• Baku
    1 hour ago

    I’ve made a few critical blunders, but one of the 2 assessments is just about done. Yes, what should’ve taken me like 2-3 hours took me somewhere close to 30. No I didn’t just procrastinate til the last minute, I was genuinely having a really hard time coming up with answers I liked. Liked being the key problem there, I think. If I submitted the first thing that came to mind, I probably would’ve passed just fine. But I just had to come up with answers I was satisfied with.

    The other assessment is tricky. Also should’ve been done with it by now, but I’m not. I’ve half written 1 out of 30 questions. It’s not the end of the world,and I’m not really beating myself up about it. I’m just reflecting. Ironically, the thing I’ve struggled with most has been the 30 question reflective journal. Yet here I am reflecting on why I suck at the reflective journal. Joy. Oh well. I have a class tonight, I’m going to hang back after class and have a chat with the trainer.

    Don’t mind the 3am stream of consciousness I subconsciously seem to have replaced my water intake with a truly unhealthy amount of coke Zero and now I’m far too wired to sleep, and far too sleepy to work. Outcome: thoughts be half baked but still escape containment

    • Baku
      25 minutes ago

      Side tangent: I’ve had a major perspective shift seemingly overnight recently. I used to be bothered by deadlines, and constantly anxious about those sort of things, and deeply regretful if I missed them, but then that all just kind of went away

      I’m not entirely sure whether that’s a good or bad thing. But all of a sudden a bunch of things like that just transferred into the “trivial matters” category