Just got woken up by a cat to the face for moving my leg.
Why would you think it’s okay to move your leg though?
Moment of weakness 😔
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illness and wall of text rambles
My old aunt just rang and told me she has Alzheimer’s…kinda knew it for a while but now confirmed. She is in assisted living and very well cared for but…dang…she is very dear to me and I don’t want her to go through that after such a big strong life.
So proud of her for moving into a care home when she got older though. She was so sad about it but knew it was the right thing and she did it on her terms and now she will have support and care. And a more advanced care option when that happens.
But …man…
oh no
so many hugs
Today is the first day in 3 months I haven’t used a pain killer or anti-inflammatory . Back is slowly getting better. 😊
Good work. Be proud and stay proud.
Thanks. :)
-big hugs-
That is a massive achievement. Progress is good!
Congrats, I hope this means the pain is getting more manageable
Miss Meow is having a nap after a trying day supervising my study.
That is a majestic floomp!
So guess who gets his car back? I’ve warned the mrs time and time again to slow the f down and be more careful with it, but she drives like shes a character on mariokart. For some dumb reason she put an office chair in the garage to be thrown out, but it just hasn’t been done yet. I came home last night to find the office chair pinned between the brand new car and the end of the garage wall. She didn’t even notice she’d done it, and yep, shes scratched and dented the panel. Accidents happen, but i’ve been warning her for WEEKS something like this was going to happen. I didnt yell but MAAAAAN I am pissed.
Um, don’t you two have a child? I’d be less concerned about scratches and more concerned she didn’t notice she hit something. Today it was an office chair… When your child is a walking toddler…
I’m not trying to shit on her, but she needs more awareness in these situations (I obviously don’t you or her, so this is just based on this post). Too many news stories of people not watching the kid/not seeing the kid in the driveway or garage, and the parent… Well. You understand what I’m trying to say I think.
100% agree. i’ve warned her in the past if I catch her “go karting” with the kid in the car again there will be a serious conversation. But no, Tinyest cant walk yet, and is never unsupervised outside.
It’s definitely a serious concern especially as visibility of small children from high set SUVs is atrocious. So easy to run over even a 5yo. Maybe frame it as a matter of costs too, if she’s not receptive to comments on her driving skill (and I say this as someone who sucks at parking) If not the cost to fix the car, because maybe she thinks it’s nbd, then the reduced value of the car when it’s time to sell.
She needs a tennis ball on a piece of string suspended from the roof. When the ball hits the windscreen you know to stop.
Or, hear me out, learn the size of your car and garage. The sizes do not change. Figure it out and work with it.
Harsh, but I have very little sympathy for people who aren’t aware of their car when driving/parking.
Duuude you wanna know the real bad part? I left this out for the shortness of the story, but since she got her “new” car she’s insisting that it goes in the garage. Technically everything will fit, both cars in gives is 600mm between the walls and each car, but I’ve stressed this is a bad idea since A) her car was lightly damaged by the previous owners and she doesnt want to pay to fix it so is it really worth the squeeze? and B) 2 cars in such close proximity with a young kid? someone’s gonna get scratched.
One is a 45k suv, the other is an 8k 12 year old hatch, one is worth protecting the other is not. And yet, she still managed to scratch the SUV when her car wasnt even in the garage. So she’s lost parking privilege’s in the garage.
Or she could just reverse in. Its a 2023 “Luxury” (cough bullshit cough) SUV. its got reverse parking sensors. There were so many points at that this was a preventable accident, and she knew how obsessed I was with looking after it I just cant accept she was unintentionally this oblivious.
REVERSE SENSORS and it still happened?
Nah, that’s car privileges lost right there. Also, when parking one should always to reverse into the spot if practical.
Oh please. May I remind you both that it was a minor bingle with an office chair. Shit happens. No one died. Lucky it was in the garage and not in an actual public parking spot.
Completely avoidable damage to a new car. I’d be frustrated and upset too.
