Got one.
That took too much time shoulda got that waay earlier.
That’s incredible!!
Got busy last weekend making a window panel for my portable AC. Current me is grateful for past me.
Ugh. So sick of my weeping face… it’s sloooowly getting better but this hot weather is pretty hard. Cursing myself and my nighttime stupidity every day. Everyone starting work early Monday and Tuesday in order to finish early. I can’t because school run. So I’ve got Monday off that I know of because there’s no point in them having me go in for a couple of hours. Possibly Tuesday as well. Nice but need the moolah. So between cursing myself and being skint I’m a miserable bitch lol. Going to look at animal pictures 😄
Sending hugs and animals pictures!
Love me some beans 😍
hugs I really feel for you going through this.
Thanks mate 🥹
hugs, it will get better
It will, I’m just impatient and a bit depressed
I used to suffer from it. For the longest time no one would work out what it was.
Now I know what it is after a decade.
Hope they’ve given you antibiotics for it and you may need some cream or something to go with it.
It’ll get better with some time and proper rest with those meds.
Thanks mate! Yeah they did give me some antibiotics and I’ve found Medicream (the one with the lignocaine) to be best at this stage.
3rd migraine in a week, not pleased , will just try to sleep and rest it off
Me too, and I was only just recovering from the last five-day effort. It’s the stormy weather triggering me today I reckon.
reciprocal hugs 😢
Feel better. Doesn’t sound nice at all.
Ugh, rest up friend. Random migraines are the worst.
Ugh! I don’t migraine (I think?) but my sinuses are hell. Tight as band around the temples etc
Hope you feel better soon, Seagoon
Got out for a swim this morning and goddamn it felt amazing. Boyo and I are now proper zonked though!
That was a really gloomy swim just now down here. Loved it.
I really worry about you Bottom 🌊🏊🏼♀️😳. I know I’m not the only one in this community who does.
We’re good thank you for the concern :) But wow this is violent!
So the praying mantis is still hiding in my studio. I believe it’s a male and I don’t have the heart to tell it its head could be devoured upon sexy time. If it were smart it should get a little mantis helmet.
It is doing a wonderful job with flies though.
He’s now your pet. He needs a name.
I’m gonna call him Sir Climbsalot.
I wonder how common the head thing is. Do you think it got observed one time and then mantises got a reputation for it?
And just like that, the zonk begins.
The zonk is contagious
Baaaad weather down the Bellarine - fishul warning Hope our bottom racer is OK plus anyone else down there.
Shit is really kicking off down there, those rain bands are seemingly materialising out of nowhere! Good timing to have cleaned the gutters. Hope no crazy disasters @Bottom_racer.
Lotsa rumble grumbles. trying to take piccys but no dice yet :(
Skies are darkening where I am (NW suburbs). Radar’s not showing anything though. Come on my garden needs a drink.
Same here. Low grey threatening clouds, wind gusts but so far no rain. And I watered the garden too so here’s hoping.
Eee it’s lovely :)
Spent the day with a close mate. Sat around talking all day in front of the aircon. Was fucking awesome! He’s a really good guy, super chill and has a very grounding presence.
I’m going on a blind date with a friend of a friend of his which could be really cool. We have similar interests which is always nice. It’ll be an interesting experience regardless of what happens.
Hope everyone is doing OK out there ❤️
That’s a nice way to spend the day, especially when it’s so hot outside.
When you going to be going on your date?
Good to see you’ve got cat tv on in the background.
Going on Thursday night. I’ve found a nice bar down south Yarra to grab a drink and see if we get along.
I pretty much talk to anyone and everyone who I feel wants to talk so meeting new people is always fun regardless.
We’re both part time musicians so there’s plenty to chat about.
I don’t go with any expectations and I think that’s the right way to approach things. Always up for making a new friend :)
Hilarity from the Other Place. No you should not ask your Ex to use a clone a Willy kit! Reminds me of the running bet I had with myself about how many pages into a thesis by a male sculpture student I could get without finding a replica of their cock.
How would you know if it’s the artist’s own schlong?
They say so
Self portraits have a long history in the arts - no modelling fees is the main attraction I suspect.
Lol. Picture not actual size
One I recall distinctly broke the line between Art and Non consensual kink involvement very very badly.
I have a strong distaste for nonconsentual exhibitionism. Maybe I’m a touch prudish, but keep it to yourself or goto a sex event. I did security at sex events years ago, that’s the place for it.
Very much so! That dude installed a piece on the floor. If you know events you know how out of ok that was.
After this, I never want to eat jelly, custard or ice cream again.
Don’t forget the salt rinse!
On it chief 🫡
I made a bit of headway trying to get a not to work on here. I figured out how to edit read-only files on linux. I just need to get docker to work now and I should be able to post to testing
Shout out to Pilpel for making one of the nicest taramasalata dips I’ve ever had I think. I will even forgive them for putting ‘DAIRY FREE’ and ‘GLUTEN FREE’ on the label. Had some on buttered bread and more on some lettuce leaves. Mega delicious - they’ve got the balance of fish roe and lemon juice just right. Seriously moreish.
I’ve heard their hommus is pretty good too. I’ll have to try the taramasalata one of these days
taramasalata dips
I’ve never heard of that. Will have to give it a go!
The standard recipie is salted fish roe (any sort), bread soaked in water, and lemon juice blitzed up with some olive oil. Dip comes out pinkish and creeeeaamy and loaded with umami. Lovely as a dip, or an emergency pasta sauce. Easy to get wrong, bloody delicious when done right. Would go OK with paprika on top I reckon.
I’m starting to get cranky now.