Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
So we have Hot Take Thursday. Fuckoff Friday and now introducing and taking submissions for Sasspants Saturday.
I’ll go first.
The other night, did a bunch of gyoza as all the fam were together (4 plus bro’s new wife). no biggie easy stuff. There’s a custom here that we all say ‘hey thanks that was nice’ even if it wasn’t. That didn’t happen.
Anyway they’re addicticted to their phones which I find rude in a social setting. You’re mid convo and they’ll just whip it out and browse random shit (so not responding to anything).
Anyway bro’s wife eats the last gyoza and the person who does that in my rulebook always should ask ‘anyone want that’? doesn’t, then heads to the couch to browse whatever shit that was on her phone instead of conversing.
So my parting comment when they were leaving was ‘well I’m glad you found the gyoza interesting’.
That is my saturday sasspant.
When I googled sasspant it gave me a heap of clothing options. It also gave me sassy pant which is not what your talking about. Umph.
Your fam are rude. I don’t allow electronics at my table nor do I do it at anyone else’s. I’d appreciate your gyozas.
I think I have one. I just went out for a walk around Docklands and when I’d had enough walking, I spotted a rental scooter which had been clearly stashed off the main paths on some dirt between the outdoor public basketball courts and outdoor gym equipment. There was a group of young guys hanging around chatting on the gym equipment and as I approached the scooter one of them was looking at me with the eyes of someone who very clearly was calling “dibs” on the scooter but that just isn’t how this works. Then they all turned to look at me like I was stealing something. I had my headphones on and I don’t give a fuuuuuck so I just kept their eye contact, scanned the scooter and rode off. I think that might be sasspant.
As someone who has done similar, though less sasspants way.
What is bro doing
Caught mid “grooming”
Party time. By which I mean I’m dusting off the dvd player and the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice, and I’m snuggling in with a blanket and a cat.
Sounds like my kind of party lol
My favourite adaptation of P&P. I love how deeply they delve into the story, much more so than the 2005 movie.
Great news everyone, Jeff Bezos ex wife just emailed to say my email address has been randomly chosen and that she wants to give me 1.5 million US dollars! Woo Hoo, I’m rich!
Your shout! 🍺
So how do you get your money? 🤑
It’s not really clear. There is an attachment and a few links, I guess I just click on all those
So her lawyers will get in contact with your lawyers, yes?
can you ask her if she can also get me a hitchhiking place on one of Kuiper’s Falcon 9 flights?
Finished the skirt on my new xmas outfit. Now the top and the jacket still to do. Happy with the result, especially as the botch up of the pleats at the back won’t be seen under the jacket (I hope). Everything else has worked out just fine. This is my first attempt in many years at pattern drafting.
kudos on drafting 👍
First expedition to the can return machine. Got enough back to almost pay for a big sack of cat litter. Impressed with the speed of the thing!
Lucky, three times i’ve tried so far. Full, full, out of commission.
Really wish the frigging app told you that
Well poot! 💩
Ooh lucky, wish I had one of those local to me. Mine’s an over the counter at a local shop; which is ok because they give you cash but they don’t like the larger bottles, only the smaller ones and cans etc. I suppose they’ve got to put them somewhere out back.
My literalclosest is an over the counter but I’m not going there! Machines of no shame thanks.
What kind of information did it ask? How did you get your refund? Etc.
Oh it’s on thermal paper, so I wouldn’t advise saving them up to try to pay for a whole shop. If they fade getting hot in the glovebox or something you’ll lose the lot.
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That’s good to know. Thank you.
That’s awesome. I bet it eats cat food cans
Ah, none near me unfortunately. Here’s the map of ‘reverse vending machines’ if anybody wants it https://mytomra.com.au/locations/vic-container-deposit-scheme/
Looks like nothing in the east ?
Yeah it all seems crowded to the west
How could it be 16° today, 20° tomorrow and 30° on Monday? Like there’s not much foreplay just straight into the good stuff. Then it’s over by Wednesday.
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Pretty standard for melbs, it just tends to have seasons show up overnight.
Yeah maybe. I just don’t recall it going from days and days of rain to two days later 30.
Usually it’s the other way around!
Yes exactly. We get erratic weather in the middle of summer but not usually at the start.
I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be offered help. Since moving to my new place (and breaking my hand), people have offered to make me food, move a bed etc etc which I never got at my previous places 😭 (3 years in Australia!!)
And I’m not generally good at accepting help because I don’t want to burden others. For ex my housemates bf asked me to join him for badminton and I told him I sadly couldn’t…and then he offered to help with anything! Jeez the bar is so low for me when it comes to people.
I know that feeling so well, glad you finally had a good experience!
I have unfortunately learnt to always decline no matter the circumstance, because the ONE time I accepted, and despite insisting I pay them some money which was declined, I was accused of taking advantage of them.
Never again.
Pro tip: These are some of my Xmas tree lights rolled into what’s called a speed-ball. A Vietnam war veteran taught me this method. They used to roll the wiring for claymore mines like this to expedite a hasty ambush.
It’s hard to explain but you loosely wrap the entire wire around the end you want to come out first and just leave the end hanging out of the ball. It pulls out perfectly every single time with no hang ups or knots.
It’s a bit counterintuitive but it works without fail every time.
