Turns out the City of Melbourne have a reporting form for illegally parked cars, which they action in real time.
Just got a Tesla fined for parking in a car share spot lol
Wouldn’t normally do this, but it’s always a Tesla or BMW parking in car share spots.
I don’t have any 🙁
Oooh, I’ve always liked Hawaiian
Whoosh Whoosh 🪂
🍍🥚🍕🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋Hell yeah.
Good morning
Good morning AJ
35 - reading all those trashy magazines in the past has finally paid off
Holy shit, I’ve never been this good
30/50. Effing Shane Warne question - who cares?
It IS trivia. The question not being important enough to care about the answer is a feature, not a bug 😉
I got 30 too. And I got that one wrong!
The boys have broken into the auto feeder. Pre dawn carnage of cat biscuits and robot parts. I am not awake enough for this.
Cheeky devils!
Little buggers! How did they do it?
Brute force disconnecting the holding bit from the technology. Probably watched me do a refill and figured it out. They lack thumbs not brains!
new pillow has been rejected after 1 week of bad sleep and headaches, old pillow is back , sleep attained, still need more sleep
Can’t sleep. That’s all.
Urgh the neighbours across the carpark are being super irritatingly loud tonight, i thought this was one night I could turn leave the window open and get some fresh air but I’m half ready to scream out of the window. I hate it here so much. I just want to fast forward to June and finish this degree and get out of here already.
I understand how you feel. I was so close.
Please cat stop snoring :(
When I was a kid every cat we had would choose to sleep on my bed, never my parents bed, and they’d purr like a cesna. I loved it but I’d also lay awake at night thinking "Jesus Christ can you not?"
I find the purring helps kick my insomnia. Cat doesn’t always want to sleep in human bed. So cannot apply as necessary.