Almost panicked seeing 495 comments from yesterday’s discussion thread, luckily it was just high engagement.
I am up to date with Severance as well, watching the day they release.
Would you like to have an argument?
No. We can have a fight though.
🥊 ⚔️
Ooh err! Maaaah he hit me!
No he didn’t touch you. It was just pretend.
This blue lump disagrees
I must disagree with your proposal 😡
Which makes your educational deficiencies apparent
What the fork did you say? 😡
Words not chopped finely enough for you?
I was definitely wondering wtf happened when I was only away for a few hours.
I watched the latest episode and I’m stunned. I do think the impact of the big “reveal” has been dampened for me by consuming so many theories during the week.
MAJOR spoilers s2e4
I mean it was so bleedingly obvious it was Helena! I’m just relieved someone called it out.
But then, so many more questions… Like those weird twins? They just completely handwaved them away? And how TF did they all appear there? I was sure it was a simulation until the drowning scene.
I sure as hell hope this isn’t the end of i-Irving. But I’m stoked for the real Helly to come back though I’m sure she’d be feeling very violated if she can physically feel that she has had baby goats the night before.
S2ep4 spoilers
I didn’t click on to the fact that it was Helena till what happened at the end.
It’s all very weird and the cult like company figures and stories as well are so strange and weird.
All the fake smiles as well are pretty creepy.
I can’t wait till next week to see how it unfolds now with that revelation.
I have so many questions.
I appreciate everyone keeping the spoilers to themselves.
I just finished the latest episode and WTF?
It got a bit rowdy
I fell asleep and missed it
I used to love staying up late when I was a kid. Some things never change.
I’m thinking about the first songs I wrote when I was getting sober. It was about 3 months in.
I’d had a fling with someone and was riding that fluffy cloud that comes with closeness.
I had this super janky laptop (which i still have), an acoustic I bought from jb-hifi when i was whacked out, and a pair of headphones that I would plug into the microphone port on the laptop and dangle them in the sound hole of the acoustic so I could record.
Those songs, are so…for lack of a better word, pure. No pretentiousness, no attempt to sound like this or that. The only audience was me and eventually I showed them to the person I was seeing.
Just expressions of a moment in time. I don’t really have any photos of the past. This works just as well.
Goodnight all ❤️
Yes Gibson. The world is ending because you’re getting your nails trimmed.
The prisoner during transportation
Trauma treats required stat!
I had a fresh bag ready to go lol
oh noes
Oh toes
Oh woes
Today didn’t go so well. Not going to win them all.
All I have to say is families are hard.
YOU are kick ass!!
You did your best under really difficult circumstances.
I’ve been reading what you’re going through and I would struggle to keep my composure in some of the situations you’ve described.
Try to find a way to relax.
Well tonight’s gonna be a shitshow.
In brief, bro is coming down to the bellarine for dins, we’ve had a massive falling out over a bunch of shit, I’m gonna be expected to cook, wasn’t told this was happening, shouldn’t let the ol’ girl cook for them (not fair on her / bit risky in her condition, which bro doesn’t care about), bro and ol’ boy can’t cook, I can’t stand bro and his acute NPD bs, gonna be guilt tripped (ol’ boy’s gonna crack the shits) if I’m not there or even if I am because I’ll call out bullshit.
So, there’s gonna be a lot of tension either way.
Not gonna ‘win’ this one. Winning in this sense is just a pleasant evening, which it won’t be. I just wanna go to the beach for dins in solitude and have a steak sammich and pat some doggos but that will be inflammatory behaviour.
Hard core response : put a sign on the door “Closed for Repairs” and go to the beach with sammich as per usual. When you return from beach, microwave up some youfoodz trays for them. Or some other low-par instant ‘meal’. Dodge the convo if you can.
Soft core response : Meet them at the door. Demand that they do a doordash or similar for their food. At their expense. Then go to the beach as per usual. With your own choice of sammich. Don’t share it. Have essential convo on your return.
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Thank you for the vibes :)
It’ll be okay. Will pick up the pieces tm lol.
Oh dear, you seem to have bird flu. What a pity.
Much sympathy for bullshit.
Low-effort nachos. corn chips, pre-grated cheese, salsa - bake. Tuck in cunts.
I’m so sorry, that’s a really crappy situation to be in. Could they at least be persuaded to get takeaway perhaps?
Extremely hot chillos in the food. Hopefully his pride means he can’t back down 🌶️
Or a knuckle sandwich 🤭
Was going to go out tonight but can’t be effed. I’m wrecked from the stress of the last few days.
I’m going to read a book and go to bed once it’s a reasonable hour lol
hahahaha hubs decided to help with putting in the sub base and compacting it all down. He did about a foot section. He now has a deep deep respect bordering on mild terror for me looking back at the other fucking 8m already done.
Love this. 😁
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Or to max up job opportunities - go for a forklift licence. Always work if you have one of those.
Totally get this if you can, and do the extra two hours I think??? To be a trainer at the same time
Volunteering got us this job. It is also great to feel some sense of belonging.
So get your license. It needn’t be expensive. You can study and take the test for free , then ask a friend with a car to help with lessons.