What I do is use a paper towel tube. Sticky tape one end of the lights to the tube, wrap lights around the tube making sure not to overlap. Get to the end and cut a slit in the tube and hook the end in.
This is genius.
I tried to get cash out with a purchase at woollies for the first time with a new card - debit Mastercard. It failed 3 times, I tried credit and savings- no go. I gave up and just tapped for the grocery purchase and left.
Called the bank to ask wtf and apparently I’m supposed to select “cheque”. Wtf, it’s not a cheque account and I have no cheque book.
I just scored a great plant pot off someone’s hard rubbish, and it came with a free arm workout. 💪 It started off feeling pretty light, but I swear that thing got heavier as I walked.
omg carrying my hard rubbish prize home yesterday was a nightmare, it even had handles for easy carrying. What type of plant?
No plant, just the pot. It’s a tall, ceramic rectangular planter. It did not help that the lip of the pot was rough, so it was hard finding somewhere to grip it without rough edges digging in. It would have been fairly easy if I could have used both hands, but walking the dog and only having one hand free made it a bit tricky.
It was filling with rainwater!
It did have a bit of rain in it, but as there was a big hole in the bottom of the pot the risk from the rain was more about making sure the water escaping from the hole did not run down my leg.
I have always had bad attention span and as a result I could never get into reading. You put me in front of a tv, I’ll watch it for hours but I really struggle to read books and I want to now make it a habit to read a bit everyday. What’s a good target to set? How do I stick to it?
You already got the answer. Read a little bit every day. Noodle about your library, look for books that interest you. If you’re part way through a book and not liking it, dump it! And don’t think you have to highbrow. Go for YA books, clive cussler, movie adaptations or trashy fabio novels if you want and fuck the haters, this should be a joy, not a chore.
Borrow library books, you’ll feel pressured to finish them before they’re due (unless you’re me …)
Yeah about that…pretty sure I’ll be racking up late fees 🙃
I would strongly recommend getting an e-reader. My reading really increased after I got one. They’re really light, easier to read whilst lying on your side, have their own light which is not blue-light. Kobo’s are great as they have library books available, kindles are good because you can email EPUBs to yourself.
I’m the total opposite. Anything e-ruins my concentration span. And they don’t smell right. Paper all the way.
Have you tried audio books? They can be easier to pop on while you’re doing dishes or folding washing or driving.
I haven’t but I imagine it isn’t too dissimilar to podcasts. I often find myself zoning out with podcasts and I really need to focus and listen. idk why I keep zoning out though
Have you any idea what you do like to read? Something fairly light mood and with a chapter structure might suit. Built in break points. Have you seen Miss Fisher on TV? Either of Kerry’s detective series could work if you liked that.
I have a few books. Mostly non fictional. Something related to my work. So I’m currently reading “How the world really works - Vaclav Smil”. I have a couple other books that I bought on a whim after listening to an inspiring talk by him.
Also a couple of fiction books that I want to read. One is Silo by Hugh Howey. Its an apple tv show and I loved the show so I bought the book!
You see where the problem is. I buy books but don’t read them. 🤦♂️
Ah! Then I suggest building yourself a specific reading spot. A cosy chair/beanbag/mini tent, add a ritual of a pot of tea/mixed drink and settle in 😺
This year’s theme turned out pretty good
Getting a very American Gods (the TV adaptation) vibe from it
That was my inspiration!!
Nailed it! 💅
That would give me nightmares.
I love it
Thanks mate.
MissGod came out of her room for my reveal and she goes “Wow, that fucks!”
I’m just like…🫠🥴🫡
Oh my.
Flip it!
We had a discussion about that and were both open to the idea of inverted cross but the power lead comes out the bottom and settled on this orientation.
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Works for me.
Jaysus! A car going through the roundabout at my street corner has just knocked my neighbour’s ancient bmw into the tree on my nature strip. Police on their way. Hard to tell if anyone’s hurt - so much yelling.
EDIT: looks like no one’s hurt.
Looks like I won’t be mowing the nature strip this weekend.Yeah sorry about that, I lost control but I’m a drunk cop so you’re not allowed to release my identity for 40 years 😎❤️
I should be taking this opportunity to do the tasks that are more difficult with kitty around but am still really not feeling good physically or mentally. Sitting around pressuring myself about a hobby that should be fun, putting myself through the wringer in the hope that doing it will help me cope with the rest of life. Because in my current state this hobby is the most do-able.
I’m feeling guilty about Melbcat. It feels like my bad health is letting her down and despite all my efforts I’m just having to wait for answers or help while watching it deteriorate.
Sometimes simply resting is all we can manage, and that’s ok. Try to give yourself a bit of grace- always hard!
so many hugs
so do things about your hobby that are easier. Like watching all kinds of art youtubes, watch everything to do with your hobby. Go to an op shop and buy every book on art you can and browse them.
I admit I’m really pleased I watched many many many hours of videos on the art, it gave me a depth of knowledge and I learnt many tips. It was definitely not a waste.
I’ve been looking at and saving many references and art tutorials, that is a low energy way to do it and is training my eyes to notice details. But it’s making my eyes much better than my hands, so it’s easier to see flaws in my inexperienced techniques.
That’s apparently a thing. Your work can suddenly look worse to you as your eye improves :/
So stop looking at your old work!!
Or, look at your work as a progression of skill. 😊
I’m very efficient - I can hate it as I’m doing it 😂