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So I’ve been seeing counsellors/psychs/etc on and off since I was 13. I’d get really bad, and then we’d talk and then i’d get better and then I leave and the cycle renews itself. So about 2021 I had a really shitty counsellor. All he wanted to talk about was me getting a job, when I said to him in my final session that I want to get tested for ADHD and could he do a mini test so I’m not wasting over a grand to get told no. Anyways, he asks me like more hyperactive stuff and typical of boys, and then he goes “I don’t think you have ADHD because I could tell”. Negating the fact that the 5 sessions I had with him I’ve mentioned how I forget things, I procrastinate, I would rather play video games than do anything else. Like… he sucked, I hated him.
So, I do some Googling and find one who is close enough, schedule appointments and I’ve been with her ever since. She’s not the type to try and “fix me”, she’s there for me to talk about things, she’s super understanding and caring. And she also went through a diagnostic tool with me and confirmed that it is likely I have ADHD (this was before I was tested). Also diagnosed me with C-PTSD. So anyways, cut to May or so of this year, and I’m getting my appointment ready and the MHCP is wrong. Ugh, okay reschedule. Next appointment, my MHCP is not a MHCP it’s actually those 5 free appointment things that I’m using for my physio so I can’t use them for my psych. Next doc appointment the doc tells me that I don’t have any Medicare appointments (which is wrong) but he’ll get it figured out.
I never got a call or anything. So finally today going to the doc to get some scripts (and also got my doc cert to take tomorrow off, I don’t care if it’s unpaid I need it), and I think telling my doc that I have some not happy thoughts, I was able to get the correct MHCP.
Sorry for this long message, I’m just very happy I can see my psych again. I don’t gatekeep here, if anyone needs a psych that’s all telehealth, go see Roslyn Delrayne, she is just the bees knees!
Thanks so much for sharing. I’ve had good luck with therapists and medical people in general but I know that good referrals have been integral to that.
Holy fucking shit. I just realised that I know the woman at the centre of the recent death cap mushroom poisoning deaths. I used She and her husband were close friends of mine as we all worked together over 15 years ago. I went to their wedding and her in laws were genuinely the most lovely people. She had some serious issues but seemed to get better after meeting her husband. Her husband was also one of the kindest people i have ever met. I’m in shock.
expect a call from the detectives investigating the case then 👍
To be honest I haven’t seen either of them in years and I only posted here because it’s a little pocket visited by a select few. No way I’m making a similar post on the threads discussing it on reddit. Erin had her issues but I remember her as a person who was fiercely loyal to her friends and loved animals. She had a temper but I honestly don’t think she would ever intentionally harm someone. But then I knew her a long time ago and people can change for the worse.
You’ll be dismayed at the way they have framed this article then. ffs I hate news com au.
Nothing new to see here but whether this woman deliberately fed people death caps or not, this tries to make out she did.
That actually has a lot of information I haven’t seen before. What I have seen before was pretty much saying just that police had no idea if she had eaten the meal herself, and did not know if there were mushrooms in the meal, and made it sound like she was not providing answers that she should have been able to. That extra information could make sense of that - if she was hoping for reconciliation and then the ex has not shown up she could easily have been too upset to eat, have spent the meal pushing food around her plate and have no idea afterwards if she has eaten any of it.
I think I read it all wrong the first time expecting to be outraged. 500 dolareedoos?
Today I received my first ever business cards. I know that it probably seems dumb, but looking back at where I was 8 years ago, and then seeing my name on a business card as “partner”, really made me smile.
Hope everyone has a great day 🙂
Impressive. Let’s see Paul Allen’s card…
We knew him when …
Fuck me. Somehow ended up sitting near the hyenas today in the office. They ventured closer to our little section of the floor and disrespected the invisible boundary.
Worse part, one of them (Cheryl or Charelle or something like that) just came back from her holiday in QLD and everyone just has to hear about it.
i have the same group at my work. Tell me all about it…i need to know eveyhthing… how about you shut up and remember there’s no door - how about you do that…eh?!
