Alright off to the interview. My gut feeling is I probably don’t have enough technical skill for the role, despite it being a management role with very little technical work assigned.
But it has got me into the habit of studying daily.
But, the practice is always worth it!
Alright off to the interview. My gut feeling is I probably don’t have enough technical skill for the role, despite it being a management role with very little technical work assigned.
My gut feel is your gonna smash it bro! EDIT: GUT feel! not guy feel. My god im useless without a coffee.
Thanks man! I hope all the AD stuff I did over the weekend will pay off. Either way though, the more interview experience the better.
Good luck 👍
You got this! 💜
Fingers crossed!
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I think it went ok. I answered everything they asked as well as I could, didn’t stammer or get stuck. But who knows what will happen now. Fingers crossed!!!
So I think it went ok. I almost accidentally said my non Aussie name lol
But otherwise I did the best I could. It was with 3 people. The tech side wasn’t as intense as I thought. They were happy with what I knew how to do in AD.
Still going to continue studying AD and then Azure just to get my skills up regardless.
Ahhhhhh that’s great!! You’re doing awesome!
That’s cool. 😊
Fingers crossed for you!
It’s hard work being adorable.
They’re so smooth and cool about it, so high up on the pedestal we monkeys worship them upon 😍
Just a had a hookup steal from me on his way out the door.
It was just a sample size moisturiser that was near my bathroom sink (and I have a full-size bottle of it in the bathroom cabinet…) but, still, what is wrong with people? 🙄
What is the world coming to?
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Guess I better check my dressing gowns and bath towels are still here too
What a travesty of a human. 😭
So i just posted a story. it didn’t seem appropriate for the DT so I just put it to Melbourne. If you go camping at all, I urge you to read it. Learn from my mistakes. Cause as of last week i would of told you what happened was impossible and I was in no way dumb enough to fuck up THAT badly.
You lived, you won.
Yeah alls well that ends well. Didn’t root the car either. got a well deserved talking to from the Mrs though.
That’s some story, glad you made it out of that situation in the end.
Very true about relying on your gps when you’re going way out and don’t know an area as well.
I came back from a wedding out in the country and was 100% trusting the gps in the middle of the night.
If it had sent me off-road I would have done it before knowing something was wrong.
I always get so nervous when having my MC appointment, but it’s never bad. In fact, it’s always a positive experience. My clinic are just amazing, kind people.
Perhaps it’s because it stills feels illegal, even though I’m TGA approved.
It helps so damn much with my CPTSD symptoms, especially reducing the frequency of night terrors/nightmares. I feel lucky that it works for me. I still have bad days, but chalk that up to the brain damage CPTSD does, but overall, much better than when I wasn’t on this medication.
I put in a consult online on Wednesday which I’m a bit anxious about. I doubt they’ll allow me because I haven’t tried prescription anything though. Still waiting for them to get back to me “Your consult is complete. We’re currently reviewing your responses. You will receive an email once your treatment plan has been created.”
Sounds like Candor.
Nailed it. They got back to me tonight with questions which I’ve answered. I do hope my lack of trying pharmaceuticals doesn’t hurt my chances.
What would be interesting is if I get it prescribed and then move to my parents place because dad is very anti-cannabis. I think I’d just have to have a firm talk with him about it being medicinal and prescribed.
Was it nurse Tayler?
Nope it was nurse Dani for me
You should mention this anxiety to your GP or psych so you can get even more MC
bloody hell, I’ve been resting in bed to heal my back, minute I get up Ted jumps on my pillow and snuggles in. 😡🤣
I get that when I get up to pee in the middle of the night. It’s not a polite discussion at that stage of night.
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Relationships are fleeting, that’s precisely why so many will pine for a chance of one. Regardless of the standards we pretend we have.
I refuse to settle. It’s unfair to myself and especially the other person. I’d rather be single than thinking “I guess this is good enough”.
In the movie “As good as it gets”, Melvin pays for a doctor for Carols kid. I’d like to be rich enough to pay for a doctor who listens to me about my health problems and helps find actual solutions.
The “sorry can’t help, ” stuff from lazy doctors who don’t care is just bullshit. (Private and bulk bill). Worse is the “never seen that before” don’t know from specialists.
I just want some sleep without my nose blocking up and leaving me with headaches, constant exhaustion etc. let alone the other disabling, life fucking up stuff. But I look fine on the outside.
Tell me about it. It’s taken years to find someone that will listen
Was wide awake until almost 4am and completely forgot an electrician was coming to fix my flickering downlights at 8:30am. He arrived 3 minutes early (my alarm goes off at 8:30am) and it scared the shit out of me. My door buzzer thing (it’s more of a ringing than a buzz) very rarely goes off these days so I spent a good 20 seconds wondering what the hell the sound was.
All sorted now though. No more strobe party lights in my kitchen.
A tradie turned up early? Yeah sure.
Yeah definitely doesn’t sound right… maybe it was a dream, and the lights are still flickering and you’re sleep-posting @bull? =)
*drools on keyboard*
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Just loaded up my phone with a bunch of new audiobooks which I obtained completely legally and would never dream of getting from torrents. Looking forward to getting stuck into a new story.
I too would never dream of getting books off torrents, especially not after spending $15 for a book audible are now going to cancel in a week.
Let us know if you find any favourites! Always looking for recommendations
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There’s no escape from the hubris of capitalism and morons who think AI is the next big thing. It’s not even true AI!
The big problem is that they are taking the same sort of approach that Microsoft did with it’s stupid paperclip that everyone hated. People want useful tools, not a system which actually blocks you from doing what you want and instead constantly tries to override what you want to do and know.
It saddens me how “AI” is hurting creatives. Deeply saddens me. But that’s a whole other rant.
Getting a bit sick of going over to the p’s place and half the conversation is about them feeling cold. Tonight was 6 times. Their place is at 23c.
I’ve tried to explain layering with light clothes, doing some light activity a few times a day when they feel it, thermals…
I understand it becomes hard to regulate temp. at that age which is why layering is a good one. Gets a bit hot, take one off… not doing it for you put it back on rinse and repeat.
They’ve been on so many trips to cold places over the years and they’re swimming in warm clothing, but they just… don’t.
It’s like complaining about being rained on when you’re holding an expensive unopened umbrella.
It’s likely to be circulation issues more than actual cold, in which case extra clothing does not help as much. More activity would be helpful as that stimulates circulation, but an electric heated blanket might be a good option for them.
this, they need to move about more too
Went to the farm in Bundoora Park yesterday. It’s a great little spot. The boys loved seeing the donkeys and sheep.
We got rained out because we weren’t prepared but it was probably enough for the boys anyway.
And tell you what, you can tell the place is run by the council because the food is so cheap. I’d go there for lunch all the time if I lived nearby.
I also thought people were bringing happy meals from the McDonald’s down the road, but their kids meals have their own little cardboard box.
Update: the Mercedes parked in the 5-minute zone was gone this morning. It was still there yesterday afternoon. I don’t know whether they finally returned or whether it was eventually towed.
I guess some things will just forever be a mystery.
I appreciate you linking to the comment so people can keep fully across the developments
I nearly commented yesterday to say it was still there. And muse at what it takes to actually have your car towed. I’m pretty sure a car parked in front of a city loop station in Melbourne would have been towed on the first day. In fact, a friend had her car towed from Flinders St about 4:05pm after it became a clearway at 4 one time. That was an expensive coffee!