Tommy Cat is 10 today. He has had prawns for tea and is now basking in the sun, pretty well satisfied with life.
Happy birthday, beautiful boy!!! What a stunner!!
Happy Birthday Tommy!
Hippo birdies Tommy 🦐🍤
Please tell Tommy he is the loveliest floof and give him a scritch from us
Fluffy baby!!!
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All done. Here’s the world’s loneliest tomato plant:
Looking good. I’ve started weeding my raised beds which got a bit overgrown over winter and found a few volunteer tomato seedlings have already made a start for me.
Good work man!
Checkout the florida weave trellis technique if you’re growing a row of tomato plants.
Does a tomato need that much room?
It’s a little shy so thought I’d introduce it slowly before the friends arrive. It’s also a guinea pig in case I fucked the soil mix but I didn’t tell it that.
edit: fuck I missed that pun
How did you miss that quality opportunity to make a mushroom compost pun. For shame
My pun game is so off atm :( there is mushroom for improvement.
Normally I love putting stuff together, like Ikea furniture etc etc
I’m now in a room with the door locked trying to build this cat tower and there’s a monster on the other side of the door who is DEMANDING to be let in.
Edit: She realised if she jumps high enough she can pull the door handle down and open the door.
Gibson can hear the echo of an empty cardboard box.
She just needs to make sure you’re doing it properly.
How dare you lock the Queen out of a room in her own house!
You’ll have a makeshift
doggykitty door soon if you don’t finish up that tower soon.Your toilet paper is no longer safe.
The sheer audacity!
Bought a bass instead of the ps5. Fuck it lol. It was half the price.
You’re inspiring me (never played bass guitar before but it’s on my bucket list)
It’s a hell of a lot of fun!!! I play bass like a guitarist, not a real bass player, but it’s fun as fuck lol
Love it.
I have my dad’s old electric guitar and am considering taking lessons and buying an amp for it. Maybe then I shall get a bass.
There’s an app called yousician which is nice for starting out.
Or a website called “Justin’s guitar”.
Fuck yessssss
Very nice!
I didn’t get to ask the other day but maybe you can layer a bass track under your guitar?
I don’t know how it would sound though if you did that.
That’s what I’m thinking as well. But it’s going to require using my laptop on stage.
That will require significant testing to ensure it doesn’t crash.
Oh bugger. More equipment for you lug around as well if that’s the case.
I’m going to try with the ipad. Because it would give me drums as well and is much more reliable.
At my second inspection. Crusty old dude rocks up and talks only to me and asks if I’m viewing the apartment, then asks if I’m single and gives me this creepy grin and says he’d prefer a single to move into the apartment. Oh and of course he’s the owner. Shakes my hand and encourages me to apply. Completely ignores the other attendees (male).
I might’ve seriously considered this apartment despite the very dated kitchen and bathroom and no fly screens, it’s pricey but in a very quiet green location and has a sunlit balcony… But after the above interaction I am definitely not applying wtf
E: I am meant to be cleaning the house but our purritude has other ideas. Purrhaps she has sensed my overall distress. I’ll miss this lil sweetie when she leaves on Monday
little nugget on my lap
Warning signs all over the place with that one.
Sucks because I really might’ve seriously considered it for the quietness and the cleanliness. Light filled and still convenient for work. I was sat in the park wondering if I stuck on my own fly screens and everything else worked okay, could I still stick it out since there’s a REA intermediary… Esp as this is probably one of the few times I have an advantage (??) as a single renter. But it’s for entirely the wrong reasons
Yeah. That’s not the sort of advantage you’d want for sure, it’s creepy and puts you in danger I’d say as well.
I find it odd the LL is at the inspection if he has a REA managing the property? And the whole interaction, yikes. The LL will probably have keys. Stay the hell away!
Yeah it smacked of over-involvement. No thanks! Luckily I’m not being made to vacate so I don’t have as much pressure, I’ll keep looking.
Good call, don’t get that one.
Run from that holy shit.
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Ewww! Even with the positives it’s not worth dealing with that. Plus, if he’s really dodgy you don’t know what he might do
Yeah he seems like the kind of guy who lives nearby and might get… too involved in a bad way. He told the REA to send him a report of all the applicants immediately for his review, within earshot of us all. I can’t think of any reason why a LL would prefer a single tenant over a couple except that a single person is easier to bully/manipulate. I think I’m going with my gut on this one
Yep. More than that he might have keys and could randomly let himself in when you’re not home, place hidden cameras, invite himself over when you are there and push boundaries…
He dived to try and create a situation where he could have a massive power differential with/access to a single woman. Which is not a safe situation.
And being a single isolated person does make you easier to bully/manipulate.
He seems like a massive creep and a danger
Letting himself in when you are not home is probably a best case scenario. When I used to work at Legal Aid they had a case where they were doing an urgent Intervention Order for a woman who had woken up in the middle of the night to find the landlord and his son in the bedroom.
Yeah. It seems fucked up and extreme that women have to consider these possibilities but yeah.
Whether this guy “only” planned to become overfamiliar and harass a lone female tenant or he planned to push the boundaries in another way, this guy very obviously didn’t have good intentions.
Kind of stressed out for any woman who can’t find somewhere else before her lease ends or if he learns to be less obviously creepy upfront
That’s sooo fucking creepy!! What the hell1!
