Got the storage wall of the garage twintrack up yesterday, today was moving the bench we salvaged from the laundry, putting the doors back on and stocking tools.
Was. I very rapidly realised i was hot, pissed off and very very overloaded. So i went full ASD and grabbed my giant crate of screw packets and tubs and sorted sorted sorted while blasting DS9 in the lounge. Did i wash my hands way more than i “should”? Yes, but fuck should, today was about pandering to me.
And now it is brie and fat cats and ds9 s4. So there
I’m stuffed being out late arvo/evening, saw a movie with some of my favourite people! I have much to ponder, the movie was extremely awesome and thought-provoking!
I have a big day with the fam tomorrow in the SE. Gonna give dad those photos for him to scan with his scanner. He was stoked! He just forgot to reply and I so overreacted 😅 so it will be good to try and date the photos with him, based on my age, and location!
I keep refreshing the BOM app thinking 29.3C at 11pm must be an error :| fuck me. So grateful for air-conditioning.
Really glad I took a break from fieldwork today, just chilling at home all day - although I’ll have to go out during midday again tomorrow - and then a full day of work fieldwork on Tues and Wed 🥵
Still 26 :(
More weekend tomorrow!!
I’m so, so fucking glad I have air con tonight.
Cherry tart update: The tart was transported in the tin, and was also successfully removed and held up well to being sliced. It was very yummy, my sister and I split the leftovers. I just had another piece as a pre-brdtime snack.
i have never made cherry pies or tarts with fresh cherries, you have inspired me 🙂
It’s past my bedtime and I’m only just heading home 🥱🥱🥱 it’s so busy in the city. Don’t these people like their homes and their beds?
It was pumping yesterday too. I think everyone’s soaking up the last of the late night summer vibes. And maybe some people don’t have aircon in which case I totally understand.
Realised that not only I didn’t leave the house today…I barely left the couch.
In other news Yakuza pirates of Hawaii is fun as heck
Have you done the Kaho side quest?!
Not yet. Don’t spoil it please.
I’m only up to Kiwami 1 though I have finished 3 when it originally came out on the ps3
I have a long way to go!
First one I played was like a dragon. Did 0 decently, finished Kiwami and infinite wealth (so good)
Not sure if I can manage all the old ones.
My son played them all and digs them.
I’m a huge fan of the main characters.
Got a soft spot for Ichiban
I am really struggling. I have a sink full of half washed dishes and am unable to complete (or really start) anything of any kind of hobby.
The idiots online are outweighing the couple of chill friends I have and one of them has actually got fed up and dipped, deleting a lot of their posts. IRL I’m surrounded by unstable dipshits. I no longer have the energy to draw.
Medication doesn’t help me (resistant) so all I can really do is keep pointlessly slogging on.
Getting back to yourself after depression or being knocked for a loop takes time. Remember: you can just stop anything you start, whenever and pick up whenever. Yes, even halfway through.
I don’t think there will be a ‘back’. I’ve tried everything for decades and nothing has worked. Just some days I can white knuckle it more convincingly than others. That’s all.
Do the dishes tomorrow. They can wait.
Log off and ignore the stupids. It’s hard but worth it.
Give melbcat a hug.
Give yourself a hug.
Find something comforting to watch or listen to and just sail of mentally.
You got this.
Thanks. I’m just plowing through them quickly so I can have clean dishes (cutlery went in the machine because no way) and will be buying more disposables.
The problem is logging off from the stupids leaves me with emptiness and the extra special stupids irl.
I’m feeding and medicating Melbcat and will probably have to just Restavit the crap out of myself tonight to get some sleep.
The emptiness can be filled. Just need other distractions. It’s not easy for sure.
So what’s best for yourself.
We appreciate you.
Yeah! I’ve got independent hobbies but brain no working for some reason
Thanks. I’ll do my best
Just had a look at - there’s a nice little batch of rain headed our way. Which the garden sorely needs.
It makes me sad how much it shrinks the closer it gets to the bay 😭 but I’ll be grateful nonetheless.
It’s oppressive tonight! Help, help! I’m being oppressed!
I’ve received 0 drops of rain and it looks like the rain band is dying out. So crap, my garden is tinder dry.
Urg. Doubted the rant so it’s gone. Still feel yucky. Time for some vodka.
mickey 17 is a lot of fun
Hello I am new to lemmy!
@Grubbi @briongloid welcome! I am reading you from Mastodon, but I also have a Lemmy account, I just like to say hi from Mastodon occasionally to remind people it’s possible 😁
Howdy and welcome
Hi there! 👋🏼
G’day mate, welcome to the idle chatter corner. Share your wins, losses, thoughts and whatever.
Hello :)
and a good day to you.
Hey there 👋
Welcome to our little corner of Lemmy. 🥰
Finally found a gap in the packing/unpacking/cleaning schedule to redye my hair. Feel a zillion times better for not being a faded out drab! The grey eyebrow bits still have much to answer for.
that one time i decided to dye my eyebrows at the same time, just a gentle smear of dye , right?
half an hour later I looked like groucho marx
after I finished my hair I got to work on forehead and eyebrows, I got it all off but it was so red from all the rubbing ( stop laughing ), was so embarrassed to go out
i just pencil them in now
If you ever do decide to tint them again, the 1000 hour one has worked well imo. I’ve used other dyes and they all turn out way too bold.
Thanks for reminding me, I do the 1000 hour one when I remember, I should get the black one tho
Has anyone ever plugged their desktop pc into a large 4k TV for gaming?
If so, how was it?
Theres a game I want to play with friends but it’s only on pc and I don’t want to sit at my desk to play it.
Curious what other peoples experiences are.
We have a pc permanently slaved to the tv for media and gaming. It’s fucken awesome.
You do need to blow up the font sizes to be able to read system shit though.
Should be fine -
Holy crap lol
Cheers :)
I think it depends on your GPU being able to drive a 4k monitor. Might need to turn the graphics down on the game to get enough frame rate.
Yeah I’ve got a 2070 which is pretty old these days. I’m going to give it a go.
Oh my god that made me laugh
I’ve ever only done it via a laptop with a direct hdmi connection.
With my pc I had to use steam link which went through the network. Sort of worked but crashed eventually after playing around with it for a couple of hours.
Thanks for the heads up :)