I forgot to mention, they are paying for 2 monitors, a dock and a keyboard and mouse and will have them couriered to my house so I can work from home.
That’s fucking crazy lol
Enjoy your day everyone ❤️
Hoping today I get my call 🤞
Fingers crossed mate!
Preparing to break out the sardines for you… 🤞
I still have some smoked kippers in the cupboard for the occasion.
Hoping to celebrate with lots of smoked fish?
Fish and beer, anyone would do the same right?
I would be fish and wine, close enough?
Oh wow, so how often do you need to work at home and go into the office for? Does it suit you?
Im in office 3 days which is fair I reckon.
Pretty standard these days.
That should be the bare minimum for a job that actively supports WFH. It’s a small expense for them to keep you working even if you’re sick, for example ;) Nice one getting the dock paid for, they’re so expensive and the cheap ones really can be useless
Had one of the worst days of my life yesterday.
But I have TAFE tomorrow, I can do this.
oh no, hugs.
is there anything we can do? more hugs?
You can. ❤️🩹
You got this! I belive in you :)
Hang in there, and hugs
Oh no 😔 happy for you to vent to me if you want
Got assigned my first client today! Also a title change. Now service delivery manager. Fancy title same job as before.
Otherwise there’s a lot to take in! It’s only day 2 so expectations aren’t high, but still. I want to be picking this all up quickly so I can to the actual job.
I’m sorry to have concerned anyone yesterday.
TW medical
I’m making every effort to take care of my health, have been involving advocates and have shown up to the ER repeatedly.
Unfortunately medical care for rare or chronic illnesses involves a lot of barriers, jumping through hoops and waiting. I have been seeking help and answers for a very long time.
I have been seeing specialists and have recently had to change hospitals because I wasn’t getting anywhere with the previous ones and they don’t perform the procedure I now need.
I’m currently being handballed between a private specialist and a public system that is dragging its feet. Even if I convince this doctor and pay out of pocket the earliest I could see him is September. I will also continue to attend the ER to build a relationship with the new hospital and try to expedite things further. (I have an existing referral to their specialists that has already been expedited but I could still be waiting a while.)
I will continue to do my best to get the treatment but it’s likely to be an ongoing struggle and I’m not 100% sure that I will get it soon enough.
Horrible subject. Normally I don’t talk about it. The only reason I even posted is that things are getting serious so I wanted to warn you guys and give you ample time to adjust to the idea if by some chance I don’t make it.
Thanks for the update - I think we were all a bit concerned. If this eases your mind, I’m fairly sure someone here (might even be me) will take care of Melbcat if needed in a hurry and you don’t have time to set up a preferred option. I don’t have a cat at present, so can offer no charge care in my home which is cat proofed in anticipation of getting a cat in the near future.
Thanks so much.
I’m stressed about it but if worst comes to worst I’m speaking with a support worker about taking Melbcat. With luck it won’t need to happen but I’ll get my ducks in a row.
I’m sorry you’re going through such a hard time. I hope that between the private specialist and public system can at least offer support for you 🙏
Yay: I didn’t lose my expensive but very good fingerless gloves, they’re at the doctor’s!
Nay: now I have to drive there and back. Meh. At least I’m not as incapacitated as the last two days. I really need those gloves though!
Also, reading that thread on the escaped cow in South Yarra on the other site, I have had that song in my head all morning. We will fight for, bovine freedom…
They came with a needle to stick in his thigh, he kicked for the groin, he pissed in their eye. Cow well hung.
gloves are good
In a tentative sign that I might finally be kicking this stupid cold/flu/whatever, I just had to stop work and make emergency pikelets. I haven’t felt like eating anything for a week so this is good.
…my garmin watch did give me a heartrate warning while I was doing it so I think a couple more days on go slow is a good idea
It’s always a really good feeling when your appetite returns! Definitely sounds good to ease yourself back in though
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gang violence should carry an automatic sentence. You wanna act the teenage dickhead you get treated like a teenage dickhead. Where the fuck are the parents in all this? Lock them up too. jeez I sound old.
I too wondered about the parents.
either they are to blame or they have been victimised as well
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Bloody AusPost left my parcel up a fucking tree.
Can quokkas even climb trees? 🤔
I guess the hard part is getting back down.
The new sewing machine inspired me to finish a simple job I’ve been putting off for ages - I have sewn a zipper into a cardigan my Mum knitted for me ages ago. The machine sews beautifully, I’m very pleased with it.
Enough with the wind already, I’m sleepin’ here! I’M SLEEPIN’ HEEYA!
have you tried beano?
I mentioned earlier that I had a video of myself play Beat Saber.
I’ve uploaded it if you want to have a look.
Song is Believer from Imagine Dragons
This was done some time ago. I really need to get back into it as it’s lots of fun.
That looks like terrific fun.
It’s very fun, more so with songs that I enjoy.
Seeing Deadpool & Wolverine tonight in the first preview screening woooo letsgoooooooooooo
I’ve avoided all trailers since the first teaser so I’m looking forward to being surprised
Good choice. The trailer I saw appeared to be half the movie.
Right? insane how much they were giving away even in the first trailer!
I’m gonna try go see it tonight at my local theatre. And same, avoided all since the first trailer/teaser.
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So pretty! Best sunset in a while.
Pet dilemma. I’ve bought 2 new cat trees online, because 3 cats/1 tree not good. One is ready for pick up and it’s for the youngest flufflebum. He likes to sit in the area between the kitchen and the dining table so he can watch me and speak snugs in. Its a small hut thing with a bed up on a platform. Do I set it up now or wait until the second one arrives for the spicy cat so it’s equal? Edit: the ginger fluff has claimed his bed. The troll under the bridge is unhappy, but hers is bigger and hopefully not far away.
Plot twist: only 1 tree gets used at a time whilst the other sits idle.
For that they’d have to be friends!
Set it up and whoever gets to it first gets a gold medal and the national anthem played. Am I ever gonna see your face again.
No way, get fucked, fuck off style?
Yes but the cats might have a different version that may include high pitched screams.
Oh no, Pepper would subscribe to the original.
Hahaha. That’s the spirit.
And if the other one wins its “I left my heart to the sappers 'round Khe Sanh” right?
We are the champions?
No. What about me? By Moving Pictures or Shannon Noll. Same same.
Ok I reread Tiny’s comment.
Fuck I’m tired.
gonna be a shitfight either way. If you leave it till both arrive both will be ignored anyway so you really cant win.
I just don’t want the spicy one to think I’m favouring the fluffy one just because he’s a smoochy sucker.
Who gets the box?
doesn’t matter, they’ll fight over both.
Blargh. This is not the hour for cleaning of the cat trays. But my brain is dumb.