I love the way Gibson looks at me when I’m leaving to go somewhere at night on the weekend.
“Since when do you have a life buddy?”
My boys sit inside at the front door until I get home.
Pretty sure mine is happy to get a break lol
We did it!
Now it’s gotta sit there until 8:40pm then go in the fridge for 8 hours. Somehow… the other 3 members of this household are going nuts about it lol.
It went ok with the guests today, she actually seems like a nice lady, very unpretentious. She has more than a few kids and they’re lovely too, I mostly sat and chatted to them about stuff. The Minipeelers ended up liking them too. I’m often too embarrassed and ashamed to have people round to my flat because it’s tbh a tiny shithole, with piles of stuff everywhere and not enough places to sit lol. We haven’t got room for all the Lego, art stuff and general kids things. She gets it though, and I felt at ease with her. Then after they left I grabbed Miniest and she wanted to get a present for her bros birthday, so we went and did that.
public transport rantTitle
I don’t mind catching public transport in general, but man lately there are just so many fucking weirdos. It’s getting too much; every time I go anywhere it’s drunks ranting at the station, junkies being weird on buses or just odd people doing odd shit near my kids which puts me on high alert and I’ve got to assess whether they’re a genuine threat or dangerous or just a dickhead or mentally ill or what. My kids are being confronted with this shit and it’s not cool. They have a right to feel safe. I’m just bloody sick of it and it’s motivating me to get my licence more than anything else.
Is that cheesecake? OMG I love cheesecake. It’s my favourite dessert
Yes, it’s a Basque! Cheesecake is my favourite too. My first attempt at making it, but I had the Minipeelers there to offer guidance and help with mixing. Elder didn’t mind helping to make his own birthday cake, I think he felt very invested in its success.
Looks absolutely delicious.
Yeah, it’s everywhere at the moment and leaves me very wary. It’s sad - the result of multiple failures of the safety net - but I think of my own safety. People can be unpredictable so I don’t like to go out unless there’s a very good reason.
That cake looks perfect!
Fantastic cake!!! Well done!!!
My place is shocking as well and I’m always so embarrassed to have anyone over lol I get it! Partner’s ADHD and my own CPTSD combine equals piles of crap everywhere lol
Amen to your PT rant! I’m always so damn suss about anyone losing their mind in public, be it mental illness, drugs/withdrawals, etc. I can’t imagine how stressful it is when you have kids, nor how stressful it is for your kids. Getting your licence is a great idea!
It does also show how our drug and mental health and homeless programs are failing tho sigh
First off, cake looks amazing!
About public transport:
I know how you feel and I’m a relatively tall, athletic-ish guy and it still puts me on edge. And that’s without having kids with me.
If you can, try for your license. I got mine really late, and it’s changed my life. I’ve had some really confronting situations on the train especially and even if I was the victor, my life would be affected in a huge way.
I’m chipping away at Mt Washmore and did two loads to mostly clear Mt Dishmore. Also gave Melbcat’s fur a wipe down with a facewasher where she’d spat medicine on herself. I need to remember to use the bib.
Craving chocolate but the one I like now seems to have milk in it… Guess it’s cocoa weather anyway
kudos, I don’t know anyone who tries harder than you 😘
Now, do I put the heater on or the oodie on? Conundrum for our times. And two days ago I was sweating while sitting still.
Why not both?
Sitting here in the air on being totally unable to relate. I do remember wearing hoodies in summer, though.
I had a great day. Lil sleep in, wimdy walk and bird noticing. Saw a bunch of ducks and a heron and an egret and a few crested grebes ♥️ shopping done, sheets washed, nap napped. Haven’t cleaned the flat yet but should have time tomorrow. Got sausages cooking and about to flop.
Somedays are just good days, ya know. Not all that often, but it’s nice when it happens.
Successful op & vinyl shopping on Sydney Rd today. Picked up a new vinyl and a couple of bits and pieces for my place. The Salvo’s closest to Moreland Rd was the best I walked into. Savers was in and out, way too many people in there.
Savers is always so damn busy. I haven’t been to salvos since before 2010 lol! There are soooo many cool op shops and second hand shops around here, it makes paying too much for rent almost bearable.
I know there’s a new vinyl store downstairs from my place, Black Records or something, I haven’t been in there but if you went there let me know what their selection is like!
Edit: blacksound records is the name ha
I walked in that vinyl store, it seemed purely metal / punk focused in selection. I’m not in my metal phase any longer so I didn’t look around for too long haha.
The best vinyl store on the street (in my opinion) is Round & Round. I used to work almost across the road from it, loved spending lunchtime breaks sifting through their records.
I also walked past a record store bar that looked cool (Ringo Barr).
Ah yep okay, I wasn’t sure whether they were genre specific or not, so thank you!
I’ll pop into Round & Round! I need to find a pressie for my cousin (he has a record player, I do not 😂), are they quite broad? Like 70s/80s/90s?
Really broad selection, and really well sorted by genre / time period as well. None of this everything crammed in alphabetical order crap, ain’t nobody got time for that!
Tonight I am rewatching Return of the Jedi before I nervously dive into episodes 1 to 3 next week. Then a nice hot shower. I’ve showered in the morning my whole life, but I think night showering is superior for early rising. I dawdle too much in the morning.
When I had a job with early starts I would shower in the evenings. It worked well. Plus, there is something nice about being freshly clean and getting into bed.
Then a nice hot shower. I’ve showered in the morning my whole life, but I think night showering is superior for early rising. I dawdle too much in the morning.
