Spoiler depression, therapy etc.
Have struggled all year with getting elder minipeeler to school. Have realised he is suffering from depression which needs treatment, so an appointment with GP has been made. He just isn’t motivated at all, and recently has just seemed really sad and can’t explain/doesn’t know why. Sometimes he lashes out in anger and frustration and is immediately regretful and even sadder. He had therapy last year for anxiety and it looks like we’re going to go down that path again. Mr P can see it too and thankfully agrees, or I’d have a battle there (Mr P is famously anti therapists after bad experiences when he was younger. Was sent to The Melbourne Clinic and almost was given shock treatment, so it’s understandable). Mr P is taking him to the appointment. Now I have to go to work and carry on when I feel like a shattered husk. However I’m feeling I tell myself it’s worse for him. Fingers crossed for my boy today.
Aww no, poor EP :(
So glad that he has parents who give a shit and are helping him to get the help he needs, not just giving him a clip around the ears and telling him to ‘man up’. Fingers crossed for him here too.
Hey PeelerShelia. The good thing is you’re getting help for him. My daughter was having issues (lockdown didn’t help) and was able to find someone at Headspace. She hated it at first but was eventually able to open up. Even to this day if she has a worry she’ll call her counsellor.
I would ask her how her session went and leave it at that. If she wanted to tell me, cool. If not, no worries. Best thing you can do is to listen when he talks but carry on (as hard as that is) as normal. Best wishes to you and your family. xxx.
Respectfully? Absolute win here! Early intervention is key, recognising they need help and getting it is A+ parenting. I know you probably feel a bit down at the moment, but pat yourselves on the back.
Also if they are up for it, go for a weekend away somewhere. Camping is great but any chance of scenery/routine can help a lot.
So many hugs , my thoughts go out to young minipeeler.
You’re doing awesome. A lot of parents would ignore the problem or even be hostile to a child that’s already suffering, telling them just suck it up. There are some really shit parents out there. You being concerned and upset that your child needs some help is the sign that you care deeply and want the best for them. World would be a better place if more kids had a home like yours.
This is gonna sound arrogant as f, but let me give you a little context: I’ve never been super happy with how I looked. Not the ugliest dude but like I’d maybe call myself a 4 or a 5 if you wanna use that shitty scale.
Anyway, last night coming home from the gig I caught my reflection. And despite looking exhausted with my sad boi skater look and my punk rock hoodie: I absolutely woulda taken me home. I looked a little pathetic, but pretty handsome.
Dude. Some of us like our Punks & Skaters. Fuck suits, gimme a utility kilt and some stripy long socks.
I can relate. I would fuck me.
Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me, I’d fuck me hard.
Gonna be a bit naughty. Would you wear these?
witchy poo socks 🤭
Yes, but I was posting the pizza pants 😜
the pizza pants are awesome
today I am wearing mushroom pants with a stripe top
In a heartbeat. What are the fronts like? Are the patches there to hide holes? If so, props to you.
Don’t think I’ve got a front pic. No holes. These are as is from scratch.
Here you go.
Wow! Yes I’d wear those - teamed with a frilly lacy sleeveless top that picks up the base colour of the pants and a big big hat.
I shall make you a pepperoni cockade for that gigantic hat 😸
Oooh yes please!
Is that a Hawaiian pizza?
Hot Hawaiian please 🌶️
They found Jesse and Luke’s bodies. Horrid situation but I’m glad they were found, both for the family’s sake and for a solid case against the murder.
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Those poor families.
oh no. 😔
Finally, bed time!
Good night from the cupboard cat
Got home last night to find that boyo has bought us a PS5 ahead of FFVII-Rebirth coming out on Thursday. I am so unbelievably excited!! And also to share playing it with him - the OG FFVII being our gateway gaming drug as kids was a nice moment to share when we were going to know each other more.
My wife is SO excited. I’m a district instructions to go pick it up on Thursday at lunchtime and load into the PS5 so it installs an updates ahead of her arrival Thursday night.
Boyo will be doing the same since he finishes work before me! I’m planning on getting us something tasty for dinner as a thank you and so neither of us have to cook since I get first whack at playing it!
Kill it Spin’s boyo!
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If I lived far enough out that I needed V/Line to get to work, I’d make arrangements to work from home most of the time, anyway. I would not relish commuting in by V/Line daily. Even from as close as Geelong. Three hours on the train to/from work sounds like too much to do every day.
I had a workmate in Taralgon, that journey was something like 3 hours each way. She only came in once per week, and that was 10 years ago, before a pandemic made working from home common. That said, she did a fair bit of work on the actual train and didn’t even stay in the office the entire work day.
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Blink 182 was amazing. Several train delays home on the other hand are less amazing. And my cold/flu addled brain has pretty much given up on…. Everything.
The new air con at work is finally installed. I am going to be soooooo grateful tomorrow. Now just the cleaning up after the tradies. Is there a secret code for tradies about making as much mess as possible? I’ve spent a fair bit of time this afternoon fishing lumps of dead ceiling tile out of the photocopier. The less said about the carpet the better.
Some good news, my new offsider starts next Monday.Excellent timing!
Bill is so fluffy he had dags. He was so embarrassed but it’s not his fault, he’s too fluffy, he’s drawn that way. 😿💩 All fixed up now.
Mr Woof can sympathise, he sometimes has the same problem. I generally keep the area clipped short but he’s not real fond of that process either.
There’s an uncontrolled bushfire in Australind in WA at the moment. My mum has just finished moving into a new home about 500m north of where homes are currently threatened, and fire is moving north… She’s safe but her partner is still there trying to keep the place safe
Oh no. Thinking safe thoughts
Looks like it’s under control, going to be tough for them to sleep tonight though I bet!
As much as coming into the office is a pain (boo wearing pants), getting out of the apartment on days like this isn’t so bad. Just had a nice egg and lettuce roll and an iced coffee sitting outside a cafe on Bourke Street. Absolutely delightful 👌
After surviving the storm with no power loss my area has decided to join in and have a power outage this morning. I keep trying to turn on lights anyway.
Edit: outage tracker showing someone expected to arrive to assess the fault at 6:43 but is “delayed”. This does not bode well for a speedy resolution.
Bonus Edit: Now at nearly four hours without power and the fault is still listed as “awaiting assessment”.
Happy Edit: Power is back!
Try to buy some needed stuff from Officeworks… Repetitive 406 error. Do youse want my fucking money or not
When I was placing a click & collect order for school supplies earlier this year, I’d get to about 6 or 7 items in my cart and it’d just have a seizure and wipe them all. I’m like, “don’t you want me to place a BIG EXPENSIVE ORDER‽ What on earth is WRONG with you‽”
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I checked and it had been having issues for other people too. Thankfully it seems to be back up now
I just ordered a gel cushion for my poor sore sciatica butt. 😭
Tonight I will be having chicken and coriander burritos.