Tickets to Singapore and Tokyo have been booked, AWWW YISSSS
eee! eat all the gyoza for us.
I’ll post pics!
Yay! I’m hopeful going to Japan next year and I’m looking forward to Daiso and all their competitors. So much interesting shit to buy.
Enjoy your holiday!!!
GIIIIIIIRL you are gonna lose your mind in Donki!! And Hands!! Omg I can’t wait to hear what you think. When are you thinking of going? Of course you have your NZ trip before then = when’s take off before that?!
Possibly April - May.
So bloody excited for you, dude!!!
Thank you! I’m excited for you too!
Take me in a suitcase, pls.
Sure, on the way there, but on the way back you gotta find your own way because I am planning on bringing back enough Mofusand stuff to shame myself.
Yeeeee!!! When are you going?
Going to Singapore to 31/12 and then Tokyo a couple of days after that! Much excite!
Oooh fun start to the new year! Be prepared for the huge temperature difference haha. Today would be a cool day in Singapore…
IKR - it’s gonna be brutal!! We’ve got just a smidge over 48 hrs in SNG before hitting Tokyo winter. And I hate winter, so hoping Tokyo winter makes it less painful…
Shit yeah, you go!
a cool sunset tinted fog has descended onto the city
While the humidity is soooo gross, I’ve been loving the gothamesque feels of our city when it’s like this. 🖤
definitely Gothamesque
Back to Melbs today.
Have to leave behind the fence jumper Winston who just had a bath by his owners and here he is a few minutes later in my place rolling around in dirt:
Good boy Winston 🐶
Well I’m off to bed now. I’m not particularly tired because I accidentally dozed off between 8am-12pm, but with a sufficient amount of melatonin and laying dead still for a few hours I’m sure I’ll get there eventually…
4am wakeup 😟 very jam packed day. I’ll post unsolicited photos of train stations that stopped being train stations approx 5 decades ago tomorrow Arvo!
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I find it very helpful. It’s not a sedative though, it basically just creates tiredness is how I’d describe it. But it doesn’t knock you out, so if you get too stuck in your head it’s not particularly effective. And if I get too excited or too into planning, I can’t sleep until I’ve finished the thought process. Super useful for resetting sleep schedules though
Do you follow Thebusofdoomfsx on YouTube? I think they’d be right up your alley
Yep, sure do. I don’t watch very much anymore, I’ve gotten more into the ones with voiceovers (ie TaitSet, Quazzy Transport, Philip Mallis), but during the lockdowns I binged so much bus of doom
Yay! Looking forward to it!
Do you follow Thebusofdoomfsx on YouTube? I think they’d be right up your alley
Half past and there was no daily thread yet. Hope nobody minds me doing it
Thank you, Baku. I was worried about doubling up!
Haha, I was too honestly. You should’ve seen how many times I refreshed the page making sure nobody posted at the exact same time 😅
By the way, if anybody doubles up, I’ll probably point and laugh, but it’s all in jest, there’s no hard feelings, and doubling up is better than going til 9 in the morning without a DT ;)
Not at all. It’s currently being done by whoever’s up and alert at this hour.
Hmm, maybe I should see if I can work out how to setup a knockoff botbot
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According to a voicemail I received overnight from a private number, my dad is gay and apparently great in bed. It’s a tough conversation and so I understand his choice to send a giggly teen boy as a messenger to let me know. Though given we haven’t spoken in years I think the call could have waited a bit longer until a more hospitable hour.
Sorry this gave me a much needed giggle 😂 prank callers really have lost their gravitas haha
Quite a progressive youngster though. As a teen boy you’d usually have fucked someone’s mum, not their dad. The youth are going to be OK.
We’ve come along way since “Is your fridge running”?
Reading a thread on the other place, from auscorp and people being fired for accessing data they shouldn’t. Man, why? Like, firstly, the Privacy Act is really fucking strict, and is drilled in during training, with excerpts used in the e-learning and whatnot. Secondly, one user states their ex-colleague looked up the CEOs account for the bank they worked at lol, so so so dumb 😭
Reminded me of when I worked at one of the energy companies, and we heard Hugh Jackman had an account with us. We were told, so extremely explicitly, not to access it at all, don’t even think of accessing it, he has an account manager so we mere phone monkeys have no reason to check it out and we’ll be fired if we do.
Nek minit, my colleague left her brain cells at home and did the dumb. 😂 She was fired so fast time stopped for her 😂
Yeah, I remember years back someone phone up a radio station saying that a well known celebrity claimed their cosmetic surgery as medical procedures. It’s like dumbass, someone will recognise your voice.
The level of entitlement to know people’s personal information is mind boggling.
It’s so stupid and audacious 😭 like, the company will have ways to find whether you accessed data in good faith, and will kick you to the curb if you didn’t note the account with a good reason as to why it was accessed. People have been seriously injured and died from assholed accessing data to find where they live. It’s protection that should never be violated.
Like, we were even told not to access our own accounts, or accounts of people we know. If we got a call from someone we knew, we had to transfer it to a different consultant.
