Feeling better. At the end of the day, I never give up. I wouldn’t be here now if I was like that.
So the job search continues.
You got this bro!
Good luck.
Owing to Chef’s obtainment of a second shift job, Breakfast at the usual Breakfast time will cease in one (1) month. Would patrons like Elevenses instead, or for the daily food service to meet its end?
Congratulations on a new job! I think you should move to a food truck and when you’re in the area, give a little toot and see who’s hungry.
Hot jam doughnuts. nom
Thank you! I shall do so, beep beep!
Congrats! I would be happy with whatever the chef prefers, so long as the after eight business continues. I second the food truck idea - pure genius!
🚛 Thank you!
Fittingly enough I think you should celebrate with a meal!
I have not come up with what to have yet so I will just have leftovers for now. I will celebrate when the appetite arrives.
Congratulations, Chef! Thank you for your long service during some particularly hard times and the dedication to keep going until now. May you always be blessed with bountiful offerings of food during the day and offerings of all other useful resources after eight…
Thank you!! It is my pleasure ;)
I vote food truck. As long as your new employer allows moonlighting. Also please close the after eight business, I have accrued some… Debt.
This may help. 💵💴💶💷💸🏧💷💳
Tho starting a gofundme for … Debt … is a bit on the extreme side imo.
The debt cannot be paid with money I’m afraid … Thank you though
The after eight business is what supports the complimentary food and drinks. It will be in operation until the end of time.
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Bom app is claiming that it’s 8c but I don’t believe that. A brief trip to the kitchen for water felt like being blasted with ice water
I’m sitting in the couch under a throw blanket not wanting to move from the comfort of the warmth.
I know I’ll eventually need to come out from this if I want to have dinner :/
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Oodie is on.
I’m with you. I finally caved to putting on the oodie
And also eat all the snacks.
Guys this is my birthday present. And yeah this baby connects to the amp/receiver thus beaming my singing voice through the Wharfedales × 7. Friday nights are gonna be even more funner.
Your neighbours are in for a treat!
Yes they are.
Very full. Can’t move. Cake has been postponed until tomorrow.
Too full for a little sing with the new microphone? Or are you saving that for Friday?
Definitely saving it for Friday
Belated birthday wishes CEO!
What kind of cake? 😀
Vanilla sponge cake
ooh yum, the best cake to have with cups of tea
Today is World Environment Day and also my birthday. I shall be spending this earthy day preening myself and later, drinking margaritas.
Happy birthday… here are some suitably earthy things for your enjoyment 🌼🌹🪷🍄🌱🌲🌿🪺🌞🌞🌞🌞🐱🙈🐵🦁🐶🐺🐻🐻❄️🐨🐼🐹🐭🐰🦊🦝🐮🐷🐗🦓🦄🐲🐸🐍🐊🐢🦕🦖🐕🐏🐎🐫🦙🦣🦥🐃🐂🐑🐈🐿️🐄🦃🦤🐦🔥🦢🦅🐣🦚🐛🪱🐝🐝🐝
Omg. Thank you. I especially love the unicorn. It’s a dream come true.
Congratulations on completing another earth rotation, around the sun. All the best.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday 🥳🎂 enjoy the well deserved preening!
Now that’s a breakfast. Thanks.
Hippy Bumfday! 🥳
A fearless thinker, Gemini is always down to try something new.
Happy Birthday Chief🎂🥂
So true!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one!
Happy bird day! 🌏🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹
Happy bday 🎈 🎂
Thanks. Good luck today at your interview.
Happy bday!
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Happy birthday!
Happy birthday my cricket rival!
Final night in Japan. Pretty bushed but satisfied with how the day went and also ready to go home. It feels nice to think of somewhere in Australia really as home after over a decade of uncertainty.
My bag is absolutely packed to the max with stuff including like 1kg of tea in 13 different packets. And thankfully there’s a free laundry at the hotel so I don’t have to travel with the last few days clothes stinking everything up. Feeling pretty good about things and glad not to be dreading work…
Still upset about what my friend said last night. I somewhat gave up on our closeness a while ago since he got into a relationship.
But to think that someone you considered family thinks so little of your capabilities is hurtful.
Full disclosure: I’m on disability support pension. The way it works is if you’re employed you report your income and if something happens, you don’t have to reapply.
So when he said “maybe you should just stay on DSP”, it was like a knife in the chest.
Sorry for the rant, but it’s been bugging me.
It hurts when the people we expect to support our endeavors shit all over them instead.
Fuck what he said. You want a job in the field you know. You’ve done it before, you can get another one too. Use his shithouse attitude as your motivator, prove him wrong. You are intelligent and clever, capable. I believe in you!
Thank you for your kind words ❤️
I somewhat gave up on our closeness a while ago since he got into a relationship.
This isnt the same guy who uses you as an emotional support pillow, right?
Sadly it is. It’s my own fault for letting these people into my life. But sometimes you’re desperate just to have friends. Especially when you don’t have family.
I hear you. And I get it, I do. It’s just that from what you’ve said about this dude it really sounds like he’s more antagonist than companion.
I just want to tell you I’m barracking for you. ♥
Thank you so much. It means a lot ❤️
Have you looked into insurance attached to your super? Being on DSP means you’re almost certainly eligible for a TPD claim if you were covered when you last stopped work. Returning to work may void your potential to make a claim for TPD in future. Claiming TPD also does not mean that you aren’t allowed to return to work in future. AMA (anyone) this is something I know lots about
be me
have lactose intolerance
have two big spoons of extra creamy yoghurt
30 minutes later, why do I have tummy ache –
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Be me.
Be lactose intolerant.
Have shitloads of liddels and lacteeze.
Fart only in excess of carbs
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You know what it is? At least in my workplace: Its become easier to ASK someone rather than engage your own brain. And i fucking HATE it. Where are the managers in all this? Oh they’re “Too Busy” to know their staff are incompetent as fuck? C’mon!!! if I get one more @everyone “ITS NOT WOOOOOORKING” message on teams I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.
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Maaaate I had to tell someone they need to press the button with the power symbol (not the steam symbol) to turn the coffee machine on. This was a uni graduate. And that was not the stupidist interaction I have had this w::: spoiler Title
Every org I work with is under resourced, with a bunch of small groups keeping it going and so many others just…adrift.
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Yeah in a true piece of irony I stuffed up the tech while complaining that people are too busy to get things right…I didn’t mean to make a spoiler at all 😂
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Thank you 🙏 I’ve been awake since 3, running through interview scenarios in my head compulsively - and not on purpose. Not a great start to the day but I’ll still smash it
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Simulation #285727182
Please respond to the questions with song and interpretive dance
You are hired.
Thanks Baku!
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GL homie
It’s also SAUSAGE ROLL DAY. Very good day today. Very good day.
My interview seemed to go okay, I got the impression that I was all but confirmed, pending formalities. The conversation of my salary was not broached. I suppose I will need to bring it up when they make their job offer formal
Good luck. 🤞
Volunteering shift today. Hopefully I won’t be alone for four hours of it like last week. I think it’ll be me and one other person today but I can’t remember.
Wish me luck
So our public holiday threw my start to the week all askew. I only just checked the AFL tipping results and well, I sucked at tipping last weekend. I only got one game correct. 😞
I got 2 trying to tip upsets. :(
I hope for a better week at tipping this coming week.
I got 2 because I can never bring myself to tip Collingwood, and that paid off for once :)
I’m tipping against my beloved cats, I’m prepared to lose against Sydney this week.
I got one too. Must’ve been a bad week for a few of us!