There’s something about the eyes of Soxcats that always stand out.
Don’t know if it’s the colour and the shape but Soxcat always looks so serious.
Breaking news - Rossmoyne Street in Thornbury is having a collective garage sale tomorrow at 10 am to 3 pm - lots of people are all coming together to put excess stoff out for sale. Just got told. See you there.
Of thank F…!
Commbank finally reversed the duplicate transaction that put my account into the negative by a large margin.
Spent the whole day stressing about it. I hope that’s the end of the ordeal and nothing else happens.
Might actually think about getting a 2nd bank account somewhere else just as a backup sometime.
Now I finally concentrate on doing other things other than worrying about things.
Just don’t open an account with westpac 🤣 They had issues all week
Excellent news!!!
Fantastisch to hear!!
This happened to someone I know today as well! Apparently something happened with their system.
They did maintenance last night and when it came back live it started duplicating transactions I made on Thursday, which happened to be when I had some payments to make.
It really sucked and just shows if something like that happens the bank won’t be there to cover you.
That’s a relief for you!
I have accounts with a couple of banks for that reason. I’ve considered starting an additional one too, but I’m not sure if that’s overkill.
Yeah so it doesn’t leave me in a bind like this even though it’s exceptionally rare.
Anyway I’m going to destress tonight if I can. I’ve wasted basically all day monitoring it all.
Bailed and went home, while partner and his dad go to dinner. My everything hurts, and for the first time Macca’s has made me feel better rather than worse.
Thank you nuggets and fries 👌🏼
Hope you feel better soon 💕
Did my first Parkrun this morning. About 100 people. Was great. Got a PB too.
Woke up in a massive panic this morning to an overdrawn back account message.
Panicked like hell to try and work out what happened.
Commbank have really stuffed up and duplicated transactions and now has left me overdrawn and unable to get anything today.
They better fix this up. The duplicated transaction was the biggest thing I had to pay, why couldn’t it have been an 8 dollar transaction?
Time to ditch commbank if they screwed you then left you hanging.
Ah fuck, that sucks the worst when it happens on a weekend! I hope they can fix it up asap. I once had a monthly rent payment duplicated when the REA payment systems changed and that damn near gave me a heart attack
Yeah. I’m hoping it gets fixed soon. This isn’t helping my stress at all.
Really need it fixed as soon as possible.
Sent you a message. Check your DMs
It looks like it’s affecting heapssss of people. What a major fuck up. So many weekends ruined and much more than that. Wow
Yeah this is looking like a major issue. Who the fuck rolls out a system update on a Friday night/Sat morning
Has it been fixed yet?
Following up. It now has been fixed for me. Finally!
Mind you it stuffed up my day pretty badly.
It has not been fixed and now the banking app is down as well.
I feel like I’ve wasted an entire day staring at something I have no power to influence.
Oh man that really sucks I’m sorry. Have you got them on the phone yet?
I tried but was stuck on hold for awhile.
Was browsing online and they’ve acknowledged the problem but still doesn’t help me since I have payments coming out tomorrow and on top of that I can’t go out and do anything today.
Yeh fair. I just logged in to check mine and there was a pop up about it. Hopefully because it’s a widespread issue they’ll fix it in a few hours or something
Figured I’d make a new comment for visibility - for anyone trying to comment/make a post from instance - it isn’t visible to anyone on for 7 days (if it even syncs at all) There was a post explaining it months ago, seems like it still isn’t fixed.
Is this is regards to Seagoon?
I’m not sure how her sign in was done and which instance it was originally linked to.
I actually thought she forgot her password again.
I saw some posts by her mentioning she was invisible, I could see them on my account because her new account was also on world
There was another post originally explaining it, but this one seems to have some info
She has now signed up through so just waiting for approval.
Ah ok. Now it’s all up to Nath!
On the rag, have to look good and go out. I hate this stupid organ. Uterus, free to any home but mine.
I have had pretty good luck with the IUD cutting out a lot of the nonsense. Probably is having some kind of an effect on the rest of my body but I’ll take it over the nightmare of the monthly bleed and weep
Hi hi
OK. So, say you want to have a night out by yourself on a Saturday night, where you can talk to randoms and generally be social.
What bars or what suburb is best?
Also, this is where we are at now:
The Old Bar, Fitzroy. Go out the back and feel free to join in on anyone’s conversations. It’s small, and is an alternative crowd.
Oscar The Wild are playing there tonight (Sat) too.
I used to do that at the Old Bar like 20 years ago. Good to hear it’s still got the same vibe
This isn’t helpful at all but I’m sure others know of some good ideas.
Depends. Am I going to hook up or just meet friends? I’m kidding. I don’t know where to go to find either haha.
Lol it’s alright man, neither. It’s been ages since I’ve gone out to socialise by myself.
I put on the first Paddington movie for the boys the other day because I heard it was good when it came out, and it is quite good.
It’s silly and over the top in all the right ways, with a villain that’s just evil with clear motivations. It felt like a 90s movie made with today’s technology.
Also turns out the director worked on Darkplace and directed all the Mighty Boosh episodes so of course it was going to be good
Yeah for real, they’re solid flicks for all tastes and ages.