I bet I would sleep better too
OT and Rogue One are the best!
I will say, the Prequels have a charm to them now, tho it is evident that Lucas loves CGI and went nuts on making every place look so populated lol too clean compared to the “used future” of the OT but it’s corny and fun anyway!
Sequel Trilogy doesn’t exist to me haha
I am old.
I saw the original at the cinema when it first came out. In 1977.
a simple story of a farm boy from a podunk country town. I could relate to that.
My dad saw it at the cinema when it came out too, and that’s the idea that really sucked him too haha! We’d watch the OT on VHS almost every month when I was a kid 😂
That and Star Trek was always on tv too, so I can’t take part in the “star wars vs star trek” war, I love both equally. Stargate SG1 and Farscape were staples of our household as well.
Alright I’m full of burger and keen for another nap.
Edit: i think I’m going vegetarian. 2nd time I’ve eaten meat with a big break between and I feel like shit.
Procrastination. I ought be packing. Instead I am turning a brick into a frog door stopper.
Feeling a bit burnt out by other games, so I’m downloading Skyrim again lol.
I have the DLCs Dawnguard and Dragonborn (I don’t care for Hearthfire ha), but I never actually completed the Dragonborn DLC.
I’ll probably stuff around in character creation for a bit, think about making a buff dual wielding lady Orc, but I know I’ll end up going Wood Elf archer/theives guild like always 😂 probably do the dark brotherhood, after becoming a werewolf (because it will prevent me from becoming a vampire - strats bruh).
Sniping enemies is just too damn satisfying 😙👌🏼
Dawnguard gives you crossbows! Though I prefer travelling light and using bound weapons, personally.
I also love to go wood elf archer. 😃
I tried going full Nord warrior so I’d pick the Stormcloak path. But I just hate the Stormcloaks and Ulfric. Even on my Nord build, I always go Empire.
Funnily enough, I’ve never gone stormcloaks, only empire or ignored it entirely haha
This time I’m forcing myself through stormcloaks because idk what that quest chain is like hahaha
Yeah I forgot about the crossbows! Aight I’ll do Dawnguard again hahhahaa
Yep. I’m done with meat. My stomach is killing me.
Meat makes me feel incredibly sleepy. I love me a medium-rare steak but man I need a phat nap straight after!
Luckily I don’t feel ill or anything, but I do eat mostly vegetarian when I go out to eat (and often at home too). Perhaps sticking to a veggo diet works best for you now! 💜 I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you :)
I only cut meat out because I was lazy and I can’t believe how much better I feel. I’ll try chicken tomorrow and see what happens. If it doesn’t work out, then veggo it is!
I got a load of dvds, including a few whole series, today. Looking forward to watching Easy Rider and other faves with commentary.
sadly, I think commentaries are just not a common thing for new movies anymore
I’m fan of Easy Rider as well🙂 I’ve seen it maybe 15 times? It’s weird haha.
15 ! I’m impressed, I’ve only seen it twice …lol . This one has commentary by Dennis Hopper. 🙂
I got Singing in the Rain with commentary and The Bride of Frankenstein with a doco and commentary by a film historian. And loads of other movies too, most double disc sets and still in the wrapper. I’m pretty chuffed and excited. 🙂
I find Nicholsons part so bizarre and funny at the campfire scene. The Hopper commentary would be a riot. How would he even remember clearly ? lol.
I have never watched a movie with commentary on so let us know how you find it.
I will. Gotta get my players set up properly again and then it’s a go. 🙂
Quick note on The Fountain :
Aronofsky is obsessed with making movies about obsession. In this case, a physician driven to find a permanent cure for death (and try to save his loving wife)
Thus far, it’s not my favourite in the Aronofsky catalogue ,however, there is a beautiful story here. It’s confusing initially but that isn’t a bad thing sometimes. The viewer is forced to either, make sense of it, or move on.
6.8/10 space bubbles
Is that the movie with Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz!
I love that movie tbh but I’m a sucker for bad movies 😂 eg. I loooooove The Scorpion King 👀😂
That’s the one. I don’t think It’s a bad movie. I’m just weighing it against the rest of the directors efforts.(I’m currently reviewing all of them with a focus on his singular style)
I have not seen the Scorpion King yet, but I’m guessing my favourite movie is way worse 🙃
Just saw it’s the same dude who did Requiem for a Dream, so in comparison I’d go with that being the better one. But I have a special love for “bad” films.
The Scorpion King is a spinoff of The Mummy Returns (Brendan Fraser/Rachel Weisz, I adore both The Mummy and Returns). It has The Rock as the king reprising his role haha.
My other favourite “bad films” are akin to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Little Nicky, and Constantine, Reign of Fire haha
That was a really long catch-up but I’m kind of drained now and found myself alarmingly almost nodding off at times. I’m glad for it though, because it forced me to vacuum and tidy and clean the bathroom and give the kitchen floor a long overdue mop.
Kind of don’t want to cook tomorrow because I’ll have to clean up again sigh. But this is life.
Was so frosty outside with that cool wind! I’ll be sleeping well tonight, I hope. Tomorrow I need to wake the fuck up. Do the ONE THING that is holding me back with commencing my uni fieldwork and cook and then go out on Monday to do it without feeling like throwing up because of the shame of procrastination.
Chanced it and got rained on in the hills.
Man, Meyers-Creed Road is soooo pretty with all the ferns and it would have been gorgeous had I not been freezing my arse off.