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  • melbaboutown
    8 months ago

    I’m sorry to have concerned anyone yesterday.

    TW medical

    I’m making every effort to take care of my health, have been involving advocates and have shown up to the ER repeatedly.

    Unfortunately medical care for rare or chronic illnesses involves a lot of barriers, jumping through hoops and waiting. I have been seeking help and answers for a very long time.

    I have been seeing specialists and have recently had to change hospitals because I wasn’t getting anywhere with the previous ones and they don’t perform the procedure I now need.

    I’m currently being handballed between a private specialist and a public system that is dragging its feet. Even if I convince this doctor and pay out of pocket the earliest I could see him is September. I will also continue to attend the ER to build a relationship with the new hospital and try to expedite things further. (I have an existing referral to their specialists that has already been expedited but I could still be waiting a while.)

    I will continue to do my best to get the treatment but it’s likely to be an ongoing struggle and I’m not 100% sure that I will get it soon enough.

    Horrible subject. Normally I don’t talk about it. The only reason I even posted is that things are getting serious so I wanted to warn you guys and give you ample time to adjust to the idea if by some chance I don’t make it.

    • Thornburywitch
      8 months ago

      Thanks for the update - I think we were all a bit concerned. If this eases your mind, I’m fairly sure someone here (might even be me) will take care of Melbcat if needed in a hurry and you don’t have time to set up a preferred option. I don’t have a cat at present, so can offer no charge care in my home which is cat proofed in anticipation of getting a cat in the near future.

      • melbaboutown
        8 months ago

        Thanks so much.

        I’m stressed about it but if worst comes to worst I’m speaking with a support worker about taking Melbcat. With luck it won’t need to happen but I’ll get my ducks in a row.

    • Gibsonisafluffybutt
      7 months ago

      I’m sorry you’re going through such a hard time. I hope that between the private specialist and public system can at least offer support for you 🙏