I second Seagoon, it’s so easy to get your Ls online and it’s free to do the course. That’s what I’m doing; you just set up a VicRoads account if you haven’t already got one and you’ve got a fair bit of time to do it, you can do each component of the course when you’ve got time. Then you do the test, also online I believe, and there’s a small cost when you physically go to the local VicRoads to get your permit. It works most effectively with the current OS or the one previous to it on whatever device you’re using. If this old sausage can do it you can too!
Edit: When Miniest lets me use her laptop for the tutorials that is 😆 they’re just multiple choice questions where you’re sitting in a car and you have to say who gives way to who. It’s kind of cool, and also funny with the PS3 style graphics 😂
You can also buy a paper edition learners book cheaply from vicroads offices.
If you don’t mind me asking, is it an open book and can you do it at home? My mind blanks under stress
(I don’t intend to drive but want it for ID purposes)
This might help answer your question. If you mean is it open book as in, if you had the book at home while you were doing the online test and you were looking up the answers, I guess there’s nothing to stop you… I’ve heard of people getting family members to help answer the questions while doing it at home, so I guess it’s not impossible lol. I’ve got a proof of age card which I haven’t had any trouble with as a form of ID. As in, I’ve never had anyone refuse it.
Edit: another thing to consider is if you’re using a learner’s permit as ID you’ll have to renew it at some point, I think it lasts 10 years? Whereas a proof of age card is forever.
Cool thanks, that’s good info
Last night me won at gin rummy. This morning me is enjoying my winning cuppa tea. 🙂
CEOofmyhouse56 Isn’t Allowed into the Casino for This One Reason
I’ve been thinking.
This morning Gibson was, let’s say, unhappy about her claws being trimmed.
As in, she straight up tried to attack the groomer.
Think about it: This 4kg ball of fluff was more than happy to attack what is ultimately a towering giant because they crossed their personal space.
That’s fucking hardcore.
“The fucking sheer audacity!” - disgusted Gibson
Fucking meow
She knows you have her back
I’ve been feeling really bad about not keeping up with my Mandarin.
On the train the other day a woman came on asking for help, in Mandarin but the last word was garbled english. I knew she was asking directions as I did recognise much of what she was saying. I did not know how to answer even tho I know I studied this at uni. ( angry at myself ) . Her accent was strong, a new immigrant.
I did eventually figure where she wanted to go, said I would help her( in english ) and she sat next to me until I helped her at her station. She waved good bye to me so many times from the platform when the train moved. 🥲
I felt so bad for her, I remember what it was like moving to a foreign country where I didn’t speak the language and literally tried to navigate a foreign city. A scary adventure that makes us rely on strangers.
I am resolved to study up again , it’s a good thing to do.
You are such a kind hearted person ❤️
These days, Google translate eliminates all of that, but yeah it can get hectic.
I never even thought of that, 😔 I just don’t use my phone as a computer at all, it’s just basically a phone.
Apparently when Tik Tok briefly shut down people went to Red Note and were being helped to learn Mandarin.
I avoid those sorts of apps and Red Note might be especially politically sensitive or bad for privacy but that just reminded me
No thanks to everyone here I went and bought some pizza and having Hawaiian pizza tonight for dinner.
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There’s also going to be mushrooms involved.
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Well done Sir 🍍
And I’m not sharing.
Now we have a problem 🗡️
Sky pretty.
This thread has cracked 100k comments. In less than 2 years I think?
We have no concept of “how to sit quietly”
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Are the let’s plays/games interesting?
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Cool! I’d probably give that a watch depending if I could handle it
(But if you don’t want to say the games or channels that’s cool)
There’s a lovely chill channel called Many A True Nerd that does fun let’s plays.
All kinds of games, and he’ll swing between doing one offs to check something new out to doing big long series if he thinks the game needs that much time to shine.
Also occasional other videos for special occasions, like The Time He Tried To Turn His Cat Into A Cake (Jon can’t cook, so it…only sort of worked)
Cheers, I’ll take a look
Oh yeah sorry 😂 my brains fuzzy this morning!
THEY_CALL_ME_X - Smaller channel, but I like his voice a lotWendigoon - Sometimes games, sometimes analog horror, sometimes real horror
Roanoke Gaming - A biologist who explores fictional entities/pathogens from movies/games and explains how they could work biologically
Keemsama - Just a guy who plays through horror games, but he acts likes a normal person and gets scared/shocked. Not over the top, but extremely funny
Knvif - Mostly Minecraft horror mods but has such a lovely voice - no over the top loud reactions, super chill
Flawed Peacock - This is hands down my favourite, he does super long (4h-10h) analysis videos on games and movies, and recently the book The King in Yellow. If you’re gonna watch any of these channels, watch his. He took the false dichotomy of “quality Vs quantity” and decided on both 😂 I believe he’ll be doing House of Leaves soon, but his next video should be Hypnospace Outlaw (a fantastic game I’ve played). You don’t need to see the movies, read the books, or play the games, to get something from his videos; they’re all explained extremely well, and his multiple whiteboards and his narration help keep track of it all.
Get floppy with it!!
These all look really cool, thanks