🌞 Months ago I started working really hard at disarming the trigger of hearing the accent/dialect of my father. 50 uurs later of watching dutch and flemish tv I can listen to what ever I want without any neg feelings ( mortal dread ) arising.
So now I have started watching the movie philosophy of art channel I really wanted to and it’s goed.
It’s so hard to disarm the ghosts in our heads but it’s worth it. 🌞 I could have just thought to myself; I don’t like this movie channel, I don’t like this guy; that would have been easy. But I knew that was rubbish, I did like it and he was a smart nice guy worth listening to , so I made the effort. I also didn’t want my father to succeed. How dare he mess me up like that. It’s my life. :)
( I also watched all the movies talked about, most I had already seen ) so I at least had a reference point. 👍
That’s no mean feat. I’m glad you could get past that particular ghost. Hugs
Thanks. It feels so good not to be triggered by that anymore. :)
That’s an awesome achievement, and well done you on conquering those ghosts
Well done! Any tips on what worked well?
keep my focus on the end goal, for me it was watching the movie channel. It is important to me.
try to immerse myself in other aspects of the situation than what triggers me
in this case the trigger was the accent and dialect, so while still hearing in the background I concentrated on the story and the visuals
slowly increase my attention to the trigger, I suppose you could call it desensitisation
in the past while overcoming triggers I would allow myself to literally run or stop an activity, but only ONCE, that was the deal I made with myself, thereafter I had to be brave and face my trigger
Yes, some of the hardest work ever but soooo soooo worth it. True courage is being afraid but not letting that stop you. Had to face something like that (different context), and it took a lot of repetition to de-sensitise.
Thanks. And I want to thank and hug everyone again for your support and kind words. I had no idea I would get such a response. 😭
And I want to point out that it can only be done from a place of safety. Being in a safe place is like the first thing my psych said to me on my first visit.
If there is still a dangerous situation focus on escape or harm mitigation.
Behold the prawn gyoza of doom
Smoke 'em if you gottem
Tm will be interesting.
wow, they look awesome
would oil or dairy help?
Some say dairy… some say sugar helps.
I think I’m on the dairy team :)
those look scary, I’d be eating butter 😐
So do you fry them on the side? I fry them on the bottom then add water to the frypan and put the lid on.
I do I know you’re not supposed to though :(
Hey, no. You do you. They look superb.
Chapter 498 of the weird things the kids do nowadays that I just can’t conceive of doing back when I was their age. Bunch of kids on the tram kicking heads of broccoli around. At least 3 of them (broccoli heads that is, kids were more like a dozen or so). And marking them when they went airborne. BrocSoccer? Brocfooty? This seems perverted to me.
I can come at wine cask liner football (have played that myself back when I was flexible), but random violence to vegetables is a new one to me. Shakes fist at clouds.Food is cheap.
when I was growing food was expensive, you didn’t waste it or play with it
Idk. I bet you could find a soccer ball cheaper than a head of broccoli at woolies
Me too. As I have a vegie patch, and when you’ve nurtured something through to edible status for months, then this sort of thing just revolts me.
Bunch of kids on the tram kicking heads of broccoli around.
A bit like our fluffy cat.
Demands for brocolli. Proceeds to protect it with his life, hissing at anyone who comes near it, and kicking it around for a bit, then abandons it after 15 minutes.
Already half way home on the tram *dusts hands* what a day
<plays Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5>
Want to move ahead But the boss won’t seem to let me I swear sometimes that man is Out to get me
What a way to make a livin’ 🎶
I haven’t been able to brush the fluffy cats the past few months so now they have hair balls and are chucking up. Great.
But it means I get to brush them. 🌞🐈⬛🐈⬛
lol this face made me miss having a cat. They’re such wildcard goofballs.
She’s such great value lol You never know what’s going to happen next. Lately she’ll wait around a corner and jump up and attack my leg, then scamper off. So adorable.
It may have finally got me. Body parts feel tired. Tonsils working overtime to conquer whatever lurgy the kid dragged in. Shall drug up now.
No sympathies please. It is what it is. Plus I have hcbs and slaves.
Half of my team at work seem to be dealing with something funky. Starts off in the throat, moves to the nose, then chest. They’re not happy.
Offices are the same as childcare centres. Cesspits of communal filth.
Sort of. Just heavy body feeling.
If you love hot cross buns here’s a tip for youse buy extra and freeze them because after Sunday they will be gone.
Don’t come at me about raisin bread because they’re not the same.
Oh and I have ingredients for choc ripple cake.
Aldi sells them year-round. Seems to be a limited amount of them so they often sell out. Which is good - you can have them every month, but probably not every week.
I did not know that!
Piedmonte’s sells not cross buns all year - they just have a diagonal stripe not a cross on the top. Very yum.
There’ll be a lot of disappointed anacondas after Sunday. I actually haven’t had a single HCB this year yet. I should make the effort to get my hands on some high quality buns before the weekend.
Get on it pronto.
We’ve still got a couple HCBs from Ferguson Plarre in the freezer from last year!
How is that possible!
Chook has been chattering a mile a minute since he woke up. It’s like he’s trying to tell me something
Is it morning scream time?
The cockatiel used to sing and get very chatty every morning
Crazy how my local pharmacy will charge $90 for a product I need, but Amcal only charges RRP ,which is $50, for the same thing.
More of a hike, but still cheaper to do the PT trek across town than to walk 10mins down the road. Make it make sense ugh
The Amcal near me on Lygon st is really good. Still at least 30 minutes on PT from where you are
Ah yep, I have to go to the one in Prahan. I always treat myself at Flinders buying a coffee hehe
I’m going to Daiso. Anyone want anything?
Origami paper, more mini cutters, and any Hello Kitty lollies thanks.
I’m back and missed your lists. Next time.
Some really beautiful wrapping paper - about 70 cm by 120 cm. Not fussed about the exact design. In blue tones if possible.
The kids are addicted to those little lego sets. They must have about 10 each of them by now.
I wrapped up a little doggy bag for my kid last night. This morning when she opened it she really appreciated the 5 chips, hot dog and 2 hot dog skins I left her. 😂
wth is a hot dog skin?
The red skin coating that’s sometimes on hot dogs that’s made of God knows what. It sometimes peels of in the cooking process.
omg, that is dreadful
Yeah they’re pretty grim.
I can’t get my photo to work. Which might be to do with the buy-one-get-one-free cocktails. But please know I have a spectacular view tonight.
My endorsement is abnormal. Press 3 for Chinese. Last warning ‼️
Feeling very meh and not really wanting to make dinner. I might just pick on some snacks and have an early night.
Same I’m getting fish n chips and going to bed I think
good night 🤗
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Baku, do a RAT if you have one.
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That’s so good to hear! Now you look after yourself, now.
could just be a cold
rest and take care
oh no. Take care and rest.