I had a restful positive day today . I feel can face tomorrow.
Goodnight everyone, love you all. 😘😘😘
Goodnight everyone. Nice early night to be rested for tomorrow’s interviews.
Sleep well ❤️
Good luck with them!
Cheers man! I’ve done my best to prepare. Let’s see how it goes :)
Good luck. 🙂
Tonight’s rave wave:
And a gull:
That seagull looks like it’s plotting something.
Fuck I hate this weather.
I’ve given up and accepted the electricity bills are going to be shocking.
Coles was out of watermelon when I went to the shops earlier but they had “yellow watermelon”. I’ve never seen yellow watermelon in my life and it was the only option, so I purchased. It’s quite nice, refreshing on a hot evening. Tastes pretty much the same.
I’ve realised how much of my life I’ve dedicated to work needlessly.
I’ve been home all day and I’ve lost touch with the things I do for enjoyment. All I want to do is grab the work laptop and keep working.
Don’t end up like me. Draw the line.
I think there are times when dedication and long hours are needed to learn and advance, and then when the rewards of that are attained then a person can relax a bit.
but working all the time? not generally a good idea
I feel this to my bone. Been there. Kinda still am (not working, but the lack of joy in hobbies).
I hope things will get better for you soon, friend! 💜💜💜 Sending you my love and good vibes!
Thank you :)
I hope this non-profit calls me back. It would be nice to do something meaningful and relevant to my studies.
Counting the hours 'til Thursday when my first prac class starts. It’s gonna be hot, but I just want to do something.
mental health rant
I feel like I’m rotting. It’s hard to have confidence and self-esteem when all my life it’s been beaten out of me. The foundations aren’t there, but I can build them. It’s up to me, even if I resent it.
I just want some kind of meaning, something I can throw myself into without the self-doubt and self-deprecation. I almost envy those who are religious, they have meaning and purpose. But I can and will create my own.
I’m also super excited about this asteroid in 2032. There’s been so much hype about it, but the closer we get to that year the more likely it is that it will pass us. Our math will only get more and more accurate regarding its trajectory. Besides, it’s pretty small, so it would only devastate like, most of India and the Atlantic Ocean (dark joke, it’s actually a terrible thought!)
One thing that ever so slightly irks me, is when people say that Jupiter keeps us safe by its gravity flinging large objects away from the inner planets; it also flings things in too! Why do people think Jupiter’s gravity would only work one way? Sure it “cleans up” objects, but it also launches them all over the place too. Stop attributing intelligence to inanimate objects (inanimate in that they don’t have like, a conscience. It’s made of gas and rock!) Gah! I’ll have to source that video I saw about it, so I can cite it properly.
I love space, cosmology, astronomy, anything super nerdy like that.
Good night
last day before His Lordship hits 40. Much hilarity and old fart jokes.
BUT i did build an assistive frame for his ADHD brain (his spatial awareness ranks somewhere around a golden retriever puppy), as he’s planning out the rail spacing for our pull out drawer clothesline. bit of 3D printing, bit of t-track and voila, he’s got a solid three dimensional frame to play with, including full slide capabilities.
Ikea cushion peg very much there to clarify, we want to be able to keep the pegs on the front pole, and they slide up when we put it away. So the pole placement needs to be calculated to accommodate the peg swing. T track is same height as the mid point on the drawer sides, the 700x350s are the same ones I’m using as height spacers for the slides. He just could not wrap his head around it last night, so I made up a mini system so he can slide them around and adjust, then just measure from the front to the pole when he’s happy
Give his lordship a big happy b’day from the DT.
I shall!
Yay! Seconded! 🥳
Wow! Don’t let ikea see this - just too useful.
that’s just a shitty mini mockup, but yeah, a pull out drying rack shall be ours! Somewhere to toss our pants and towels when it’s pissing outside
I don’t think I eat too much junk, but I’m trying to eat healthier. BUT the ‘bad’ stuff tastes good! Sometimes in look in the pantry and the chips or chocolate or biscuits or icecream is calling to me. We live in a world of food engineered to hit the sweet/salty/fatty sweet spot in the brain. It’s hard to resist. Anyway, today was not a day of resistance, looking at you salt and vinegar chips.
The poison is in the portion. I had two chocky bikkies for dessert.
Which you have just reminded me I have an unopened bag of…
Ditto with the healthier eating. My main problem (apart from bad habits around snacking) is that the other people here like to have snacks on hand, so there’s usually something in the cupboard to tempt me
my cupboards are bare
I had cookies today for the first time this year 😔 I’ve had chocolate 3 times, no icecream, only frosty fruits. No crisps. No cake either. I don’t make naan or roti anymore.
my bad food is I sometimes have a spring roll or two for lunch or have some raisin bread.
I’m snacking on dried fruit and nuts
I have much admiration!
Aww man I don’t wanna cook!Pouts Got an early start tomorrow because hot. After pizza day and the shower I had when I got home, I just want to flake. Elder was really upset and disgusted because he thought his father shitted in the shower… I had to refrain from laughing as I told him it was the Lush Posh Chocolate body wash that his dad got randomly smeared in the bath tub 🤣
Classic “is it poop or chocolate?” moment right there.
I read the local papers from cities i used to live and read the most heartbreaking story from Detroit. A woman let two of her children die of the cold, she just had too many children, they all lived in a van and she couldn’t look after them. It’s like something out Gorky’s My Childhood. She could have gotten help, it’s not like there is none, but I expect she was depressed and isolated. 😔
Gosh that’s horrific! It’s terrible that it’s the kids who usually pay the price for the poor mental health of their parents. I hope they’re at peace.
I have to imagine it would be mental health related. This isn’t the Victorian era, where people had as many kids as they could because it was a “numbers game” back then. I wonder what the mental health services are like in Detroit. Not a judgement, I just have no clue.
I don’t know about public or charity mental health services.
The bad thing is that the weather is very cold people will die of the cold. So people who refuse to be helped are in danger.
From the other account manager:
They’re going on a hiring spree lol
Also, my co-worker believes that if something is on a PowerPoint it’s legally binding.
Ladies and gentlemen, my team mate…
PowerPoint it’s legally binding
That’s a first lol. Had to have a quick squizz on the ol’ googs for that. Turns out that question is asked a fair bit… yikes.
my co-worker believes that if something is on a PowerPoint it’s legally binding.
Idk if I would be able to stop myself from laughing in their face 😂 how have they made it this far!
Favouritism basically.
my co-worker believes that if something is on a PowerPoint it’s legally binding.
You can see how there was an imbalance of workload…
Another interview down, 2 more tomorrow. Yeeha!
That’s great. Interviews can be taxing work
I don’t mind them. My whole job is client facing so the difference between my normal job and an interview is that I’m selling myself instead lol
Smashing it bruh!! 🤛🏼💜
Had to make a phone call at work today and my words came out as mumble jumble. All I had to say was, “The machine was broken.” I find that my communication is terrible in the morning. I tend to think of what I was supposed to say after the fact.
I’m going to have to give up caffeine and somehow sleep earlier. It will improve my mental health too.
Better sleep is a good start, but rest assured occasionally fumbling a sentence or two happens to everyone. You can always say something like, let me start again, and laugh it off with the person you’re talking to. No one will care, it’s a normal part of conversations.
Don’t overthink it, it happens to all of us :)
I remember many a time doing early shifts in a call centre, and just word salad-ing at a customer at 7am 😂 I just made the excuse that I haven’t had my coffee yet, or only had one coffee - usually made them laugh, and less likely to think I was having a stroke lol.