her
Hi there, it’s James from IPA…fuck off! Daaaaaaaaaaaaaah
It’s amazing how quickly a place ceases to be a home, without all the furniture and belongings the old place just looks like empty rooms. Or maybe I just wasn’t attached to it.
There’s only been one place that I’ve cried rivers moving out of, the rest I’ve just been “thanks, byeee”.
Is the new place feeling like home?
it’s feeling more like a home than the other place was
and there has only been one place I’ve cried leaving
cried all the way to the airport, cried all the way in the plane
still crying
Aw, Goons sending lots of gentle hugs and tissues Mind if I ask where it was? All good if you don’t wanna say! Mine was an apartment in the city with an amazing view in a lovely building. I hated leaving it and knowing I would never live somewhere like that again.
Ah, so you lived above Oaks on Market too?
Nah, I was in A108. It had some issues (like the creaking), but the view was spectacular, my floor was nice and quiet and the amenities were great until covid closed them.
Overseas visitors requested a place with Nice Coffee and Croissants… I didn’t do too well on the coffee front BC too many options and just went for very average Seven Seeds. However, we did swing past Monforte in Carlton North and DAMN that was a really good discovery. Worth the $$$. I pretty much died after eating them and am typing this comment from heaven
I’m officially taking the day off tomorrow!
I’ll be doing the same in spirit!
My body is still at work but my spirit has checked out.