off to daiso
here’s some western music for while I’m out 🙂
I cannot believe I just saw someone walking their dog.
Saw someone in the tram today wearing a quilted jacket.
Might’ve been a quickie for a toilet break.
Thankyou for your reasonable attitude. I will give benefit of the doubt.
Toshiba messaged me yesterday saying they have another role they might fit me into. Meeting at 3pm.
Let’s see what happens.
Toshiba? I haven’t heard of them in years… What do they do these days tech wise?
Pretty much hardware. Lots of industrial stuff mainly.
Get dat money honey! 💪🏼💲💲💲💰💰💪🏼
🤣 I just realised the typo lol
I watched Judgement in Nuremberg for the tenth time last night.
Every single scene is genius.
Last night I took particular note of the opening argument of the prosecution , what a brilliant mind and writer . Makes the crime and guilt clear
life in Germany, how people fooled themselves into support of evil
I am tired. 😔
Let out early eyooo
Edit: not sure why I was downvoted, someone’s jealoussssss 😂😂😂
Gosh I love working with the mice! Their little hands and ears and nose and eyes! Their little everything! 🥹 So dang cuuuuuute
By the time I seen this comment the downvote was gone. I added it back for you so Ur comment makes sense. You’re welcome 🤗
Sweet as! Thank you! 🙌🏼💜🙌🏼
Got the headphones in the office now and they’ve been great. I can leave them plugged in to work straight with the laptop or have them connected to the laptop and my phone wirelessly. I’m going to get some cheap plastic cables so I don’t feel it rubbing against my shirt, the only downside to wires
I adore wired headphones/earphones. I just don’t trust wireless 😂
I like my big over ear wireless headphones, but I can’t do wireless little ones. I’d lose 'em in an instant!
Pretty Pretty 🛍️
🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋A mountain of iced coffee, please!
Fit me out for a movie night?
👡👡I feel gorgeous
Don’t care what it is as long as it’s pretty
Why is everything I touch today so FUCKED
At work, the battery for a pinpad on a safe with lots of money in it died, so I couldn’t close the door.
I got sent a pair of left handed scissors when it should have been right handed.
So annoying!
This mornings meeting with the old manager and new manager was glorious lol
They absolutely detest each other and watching them try to snipe each other politely is comedy gold lol
holding your professional competence in the highest regard
This place is an absolute shambles. Decorum between respwctive leadership teams was thrown out the window and few weeks ago.
with all due respect
We are well past that now lol
There’s no niceties involved at this stage.
As per my last email…
“Pull your head out of your butt… or else”
Someone got let go from work yesterday just for doing a half ass job and continually costing money to fix, only for it surface that he’d been let go from a previous job due to something pretty heinous (not, like, THAT, but still bad!!) that it’s probably for the best that it didn’t come to light until because now there’s quite the ick. The two situations had zero correlation, someone else just googled their name because something didn’t add up and wow.
You never know people.
oh come on dont leave us hanging!
They filmed their partner’s friend in the shower, without consent (obvs). Friend raised hell, with reason, but charges were dropped.
what the actual f?! who does that?!
Today I am listening to Quincy Jones
the sixties were weird
another 60s song, not a song I expected on this album. exodus jazz
Didn’t they use the Soul Bossa Nova in Austin Powers?
They sure did - but this video is sublime. I’m very happy with this little time capsule of weirdness.
My aunt thinks that keto will help me feel less anxious. Hmmmm, where is the science behind that
Family/friends telling you how you should eat is not okay to me, it can lead to EDs.
It might be better to determine what is causing the anxiety - whether it’s stressors, trauma, fear of the future or past etc. before going down the diet route.
You don’t want to put undue stress on your body by going on a specific diet that isn’t suited to you.
If you do commit to a certain diet or nutritional change, ensure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need as well. Vitamin/mineral deficiencies can lead to very adverse affects, as well as too much of certain vitamins (see that news article about B6 overdoses
The only physical effect I can think of that might be relevant is that sticking to such an extreme diet occupies all available brainspace, leaving no room for anxiety. But you’d pay a heavy price for not doing anything other than watch your diet and stress out over whether something was or was not keto. As with any extreme diet, you really have to make sure you’re getting all your dietary needs met, and extreme diets really really limit your options. And they all have a built-in guilt for failure stress included.
I have a feeling that taking this option really isn’t wise, but you do you. If you wanted to try it for a while to see if it helped, well why not. But I also wouldn’t beat myself up if it turned out not to be helpful.
And then you can say to aunt, well I tried it and it didn’t work for me. Which might shut her up.
Yeah I think in this case, the costs will outweigh the benefits.
It doesn’t really work for her either because she’s keto one month, and then the next, she isn’t.
doesn’t really work for her either because she’s keto one month, and then the next, she isn’t.
Ringing endorsement that.
I think her controlling your diet will make her feel less anxious.
I’ve personally been on keto on multiple occasions and definitely noticed improved mental health, including reducing anxiety.
I feel like it’s the best diet for me but it’s hard to keep it up, most of my social events revolve around meals and alcohol and it’s just annoying and tricky to stay in keto - and it’s really an all or nothing kind of diet
I picked the ripe cherry toms for a friend. A single one had split from variation in water levels which isn’t too bad considering the size and quality of the pots and the number of times they wilted.
I nicked a few accidentally with the thread clippers I was using to cut them. And I cut off a sprig of large red ones only to see a whole spray of tiny budding green ones at the end of it. Well, those will never ripen now.
I piled them all into a washed recyclable container and they’re so heavy for their size.
There are more green ones coming.
The zucchini still have mildew and are looking sad but new leaves and fruit are struggling up.
I feel kind of disappointed because the plants I have aren’t yielding anywhere near enough to help supply a food pantry.
They look beautiful!
You grew these?
I dreamt it was snowing. I miss snow.
I miss seeing snow, not dealing with it.
snow is nice if you have a warm house, warm clothes, a good car and don’t have to shovel it
I still remember one particular bad snowfall, I was driving home very slowly with the plow behind me.
Couldn’t even pull over to let them pass.
I’ve seen snow only once. When I was eight
it is truly beautiful
but deadly too
and at the same time it’s a protective blanket for the soil
P-plater lost control, jumped the curb and smashed into the local fitness park this morning…no one was hurt, driver and passengers shook but ok. I’ve stood on that corner with my intrusive thoughts wondering if I could get out of the way in time if I saw that happening…bloody hell
Almost certainly the P plater was pushing the limits.