Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • landsharkkidd
    2 years ago

    So I’ve been seeing counsellors/psychs/etc on and off since I was 13. I’d get really bad, and then we’d talk and then i’d get better and then I leave and the cycle renews itself. So about 2021 I had a really shitty counsellor. All he wanted to talk about was me getting a job, when I said to him in my final session that I want to get tested for ADHD and could he do a mini test so I’m not wasting over a grand to get told no. Anyways, he asks me like more hyperactive stuff and typical of boys, and then he goes “I don’t think you have ADHD because I could tell”. Negating the fact that the 5 sessions I had with him I’ve mentioned how I forget things, I procrastinate, I would rather play video games than do anything else. Like… he sucked, I hated him.

    So, I do some Googling and find one who is close enough, schedule appointments and I’ve been with her ever since. She’s not the type to try and “fix me”, she’s there for me to talk about things, she’s super understanding and caring. And she also went through a diagnostic tool with me and confirmed that it is likely I have ADHD (this was before I was tested). Also diagnosed me with C-PTSD. So anyways, cut to May or so of this year, and I’m getting my appointment ready and the MHCP is wrong. Ugh, okay reschedule. Next appointment, my MHCP is not a MHCP it’s actually those 5 free appointment things that I’m using for my physio so I can’t use them for my psych. Next doc appointment the doc tells me that I don’t have any Medicare appointments (which is wrong) but he’ll get it figured out.

    I never got a call or anything. So finally today going to the doc to get some scripts (and also got my doc cert to take tomorrow off, I don’t care if it’s unpaid I need it), and I think telling my doc that I have some not happy thoughts, I was able to get the correct MHCP.

    Sorry for this long message, I’m just very happy I can see my psych again. I don’t gatekeep here, if anyone needs a psych that’s all telehealth, go see Roslyn Delrayne, she is just the bees knees!

    • RosaliePreistley
      2 years ago

      Thanks so much for sharing. I’ve had good luck with therapists and medical people in general but I know that good referrals have been integral to that.