Checking in from Melbourne:
Got home around midnight, flying through the storm was fun. It’s funny how the quick drops in altitude can make everyone gasp and scream. It’s like a giant musical instrument.
Vietnam is amazing.! It was great seeing all the locals out and about celebrating New Year with family…
It’s also nice to sleep in my own bed and see Jimmy the fat baby again
Welcome back!
Thanks cool cat!
Welcome back!
The storms were defiantly crazy and heavy last night, hope it didn’t freak you out while you were still in the air.
Thank you. I don’t mind a bit of turbulence now and then🙂
Did everyone give an applause on landing? Mostly european thing I think but I sure as shit woulda clapped.
Welcome back!
One white kid clapped lol.
Welcome home!
Coming back from tassie many years ago we had to wear seatbelts most of the way in this pissy little Ansett plane because of turbulence due to a storm. It was like 4wding in a mini bus hopping over potholes. Not ideal for my very first return flight home from interstate.
Happy you are home and thank you for sharing some pics from trip. It looked wonderful. 🌞
Thank you yes, it was pretty great!
Welcome back!! Glad you got home safely through that storm, twas a doozy!
Thanks, the lighting was crazy, I wish I had a window seat.
Welcome back! 🥳
Thank you!
Thank you!
Welcome back! We arranged some humidity to remind you of your holiday
I’m forever indebted 😊
Just got invited to 2nd stage interview for the 2nd place!
Have a meeting at 10am with old manager to give and get an update about what’s happening.
Edit: informed old manager of offer. Also spoke to new manager. Have a meeting with co-owner at midday if he turns up.
Is this the one that you didn’t think you’d progress with?
Yeah it is. It’s internal IT which is a good role.
That’s great news. I hope it works out
I am eternally grateful for i don’t have to do manual labour anymore. They didn’t care how hot it was.
The last one I had was house demolitions.
I would wake up in the morning and my hands were numb for about 30 minutes. I’d have to rub them until i got the feeling back in them. It was terrifying but the only option i had.
That was the end for me.
i don’t have to do manual labour anymore
Some things just break you (mainly awkward twisting with heavy things for me).
I’m lucky enough to be able to do shit around the garden at a far slower speed than proper labourers. It gets done but way less pressure / injury. Was forced ‘sort of’ to do a retaining wall few months ago but do it quickly and it ruined me for a week. Even if you’re fit it still wrecks you. Doing it day in day out would be brutal.
I think there’s a “use by date” for manual labour.
I am pretty fit, but that’s not enough after a while. It starts to eat away at your body and no amount of muscle or fitness can stop it eroding your joints.
It pays so poorly as well. So there’s literally no benefit except having a job if you desperately need one.
I know it sounds crazy but I value my permanent injuries, they are a history of my life and no one can gaslight me. They aren’t bad and day to day I don’t even think of them but if anyone tries to bullshit me I have the proof for myself
Family friend recently sold his business (domestic trades, fairly specialised). He’s been doing it for about 20 years. In his early 40’s and absolutely wrecked body. He’s okay, but not great for his age.
I’m always thankful for being a desk jockey in AC/heated rooms
This is the reason why the retirement age/pension age was set at 60 to begin with. At 60 a man with a work history of manual labor could expect a couple/few good years before dying, but probably no more than 10. Modern medicine/health care/better education has fucked that economic model.
So essentially we’ve extended our expiry date, to be exploited into our twilight years.
Damn you science!!!
Yep. The wonders of modern capitalism.
I had a shitty warehouse job for a few months in 2020 and I’m so glad I did that in winter instead of summer. A day like today anywhere but under air-con would suck so much
Yeah I hear you. I love physical work and love working with my hands, but I still wonder how long I can do it for. Especially in a non air conditioned factory around large commercial ovens all day. I doubt myself too much to do any study, and I don’t know what I would study for a change of career anyway. I feel kind of stuck. Mr P did demolition after a career of being a chef, and the two things ruined his health. When it’s hot it’s almost even worse, as they expect the work to be done faster so you can all get out of there. If you can’t start earlier on hot days you miss out altogether.
I doubted myself for study for a long, long time.
But i think if you were comfortable with office administration, you could get in without any extra study.
Shoot me a private message if you wanna have a chat :)
I’m super grateful for you being willing to give me some time, but in all honesty my admin skills are non existent, and the last time I worked in an office I was doing catering there lol. However I may revise my thoughts on the subject as I have literally no idea what I’m going to do!
I’m always happy to have a chat and help out if I can ❤️
Jill is off to the rescue to find her forever home along with some of her toys and kitten food and a few tears. Shes only about 6 weeks, so the rescue was going to put her in with some other kittens. Apparently she still needs time with them shes so young. Told them to forward me the vet bills and that we are the first and only call they need to make if they are unable to find her a home.
aww, I hope Jill finds a happy new home soon
us too. Cat rescue said they had so many lately which is just so sad.
