a legitimate academic video on medieval killer rabbits , I kid you not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o-Vqu6Z5fY
Got about 2 drops :(
BoM only forecasted 1mm for down here so can’t get too upset.
I got lucky, 20 or so mins of steady rain but my plants need much more.
I have opened up every window and door in my apartment. Let it rain
Gone as quickly as it arrives. Shakes fists at sky
Pretty pissweak effort after all this heat 🫠
Thor can go f himself! Bah humbug!
Toshiba is going to make an offer. Not too excited because of the police check, but still. It’s a good sign that I’m interviewing ok!
Speaking of:
I had a phone call with a possible job this morning. I want you to picture every total fuckwit, arrogant and insecure IT person and this guy was it. Patronising as well.
He was hired 6 months ago and fired everyone and brought in his “own team”. That is never, ever a good sign.
And i don’t want to stereotype, but he kept talking about Linux 🤣
I said I appreciate it but I don’t think we’d work well together lol
Oh gosh. I see the benefits of Linux, but it also attracts the most pretentious, huffing-their-own-farts types. Sounds suss af regarding the team overhaul too bleh
This guy was like when you give a bullied teenager a lot of power lol
Sad day today. My favourite pair of house/pj pants have come to a end. They’re threadbare, the elastic has gone and now there’s a hole where my crackhole is. We’ve had some good times, shared a lot of beer but it’s time to let go of the 3/4 length polka dot favourites. 😔
and now there’s a hole where my crackhole is.
you fart too much and too potently
I think you’re correct. Blew a hole right through 'em.
they could only withstand so much
Sulphur fumes have rotted the cloth.
It’s a grief when a favorite garment finally gives up the ghost. Also applies to shoes. I will weep when my favorite dagging-around-at-home sandals finally cark it.
It’s especially bad when I can’t find any new clothes I like to replace them
good quality clothes are becoming difficult to find
This is why when I find something I truely like I buy several of them
Farewell to the PJ pants! It is sad when something that comfy finally gives in. Do we need to hold a service?
I might have a valentine/farewell party tomorrow. Who am I kidding? I WILL be having a party tomorrow.
RIP pj pants.
Yes, the rip is the problem
You could patch the bunghole and replace the elastic /denial
I would but they are actually classed as see-through now.
I just realised what the date was. Shit. Sorry Mum
First drops of rain! Great big ones! I was wrong in my estimate of when it would start.
EDIT: now it’s stopped
I could smell the rain but I don’t think anything has fallen where I am.
Got a decent downpour right now.
about five small drops here
The cats have voluntarily left uneaten biscuits from dinner. Can’t be feeling well, furcoats in the heat and all.
Is anybody playing Last War? It’s fun, but driving me nuts. For one the obscene in game purchase prices (not a hope guys!!) but mostly because everything is so damn small. I’m blindly clicking on things because the instructions are microscopic. Must be intended for a pad not a phone.
Dear fungus gnats: could you please go back to where you came from and get stuck on the traps instead of hovering around my monitor and face
Doing a little DIY project (currently at the what-have-I-done panic stage) and noticed the little pack of sandpaper I have from a “variety” shop is priced at $1.50. Must have bought it in the 80s for it to have been that price.
Istg if this thunderstorm doesn’t happen above me, I’m denouncing Thor and his kin. GIVE ME THUNDER AND LIGHTNING WITH NO DELAY GAH
I could put some laundry on?
that rain band looks like a soft drizzle that wets the ground and steams you instead of bakes you
The BOM radar rainband is in the exact same spot it was when I looked an hour ago. I would like it to quit stagnating and hurry up.
I have outdoor plans at 7, so I’m predicting heavy rain and storms for about 7:02 if that helps
If I’m reading the radar on windy.com right, that sounds about right for timing.
Thunderstorm for the people!
Toshiba messaged me yesterday saying they have another role they might fit me into. Meeting at 3pm.
Let’s see what happens.
Toshiba? I haven’t heard of them in years… What do they do these days tech wise?
Pretty much hardware. Lots of industrial stuff mainly.
Our first family VCR was a Toshiba. It felt like I was living in the future.
Get dat money honey! 💪🏼💲💲💲💰💰💪🏼
🤣 I just realised the typo lol