But, I am very critical of poor driving and parking, so my judgment in such situations will always be very harsh 😁
A minor bingle that she was warned time and time and time again would happen if she wasn’t more careful? Thats not an accident, its ignorance. I get some people dont really care, a car is a car and thats totally fine but there is a lot of history here and I lost my pride and joy and ended up with this SUV. I offered it to her when she needed a new car “no no no” she says “I want my own”. Sure. We buy something together and she immediately steals my SUV and scratches it, thats shitty no matter how you look at it.
Did you get rid of the office chair after it happened?
She did, yes.
rant about dumb ex again
Ugh. After my dumbass fuckwit ex msgd and tried to gaslight me last me, I reported their profile on FB for nonsense. Obviously it was rejected. Partner says I shouldn’t have, because I showed I hadn’t grown like my ex said. That I should have taken the high road.
Fuck the high road. Fuck the fucking high road. I took the high road the entire time I was with my ex. You try losing 8 years to an abusive fucktard and then you take the high road. I’m tired of taking the high road. I don’t care that I “played right into their hands”. I understand shouldn’t have done it, it was a moment of weakness, but I don’t regret it and I don’t feel bad about it. I had no fucking agency to do anything, Brittany Higgins case has ensure I will never report the heinous shit they did. I reject the high fucking road. I have entertained so many petty revenge plans (envelopes of shit or glitter, signing them up to religious orgs, ecetera) but I always took that stupid high road. But one fucking nonsense report apparently makes that all meaningless. I will never have justice, I will never see them be held accountable for their crimes. But fuck me for being petty. I’m tired of victims being told to be better.
I think I’m triggered, gotta distract myself and perhaps I’ll feel differently.
I think you should block him and cut all further contact from him if you can.
It’s not really good for you and he’ll continue to do what he does which is exactly what he wants
Don’t let him win. You’re strong and amazing and he doesn’t deserve you in his life.
She is blocked, the throwaway they used is deleted anyway, and they don’t use their old reddit account lol.
One last thing I’ll do, is make my own throwaway and post their message/letter to unsent letters. Just gotta put it where it should have gone in the first place.
I haven’t seen or spoken to them since early 2019. This was the first contact we’ve had since then. I don’t believe it will happen again because I was quite sassy at them lol
I agree with you completely though. It just hurts. I really appreciate this message, sincerely. You totally right 💜
Oh it’s a throwaway? That’s not very helpful at all.
Might be good for you but I’m not an expert on those things I must admit.
Whether they’re aware of it or not their behaviour is unacceptable and it should never come at the expense of you and your feelings and your wellbeing.
They could end up repeating it again but I suggest not talking to them directly as that only gives them what they want, writing ghost letters to get your feelings out would be better.
I’m sorry that it hurts, some are slow to heal, some might never go away but we have to all keep moving forward and you’re in a good place now and that’s something you should be proud of
so many hugs
the only good road is the road outta there
tell all your friends and family what he did
And how do arseholes do it? How do they steal and abuse and get away with it?
I think it’s chutzpah, they know people don’t fight back.
I have a pinned post on FB detailing everything she did. Everyone who knew her and me, knows what happened and what they did. Some don’t believe, and they were unfriended and removed immediately. The rest blocked her lol.
I tried to leave so many times, but the gaslighting and trauma-bonding was intense.
They do it and get away with it, because the system lets them. Because victims have to relive their trauma over and over just to maybe get a conviction. The system is not kind to those who survived.
We are strong, though, purely because we are good humans. She will never break me again.
my exFIL had an abusive wife but because she was a little old lady who had spent years setting up a victim story it was going to be impossible to sue her for forging exFIL’s will
They plan this shit. I am sure of it. They know the system and play it.
Grab a brush and put a little make up
Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up
wake up!
make up!
shake up!
Nothing gives me more pleasure than feeding my family…a smaller portion of hot chips than myself and making them believe they got a little extra. Aita. Ummm. Fuck yeah.