This group will go to the kitchen, make tea/coffee THEN RETURN to their desks for the yap session.
Our kitchen has tables and a bench with stools, all for the purpose for such chats.
Nope, not these. Need to sit at their desks for the world to hear about their massively busy and interesting lives.
interesting lives
but they’re not though are they?!?! so inane and noise making
I live a very mundane life and share snippets of it online.
Not in the office, at full volume seeking validation.
This always intrigues me. As a factory worker at a small business, we work flat out all day. We talk at the same time of course, but mostly working at speed is a bit of a conversation killer so idle chat is occasional, brief and to the point. We’re just too busy to indulge in the type of behaviour you describe. These people sauntering about the office with cuppas, yapping and whatnot: are they productive? Are they even good at their jobs? It would drive my colleagues, myself and most certainly my boss absolutely batty to have to deal with water cooler conversation overflow. It’d mean less focus on the work, less work done and potentially a lesser quality product.
Office life is different. I used to be a removalist and did way more work than I do now.
It’s a different world.
I don’t doubt that, for sure. Being a removalist is pretty hard Yakka!
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Well, you wouldn’t believe it but he decided that he didn’t want tiles and now is set on parquet floors!
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Oh my god yes! Was there a condom shortage or something?
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Oh no. Earbuds?
Got them, but doing some team work today, so can’t be isolated for the entire day.
Team work cringe Try and get outta there early I guess.
Generally I avoid in office teamwork, but today it’s for a good cause and with people I get on with.
Might need to book some meeting rooms.
I just lock myself up somewhere half the time. I’m getting frustrated with the kitchen situation though 🫠
I recently bought some noise-cancelling headphones due to a similar situation, and they are a GODSEND
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See that’s why IT is great. Everyone is nerdy and has interesting hobbies. Although gaming is very popular lol
Well… After a very long and expensive and confusing MH journey and some frustrating technical hiccups, I’ve finally got to the point where I have a box of ritalin to start on tomorrow. Strange combination of nervous, excited, guilty, relieved. Feels a bit scary having so much of a schedule 8 drug in front of me. I hope to hell this finally helps me stop sabotaging myself constantly
Good luck. 3 years ago I was prescribed a similar stimulant. Went from washing dishes in a kitchen to IT manager.
They can change your life.
Thank you so much. Your story is unbelievably inspiring and I truly hope this might help me unlock that constantly thwarted potential (and prevent myself from ruining my gums from forgetting to brush for weeks on end).
I hope so too :) Be aware it will take about 3 months to settle with the medication. If you find it’s not working, or giving you unwanted side effects, there are other options. Best of luck to you!
How to get a GIF to show on Lemmy (and Sync for Lemmy)
- Add the following code to your comment where you want the GIF to go:
- Find the GIF you want to add to your comment on GIPHY*
- On the page for that GIF click the “↗️ Share” button
- On the overlay that shows up over the image, click “🔗 Copy GIF link”
- Return to your comment and paste the link between the round brackets:

- Be a good citizen and add descriptive text in the square brackets:

- Voilà (with added spoiler tag):
Animated GIF
*You could also find the GIF somewhere else if you want. The URL needs to end in .gif
(Consider adding the GIF to spoiler tags if it’s very large on screen. Do not upload the image to Lemmy, doesn’t seem to work.)
Please please please please please put them under spoiler tags, with a warning that they are a moving gif, no matter what size they are. Some people (like me) have sensory differences and find having moving pictures on the screen to be extremely disturbing/distressing. It is the visual equivalent of hearing someone scream every time you scroll over a comment with no way to turn it off.
Sorry but, How do you go with all the other media? Cinema, free to air, you tube, the ads at the petrol station etc…moving images are everywhere. Has it been a lifelong issue?
Edit: sorry if too personal, just say “secure that shit Hudson”! and I’ll shut up.
