Woo hoo, light workload day tomorrow!
why does it feel hotter today than yesterday?
It’s a bit humid, however nowhere close in temperature.
Perhaps you’re having a moment?
packing has commenced. I made the first book box and turned around for a sec to grab the box lid.
Looks all packed and ready to go.
He’s just making sure he won’t be forgotten
This is to be expected.
Miss Meow has been safely contained this afternoon inside a paper Coles bag that was lying on it’s side, but I’m not sure that would work against the allure of a box.
🎵 Everything is broken
Everything is screwed and we’re totally fucked 🎵
Fried rice is a lunch win
Boss: can you check grafana pls, we have a lot of sites currently offline
Me: yah, they’re all qld east coast
Boss: so?
our external management only reached out yesterday about a preemptive shutdown. Like, where the F you guys been all week?!
Looking at the bom in brissy for Sat…
35 to 150 mm jeez.
I feel deeply uncomfortable going to this funeral today. I really hate funerals, but it’s about being there to support a friend.
so many hugs
Noodle diaries day two:
Hot ones todayThat looks so tasty!!
Got a bit of a gentle but well-deserved telling off from my supervisor about needing to finish collecting data by the end of the month. Stupid fucking ADHD brain really does need a threat to kick start itself. I hate it but it is what it is. Let’s get this shit done.
I have read a few books on the science of motivation, ( I read a lot of science/text books on psychology and psychiatry )
and what I learnt is that humans are social animals and that everyone does better with external motivators like a coach or a muse or a boss.
Even Olympic athletes need a coach.
So I ask/tell myself, I am no where near as good or dedicated as one of these elite people and if they need a coach then what about the rest of us? Why is there some societal belief that getting help with motivation or nudges is a weakness? It’s not. Knowing we do better with other people giving motivation is a strength.
It’s very true, I do often need social motivation/a community to spur myself on, all the successful times in my life have been when I’ve had external motivators like that. I have often beat myself up about it because it feels like feeding my ego, and also it feels like a double edged sword - disappointment or discord with that external motivating person, especially a perceived sense of rejection, can have a dramatic negative effect (at least for me). But that shouldn’t stop me from reaching out while being realistic with expectations. I have been blessed to have one of the most lenient and supportive supervisors I could get…
The data knows it can run, but it can’t hide. It sees you coming and resigns itself to collection and analysis. Resistance is Futile, and you are unstoppable. You will kick the data’s arse into next week if it dares try to resist you. As has been said already, you got this =)
You are a fierce unrelenting data collector. They say it doesn’t collect itself but with your mettle, and at the helm, it may as well. You have this.
You are powerful, dedicated, thoughtful, thorough. You got this
Thank you 😭 I need every bit of an ego boost right now to stave off a massive wave of insecurity and shitfulness looming on the horizon
You can do this 🙂
Doing orthodontics claims. MAN people have expensive teeth
I’m gonna drink tea and watch The White Lotus all day today.
Looks interesting, might have to add it to my list.
S1 and S2 are AWESOME
Ooh shit I didn’t realise it was out yet. Hype
I think there’s 4 episodes out so far.
Hmm ok I will wait then. Don’t have sub to binge so will just do a one off sub when it’s all there
Yeah I normally wait for all the episodes but today I thought fuck it.
What makes macaroons so good? Why are they so expensive? I don’t think I’ve ever had one.
Do you mean macarons? Because they take more time to prepare and bake.
Macaroons are different. Kinda like a chewy biscuit because of the coconut.
yeah those, the fancy looking biscuits that seem to cost a few bucks each.
Yeah. There’s a lot more involved in the process. You have to get the flavouring right, let the mixture sit for a while, bake it slow like a pav. Blah blah. Well worth buying unless you know what you’re doing making them.
For the price I reckon it’s worth eating something else.
I really really like them.
I really like Porsche’s too but I’ll keep driving my old shitbox toyota.
They’re giving my hopeless co-worker the clients I’ve been managing.
This is fucking hilarious. They couldn’t even handle 1 client lol
This could be fun to watch.
Come on weekend, please get here soon, it’s a long weekend!
Four days for me 😊
Two days for me :(
-insert my usual works-most-public-holidays whinge here haha-
Happy Friday Eve!