That genuinely made me laugh. Good work!
It’s really good poker face practise.
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i have a headache today and the logical thing to do is just eat and rest but i also want to get the actually-relevant-job application (closes on monday) done
please tell me to do nothing
They say looking for a job is a job and it’s time for Friday drinks so grab your juice box and go nuts
thank god
🧃 🌰
That looks like a Arnotts Royal. Mmmm
now i want one
Controversial but I prefer them over Tim Tams.
i am with you
I’ve been looking at diy smores recipes. Marshmallow and chocolate sandwiched between 2 biscuits, wrapped in foil and airfried. Then I thought how could I make it better. I know, a layer of raspberry jam in there. I have all the ingredients, I’m just waiting for a time to execute this sickly sweet plan.
A well rested mind is more productive in the long term.
🛏 thank you gibson
You will write a better ap with your brain in gear.
i shall take my brain to service
Just rest now bacon. It’s the weekend.
Thank you CEO
Peppermint Aero does not come in large enough packages. Just saying.
Just buy two blocks instead of one.
Totally agree. It’s way more efficient to sweep into the bin when in larger sizes.
🤣 burn
I put in a passport renewal application this morning - it was so easy!! I thought I had missed the timeframe in which I could do a renewal (I think they extended it) so I was expecting to have to do another full application, so spending 5 mins at home and 15 mins at the post office was absolutely great.
There was a lady there doing a passport photo for her kid which looked a lot more troublesome - she had to hold him out awkwrdly so she wasn’t in the photo, then they had to do it all again because he dribbled all over himself and the mum wanted a drool-free photo. He at least was allowed to smile. I had to channel the memories of stepping off a 13 hour flight followed by a long slow shuffle through immigration queues to get the appropriate soulless stare required to ensure my photo will match my likely presentation at the airport.
It’s so nice when a life admin task goes smoothly.
I redid my passport photo recently and it’s a shocker - so grumpy. At least it will match my long-haul flight expression
Mine don’t actually look too bad. The lighting did highlight a few skin imperfections I’d rather pretend didn’t exist, but overall I look a lot less like a dodgy drug mule than in my last passport photo. It does look a bit odd to me though because I had to take my glasses off for the photo and I pretty much never do that in real life.
I don’t wanna go to bed. Going to bed takes me one step closer to the whole process which ends with getting up and going to work tomorrow morning. Don’t wanna.
It’s a sunny day so I’m out to get some rays for my mental health :)
When Nagi from Recipetin eats was taking inspiration for her cookbook people were requesting things like more salads and airfryer recipes which is really not her thing. I wrote sesame prawn toast. Imagine my surprise when it made it into the book. So my question for the day is:
What is something that you’ve contributed to that has also benefited others? Big or small. It doesn’t matter.
In the 80s and 90s I used to help organise and run Confests.
What are Confests?
I just googled it. That’s pretty cool!
Very big hippie festivals , like thousands of people would turn up
https://www.dte.org.au/news/Sept83.PDF newsletter written by George , I remember him!! old dutch guy who smoked bidis all the time
most my mates from that time ended up in byron bay
What was the smell like? A mixture of BO and incense or something else?
Pit toilets are pit toilets. You cope. Otherwise it mostly smells like dust and campfire.
ha ha, we had use of real club house loos.
like a sweet cigar
oh, you mean the festival?
It was outdoors, so just the smell of gum trees and heat
the food avenues would always smell of delicious Indian street food
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I’m not even remotely hipster and had fun there. Be prepared for plenty of crunchy type persons though, many of them naked.
Wrote an essay that got my lecturer to ask the Uni library order a pretty expensive book
!Huge! volunteer job at International level for [hobby]
Won several design comps for logos & stuff
I enquired about a brand new book at the library and the dude at the desk informed me they did not have it but has now added it to the booklist for a delivery from the supplier.