Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 13°C, max - 25°C. 95% chance of no rain
Hey guys. Calling from Dunedin. I keep referring NZ as Shelbyville. Highlights so far: Lake Tekepo, Queenstown airport and the young dude who pointed out the copper one was “tin cints”. Very hard not to laugh at the language barrier.
Woohoo CEO! You should use some of that wifi you’re emitting to chuck us some photos!
Dunedin is lovely. Have a Speights for us.
Hope you and the family are having a great time!
Did you visit Larnach Castle?
We will be today
They came straight to me when I knelt down to pour the food out
I’d imagine gibson be like:
I swear she is so damn pampered lol
they know a gentle heart 🙂 and food
Strays need to look out for each other :)
The young Seagoons are here. 🙂🙂🙂
Hams! He remembers me! Definitely a bit more quiet than he used to be.
HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL the hydrangeas really complete the look
I wish I was as pretty as Hambam, what a stunner ✨️
What a beautiful boy. How old is he now? Mr Woof (and a previous Madam Woof) started to get a bit quieter around 2-3 years.
He’s about 4 now. He’s trying very hard not to play nip / jump up for attention heh.
Oh wow.
What a lovely dog.
I want one like that!
He is beautiful. 💖
He is so pretty!
Hambam!!! What a stunner!!
I currently have 5 potatoe in the microwave.
I’m going to need you to step AWAY from the microwave. Nice and slow…
You must always make one extra as an offering to @Force_majeure123 without whom we would be lost and ruined
Such giddy heights of spudtactularness.
Still? Um, have you checked whether or not the microwave is turned on? Or is this ultra decluttering storage technique?
Went well i think! Really nice people, wanting to do something different which is always cool!!!
Let’s see how it plays out.
that’s great 🙂
With regards to wrapping Christmas gifts; I have taken great care in the past, learned various techniques, using a minimal amount of tape, learning the art of bow making etc…
Various compliments were thrown my way, but, that couldn’t inspire me this year. This years gift wrapping has been a bit haphazard and uninspired with no thought or care given to paper colour choices, ribbon widths or bow size.
I have one more gift to wrap, I’m gonna pull myself together and make it count.
I don’t fuck with wrapping paper. I give the first one or two some effort, all the rest get thrown on the wrapping paper then wrapped as quickly and crookedly as possible
Some gifts even just go in those little gift boxes with the fake ribbon glued to the top
Wrapping gifts is an art form. Many people might brush the off the idea as a useless endeavor because the result doesn’t last long and is ultimately destroyed.
I happen to take pride in the craft. This is a gift to myself.
I do too. Anticipation is so important. 🙂
If I’ve wrapped a gift for anyone, it means I REALLY like them and value them. And then i will do a decent job of it. Everyone else gets a repurposed bag
I don’t brush it off, I just don’t have the skill or patience to bother with it past 1 or 2
What has been the difference this year?
sky pretty
Also moon big!
Crikey I’ve done literally nothing today… I have cleaning and packing to do, but I didn’t do anything
I only just got around to having a shower 😬
Best get stuck into the cleaning now, I invited the old LT over for lunch tomorrow, and I’m moving on Wednesday
I wonder how @[email protected] Is going in New Zealand. Hopefully she’s having a great time :)
Probably some activity like this…?
Why didn’t CEO take the Eagles?
I hope so too. 🙂
This derro sounding lady has been in the alley last night and RIGHT NOW on the phone, yelling and ranting and raving 😂 something about “those bloody Muslims”, how “Bill is a cunt”, and “Shelly can go get fucked”.
Oooo “it’s bloody bullshit” “I’m gonna go fuck myself then!?”
This is spicy
what the hell
I miss the days when people knew that bigotry was something to hide and be ashamed of, they knew it was antisocial.
well anyway derro lady can get fucked herself, we have laws protecting minorities from people like her
There’s more!!! She seems to be ranting about how her story should be in the news or something? That all the agencies will be writing stories about her and what she’s went through. This is littered with heaps of swears.
I can’t tell if she’s talking to an ex, a friend, or a company tbh
I don’t think this lady would care about being antisocial now or back then. She dropped the word cunt 5 times will I typed these two sentences.
I’m just out here having a smoke and a coffee choosing to laugh at this
Wait… She hates trump! Who the fuck is this lady holy shit 😂😂😂😂 She’s completely lost it on trump and the wall - I can’t breeeeeaaaathe
what does she want …lol
The Wall!!! She sounds like a Cooker who is totes sick of the bs and is leaving the cult , because no one else in Australia talks about that shit
She’s on the phone! I don’t know! 😂😂 Someone to write her story? She keeps mentioning her story, I think she’s actually been through trauma and has just lost it to whoever she’s on the phone to.
She is very clearly having a conversation with someone though, she isn’t having an imaginary convo that’s for sure
if it’s a story about being in Cooker Cult it might be a little interesting
I’m interested in that too!! Not gonna lie lol.
It’s Saturday, that’s when the Cookers have meetings and march
Meth psychosis. Classic.
Back from IKEA, thought Saturday night would be a good time to go to avoid crowds. Surprisingly more people there than I expected but very manageable. I hate crowded stores with a passion.
Had meatballs and this amazing cake for dinner from the restaurant, hit the spot.
Then the shopping began. Needed to collect KK present for next week but then “accidentally” spent an additional $160 on crap for my place.
I thought this only happened with colder air…?
🤔 The air is pretty cold up there
I saw that last night too.
Plans for the evening:
Wooden board food Some ps5 And guitar the rest of the night ❤️
The reverb pedal is an absolute gem and so far I feel it was worth the cost.
Haven’t tried the distortion pedal yet, saved it for today.
Band audition at 2pm and I went to bed at 3am lol. Time for more sleep.