Can we have a pic of the soot sprite?
Sorry the quality wasn’t great cause it was a dark room with an old phone. And she moved so damn fast!
I foresee no trouble with this cutie finding a forever house 🖤
She’s gonna make some lucky owner very very happy!
Nooooo she is so darling and precious. I would’ve considered adopting her if I wasn’t in transitory housing
If you’re in a position to please consider an adult cat. Much easier for kittens to find a home, that’s the reason we were able to give her to the rescue.
Tbh if it wasn’t for a specific situation like this, I’d probably be more inclined to adopt an adult cat rather than a kitten as I sorta prefer the zen vibe of an older, more settled cat. Kittens are a lot of work!
What a cute little void ⚫️
In the truest sense. She can just disappear!
Oh she is pretty 😍
Yep. Tiny little thing. Sharp claws though!
Those that walk their dog in this heat should be launched into the sun, and the dog should be the one to press the button.
Mrs found a rescue org to take them in (the cat, not the Mrs!) Mrs is a WRECK. Shes very very upset, but admits we really really dont have space or time. But our name will be top of the list if they cant find it a home.
It was the right thing to do, but I totally understand her being upset.
Can you share the name of the organisation? I’m trying to find one for the strays kittens.
Thank you ❤️
One at a Time as per Eagle’s recommendation. Mrs has assisted a tenant with temporary homing a cat with them in the past.
Not sure if these guys are near you - but if you can catch mumcat they’ll desex her for free with surrender of the kittens
Being single and healed is amazing, because the child-like naivety of not being able to relate to sad and angry breakup songs is back. Love songs also feel peaceful without having the excitement of being able to relate them to anything 😌 but maybe that’s just the way I listen to music
so many hugs
Went to the endodontist and had a third excavation. More appointments to come. Shitting myself at the enormity of the financial hook I’ve got myself onto but it has to be done.
Lishping like Sean Connery. Shexy.
Last night was crazy. I don’t ever remember a thunder storm lasting that long. Loved every minute of it except trying to keep the dog quiet so the others could sleep.
Last night was crazy. I don’t ever remember a thunder storm lasting that long.
Hey dont shame it. The storms put a lot of effort into improving its stamina!
No shame. The house was a rockin’.
Definitely longest and flashy-est that I’ve seen. looking at vicemergency seems like geelong copped it hard. Really lucky timing doing the gutters.
Bill got spooked which is so unlike him, I had to give cuddles. Ted, nothing seems to ruffle Ted other than trying to give him cuddles which will earn you a bite.
Looking at the beach water quality report everything except the beach I go to and portsea is red. Doubt many watch that especially in this heat. Free E.coli for everyone!
everything except the beach I go to
Username doesn’t check out
Urge to strangle banker at critical level. That bit was supposed to be sorted weeks ago 🤬🤬🤬
i just don’t even get angry anymore , no point in expending the mental energy
tho i do wish the banking industry here would die , it’s the most rapacious in the developed world and the government is complicit
Was outside for my daily duties today. For the brief time I was outside I felt like I was burning out there.
It was brutal!
So current work are discussing what I’ve requested minus 10k.
Which is still really good, but we’ll see.
Regardless I’ll take whatever they come back with and make a beeline for the exit when something better comes along.
If you end up accepting less, perhaps you could ask for a clear path towards the figure you asked for. Wouldn’t want to give them false belief that the issue is over and dealt with. ;)
That’s a good idea. Personally i think I’ll accept until I move house, and find something better down the track.
Last night the Mrs brought home a little black lost kitten. Its currently hiding out in the bathroom whilst we figure out our next move.
Anyone know the status of animal rescues/shelters these days? We dont really want a kitten. We’ve got 2 dogs, 2 cats and a toddler. Dont really have the time to give it the best life, plus figuring its a kitten it should have no worries finding a forever home. BUT if it doesnt… or if everywhere is full… I guess we have a new cat.
Given the weather, might be worthwhile posting on the the telegraph poles around your house - someone’s new kitten might have gotten lost or a mother cat lost track of all her litter.
So update: She became aware of it Thursday. She told the guardian to surrender it to her if they dont want it, which they did yesterday. Suspect someones had a litter of cats and its just been dumped on someone who really didnt want it.
Looks like the cat distribution system strikes again! But if you don’t have the capacity, One at a Time is a rescue I’ve adopted from before, outer south east.
haha thats who we reached out too!
They’re a good bunch! We’ve adopted from them in the past and still donate on the adoptaversary.
Oh awesome to hear. Yeah I plan to say to them “Invoice me for all of its care, and please let us know when it finds its forever home!”
Oof. I was in bed for about 11 hours and I think I might have only slept for 3 or so. Today’s going to be fun!
It is Monyay Funday!