The short repetetive movements that gifs have are the worst, but I hate the ads at petrol stations and things like that too. Specifically watching a movie or video is fine, but having it on in the background is really distracting and makes it hard to concentrate on other things - it’s like it takes all my attention and I can’t think properly.
I think it’s always been a bit of an issue, but until fairly recently we didn’t have moving pictures everywhere for it to be as noticable. It’s something I’ve been able to understand about myself a bit better more recently after learning about neurodivergence and sensory issues. It’s started to become something I can understand enough to explain to other people, whereas before it was just “I don’t like it” which really doesn’t convey the depth of it at all.
Ok thank you. I can relate as MissGod has sound sensory issues.
indeed, I have loud tinnitus 24/7 that was worsened by last years covid vaccination
hence I like a little background noise all the time , but I try not to impose
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Thanks mate. You a hero. I was missing the first exclamation mark the whole time.
quit scene from Hercules Returns and testing Lemmy.
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- Add the following code to your comment where you want the GIF to go:
There’s apparently a Senate inquiry into the worsening rental crisis if anyone wanted to make a submission
Just found out I’m getting rewarded at work. Noice
My dinner
Image of a plate with an assortment of green vegetables, a couple of cherry tomatoes, pork and ginger dumplings, pommes and a hoisin dipping sauce.
It was really good. The fam were genuinely confused by this dish but consumed it anyway.
I hate how expensive groceries are, I’m so sick of this.
New mushroom theory.
The ex-husband did it and set up his ex-wife. He has most to gain. She had nothing to gain.
Nah I reckon she tried to off the husband and in laws for inheritance purposes. Plus they were probably interfering busy bodies. The meal apparently was a beef Wellington. Who doesn’t love a beef Wellington?
How would she inherit anything? They are divorced.
They are separated. She doesn’t want to go halvies in the house. Kill him, kill the in laws. The house is all hers.
I’m loving these juicy theories. I don’t know that much but I know if the cops are willing to put this out in the public then they’re most likely onto something. I was really curious why the food dyhydrator was seized. So what if they find traces of those mushrooms if she claims she “didn’t know”? I must be missing something here.
Not sure where the dehydrator comes in only that it was discarded the day after the poisonings.
Yeah I feel like unless there’s other evidence to suggest she planned to murder them or stand to gain from their deaths it’s all circumstantial or manslaughter at best. It’s a tricky one because it’s very hard to prove what someone knows or doesn’t know. I mean this wasn’t sleeping pills or rat poison.
if they’re all dead her children would inherit everything and she’d get to spend it
They love them. They just choose not to partake. Haha.
Good point.
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As a fish this should not be a problem for you.
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Then your name should be catamphibian
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Deploy decoy feet
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omg, reading about the tragedy in Hawaii. A hurricane and wild fires at the same time. I just can’t imagine it. No where safe to run to.
It’s awful.
Beyond the human tragedy not fire adapted native flora either they’re not going to bounce back.
Well work has been an entertaining shitshow and I’m choosing to focus on the entertaining part. LOL. Ahhhh. Sigh.
My work’s shitshow is more embarrassing and banal than entertaining, so I’m now invested in yours. 🍿
Maybe I’m just easily entertained but partly also because I’m just getting out the popcorn and watching shit go down. People are having to fight stupid fires, make stupid decisions thinking they’d get ahead, and stabbing each other in the back following a restructure. People are leaving because they see through the bs and have had enough.
Choco Churro Turtle Chips 🐢🐢🐢
All downhill now
I’m not allowed those anymore, and the housemate and I have very strict rules about bringing them into the house.
Oh really, tell me a story.
Nothing exciting, only we couldn’t ever leave the shop without buying them and we ate ourselves sick a couple of times.
I had to exert a phenomenal amount of will power to stop eating them. Everything is a test it seems.
Love those chips!
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I mean, they are really good but probably wouldn’t go out of my way to get them unless you have a Leo’s close by.
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You can get them at Coles and Woolworths. They tastes like… Iunno, chocolate chips but it’s no savoury and sweet, just sweet.