Like, what goes through these people’s heads that they think they won’t be caught and sacked? I don’t get it 😭
I realise this is a controversial opinion, but tbh I reckon some of the blame for these kind of things needs to rest on the company, too. The principle of least privilege should always be used where possible. If you don’t need to access information, you really shouldn’t even have the option, at least not without either the client/customer’s approval, or a managers authorisation
Humans are curious things, it’s bounds to happen. Firing people after it does is a reactionary response, not a preventative one. And prevention is better than cure, especially when it comes to personal information
(My perspective comes mostly from being in care, because pretty much every single piece of information about me, including things often said in confidence, lives in a little grey box with no transparency about what goes on or who has access. And there have been data breaches in the past, where people from certain organisations managed to gain access to the files for clients within completely separate organisations, with multiple instances of support workers using that access to do terrible things. I wasn’t involved in that, and have never even worked with that organisation, but it’s still something that used to play on my mind a lot and made me quite upset and worried. I realise that my views are probably a little OTT for certain industries that handle less confidential information, but that are still covered under the privacy Act. I still believe all systems handling PII should always use the principle of least privilege and fail safe, though)
The principle of least privilege should always be used where possible. If you don’t need to access information, you really shouldn’t even have the option, at least not without either the client/customer’s approval, or a managers authorisation
Nice idea in theory, but imagine you had a bank or energy account and had to call customer service. If the agent has to get approval to access every account, that would be so, so time consuming, the company wouldn’t have clients/customers. There isn’t enough managers on the floor or available for that to be feasible. So they drill into us phone monkeys that we are not to access that kind of data (celebrities, people we know). The authorisation to access comes from the customer calling in, and asking for an action or info on their account. This is also why, in the back end, everything is logged: the date and time, which agent, whether a note was left, what the interaction was for, etc. We are told, over and over, not to do it, with Privacy Act citations.
Besides, there are preventions in place. Example: I was trained, at one point, to deal with only residential customers. I could not access Small-to-Medium business accounts, nor Large Business accounts. When I was promoted, that’s when further training was provided and my access upgraded. Again, everything is logged, and every phone monkey KNOWS it’s illegal to access that info without a customer asking, or without a manager asking. I had to access Large Business accounts without a customer telling me to, because I was doing remittance. I’m talking over $1m in one payment from one company.
The phone monkeys know it’s wrong without authorisation. I promise you they KNOW. It’s on them at that point and they should expect at least a firing, if not legal action.
If the agent has to get approval to access every account, that would be so, so time consuming, the company wouldn’t have clients/customers. There isn’t enough managers on the floor or available for that to be feasible.
Some other call centres request authorisation through the caller in the form of an OTP, which doesn’t seem like a bad system. Or some banks still require phone banking passwords (although I believe they’re mostly about protecting the bank from the liability of somebody impersonating a customer, I don’t think that is required to access files. It should be though)
When you work in a call centre, let me know, and maybe we can then discuss this.
Bit rude. I’m allowed to have opinions on how I believe companies should handle my personal information. If you don’t think companies should have any semblance of accountability for how they process and treat personal information because it would slightly inconvenience you, that’s fine, but you don’t get to stop me from sharing my opinions.
why would they even mention hugh jackman’s name? 🙄
Ikr stupid on the managers part there 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
I found one of Hugh’s early autographs at work the other week. It’s rather timid looking, don’t think he was used to it yet.
Time to learn a couple of new songs.
First on the list is “Orestes - A Perfect Circle (Acoustic demo)”
edit: alright, music is done, vocal is rough but in time. Solid enough to practice without needing the sheet music.
Next is “Right where it belongs - Nine Inch Nails”.
And I figured out how to deal with the subtle racism when looking for a band. I changed my profile photo to me playing at a gig lol
Yass, giving me life!
Sorted 2 garbage bags of clothing for donation. Made maple syrup gingerbread people to try a different recipe (also used last of the golden syrup with yesterday’s batch). Made different coloured icing and put it into little bags so the Minipeelers could get creative (and messy!). Don’t think it’s quite as good as the original recipe, but the original recipe is a banger. Took the Minipeelers out for a walk, was very humid and kinda yucky. Found bathing suits and goggles for Miniest for her school based week of swimming lessons. Locksmith is coming tomorrow to fix our door lock (Mr P’s key snapped in the lock late last week and we couldn’t get it out. Then he tried to fix it himself 🙆🏼♀️). Now I’m having McDonald’s because I can’t be bothered doing anything else.
Ew it’s sticky
Yeah I’ve underestimated how much it saps one’s energy. I forget this every time summer rolls over. Can’t bring myself to run the AC a third day in a row tho.
Alright 2 songs down to an acceptable level. I’ve earned some fucking around time lol
Sky pretty. Glowing mushroom pink.
Gone now. And fog, goddammit fog! has rolled in. This is seriously weird.
Wow, fog! It’s so thick too! Can’t see the tops of adjacent skyscrapers in the city at all.
Lying in bed listening to the rain is lovely
So good. I have a lot to get through today but another hour here listening is too good.
That’s exactly what I’m doing too. Relishing it before everyone else wakes up and starts wanting things lol.
Watched the Buy Now documentary on Netflix. I don’t like the Netflix documentary style, but the message is still worth watching for. Am disgusted by how much waste we create. Not much we can do on an individual scale, and corporates and governments have no incentive to change anything. Consumption is profit. Economy above all else.
and yet it isn’t small purchases that improve our lives but co-operative purchases like government infrastructure and services that do
another thing is that consumerism is subtle. No one who has an out of fashion kitchen remodelled and gets new appliances thinks their purchases count towards environmental degradation. It’s just the people with 4 cars.