Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 24°C. 25% chance of at least 4mm of rain
Whoever you are, you are loved ♥️
Dinner out, first time in ages. Little Mexico in Berwick. Nice enough, kinda lacking in spice levels but that’s probably more on me.
I’m so tired 😮💨
I find being tired out from stress and illness/discomfort is colouring all my feelings
Gibson day 2
Her fivehead 😂😂😂
You did some serious over shopping prep didn’t you? 😺
You have no idea lol
Very cute. Would last maybe 3 weeks with my confetti monsters!
She went through it once and that’s it. Took me sooooo long to put together lol
Oh dear. Bit of a situation where the box being more fun than the toy does not exactly pan out
Clearly a thinker
she’s so tiny 😻
Ted looking cute again, this time sprawled on the two ikea storage tables 🙂
Fluffy boy!!!
I regret getting in contact with my Aunty to settle things.
She tells people that I’m the nice one I’m the family but I just choose not to get into conflicts.
She texts me this.
“I haven’t got any replies to my emails. You better tell your cousins to hurry up to have settlement by blah blah date”
Dunno if I’m reading into too much but it does t sound very nice and feels like she’s pressuring me to rush them.
Family conflict over property issues is the worst. Brings out a real nasty side of people. I hope like hell it’ll go smoothly in my family
I’d like to see it resolved soon but not with messages like that. It’s very demanding I feel and she’s supposed to be the executor of the will.
There’s already been major conflict in the family with the contesting of the will and some legalities that had to play out and she dumps it all on me because I’ve chosen to stay neutral as much as I can.
It just takes one person to make wills and estates hell .
Got an interview tomorrow lol
Perfect timing.
Good luck buddy. Hope it goes well!
Thanks mate I appreciate it :)
Definitely a good idea to keep the momentum going after today’s news!
100% Spoke to a few people today. Everyone i spoke to feels the same. They’re actively on seek on their phones at work lol
These are management people.
if management are fleeing the sinking ship then I would too.
The director (of the company that was bought out) admitted to me at the xmas party that she was burnt out and wanting to quit. The new company treat her like shit apparently.
Oh noes … Came home a bit early so I could regroup and finish off the years tasks quietly. 20 min nap on couch became 2 hour DEEEP sleep with random nightmares and now my neck is cricked and I am discombobulated.
Yep. That was 2024 in a nutshell
I felt this comment in my nerve damaged shoulder
I think you just summed up my 2024 also.
add in being disabled by sciatica for months and that’s my year too
( but been an amazing year for personal emotional growth and I’m so lucky to have mr seagooon 🥹 )
Naw. Here’s to Mr Seagoon. 🍺
What sort of buffoon tries to sell a house with neither stove nor oven? Wonder what other surprises lurk in this one?
Who’s an idiot who thought it’d be overcast and left their bedroom blinds partly open and window wide open. No prizes for guessing.
I am being taught over and over again THOU SHALT ALWAYS LEAVE THE BLINDS DOWN AND WINDOWS CLOSED before leaving for work. No exemptions. Boiling.
Met up with some old colleagues which was nice - kind of really tied a neat bow on that chapter, one year on - now to catch up on 2.5 hrs of work and call it a day.
No prizes
No you get an icypole too. We’re all winners here.
You’re the best bottom racer (maybe that makes you a top racer).
Refuse to turn on ac so ice pack against forehead and neck it is. Might have another nerve jolting cold shower.
So today i mostly worked like a dog. My boss admitted to faffing a little too much today and didn’t as much done as she should have.
Hopefully this earns me a couple of early work finishes though tomorrow I have a work function at the end, I really hate that keeping us at work later to do these functions.
I’m lucky my work functions have been totally paid and during work hours. If they were out of hours I’d bail (as nice as my colleagues are).
I hate that the one tomorrow goes as late as one and a hours after work ends and isn’t paid.
I always felt it was so cheeky of them to host farewells and end of year things and stuff after work hours.
Wow, no, the absolute max I’d do is 30 minutes, 1.5 hrs is taking the piss. Especially when you’ve worked yourself tired. We all spend too much time at work as it is!!!
I’m probably going to do 30 mins as after that it’s after work time but they’re so slow with all the speeches and stuff, I may just sneak out since I’m not particularly fond of the people we’re farewelling.
Even the lure of free food isn’t enough to make me stay.
Cheers guys 🍺
Cheers :)
Cheers 🍺
CHEEEEEEEEEEEERS!!! 🍻🥃🍻🥃🍻 (extra loud cos it has to cross the sea)
No worries cuz 🍺
Today on our drive to Christchurch we got acquainted with Brian FM. Brian is our soul mate. 💜
We need a Brian here in Melbourne, only, taking playlists sent in by people.
I think you can follow Brian FM on I Heart radio. Definitely gonna try it when I get home.
Turns out I took 1 more week of leave than I thought. 3 weeks here we come!
That’s a welcome surprise!
I need it really badly. I’m burned out a bit. Some relaxation will do me good.
IT outage at the hospital, waited 2+ hungry and uncaffeinated hours for my scopes to be cancelled. 💀 I’m declaring today Taco Overload Tuesday to celebrate.
Oh that sucks! You deserve those tacos
oh no! did you have to do “the prep”?
Sure fucken did! All for naught. Nobody’s fault really – I might have been a bit short with the Dr who broke the bad news. Sorry doc. Your skirt was fierce af though.
BRUH! So you gotta do it again?! FUUUUUUUUUUUCK off with that
Yes, unfortunately there is another 2L of putrescent “lemon” flavoured slop in my not-too-distant future.
Oh nooooo. You’ve somehow locked a worse level below eviscerating your guts for bowel prep - doing it TWICE in succession. My sympathies.
Oh you have my absolute sympathy. So frustrating.
That sounds nice. The taco selection around my place is woeful. What is your go to taco ? Do you make your own?
My budget extends to $3 the tacos from GyG and I am current gorging on them. And a full sugar coke.
Ted is so happy sleeping on the terrace among the vegie planters
I know this is an unusual thing to say, but you have beautiful floors
Thanks. That’s just wood tiles I put down on the concrete, they take a fair amount of work to up keep but are worth it. They keep the terrace a cool comfortable place rather than a brick and stone hot box