Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 16°C, max - 23°C. 25% chance of at least 1mm rain
No comet tonight. Shoulda been waay down on the horizon but sneaky clouds. Solid sunset though. Just kept changing.
Been a while since I’ve been to that part of the lonny back beach. Brought back a few memories.
Didja go shanks’s pony or unicorn mobile down there? It’s beautiful down there.
Heh walked it. Was gonna unicorn it but had a few too many :)
Just a suggestion. Next time for experimental purposes, pop a 6 pack in the unicorn, drink, wobble back, time your travels. Try to beat them. The older we get everything becomes a challenge.
Big year for us. The kid turns 18 and doing year 12 VCE. Our 20th Wedding Anniversary. The man turns 50 this year and we go to Japan to celebrate. It’s all on.
P.S. The kid got excepted into the ADF in 2026 to study what she wants.
Great things ahead!
So many exciting and excellent things, huzzah!!
Nice one. 🍻
Thanks mate 🍺
That’s a big year! But exciting. Cheers 🍻
Woo! Big congratulations are in store for a big year!
Thanks mate. I’m so proud of my baby girl.
Whoowhee! All happening!
Amazing! What a year of milestones! 🖤🎉
this is all awesome news
congrats and yay for everyone 🍾
Thanks. Happy days ahead.
Congratulations. That sounds so awesome!
So much to look forward to!
Yeah. A big year. 🎉
I mean it’s perfectly acceptable to eat an entire triple Brie alone…
An occasional cracker or piece of bread is usually recommended. Or grapes. They go well with brie.
I got these Woollies brown rice crackers and they are surprisingly good!
Perfect match!
Probably not advisable with wheels over 1kg
It is if you’re the Dovahkiin
Ah-ha! Enjoy!
I am! Hehe. ✨
Feeling a bit sad and anxious tonight. Cried a few times at work today and just feeling blue. I think coming back from a holiday straight to work is a bad idea, but I hate hate HATE that I still have to give up holiday time for work, but it does make work extra… soul dampening.
Out to dinner with friends, home to do some cleaning, I’m so tired but I just don’t want to sleep.
Hugs mate, sorry you’re feeling blue 💙
Hugs. I did the same thing as well - going back to work less than 24 hours after holiday was not great. I hope being with your friends lifts your spirit a bit 💜
so many hugs
Ah man the sads seems to be coming back again. Couldn’t get out of bed on time today and had a whopping headache, so swapped field work for desktop work and rocked up late. Feeling dat ennui… and wisps of depressed thoughts about my apartment/life again ahead of an empty weekend (should be chores and cooking but euh…)
Well I have the pizza I promised myself and S1 of Severence lined up to re-watch so that should see me through tonight.
Some weekends are just like that. Also I LOVE Severance. I’m up to ep7 of my rewatch. It’s just as awesome second time around.
I give you permission for a floppy weekend…chores and care tasks are morally neutral. You can flop. But get some sun / trees / water in your eyeballs at some point. Notice some birds.
I am planning a severance rebinge too so happy to fill up the thread with chat about it. BRING IT ON.
Definitely need to prioritise the naycha over ticking things off a list… I suck at motivating myself to do things out of genuine bodily happiness and stick to screens even though I know it’s not what I want. I hope I’ll wake up making good choices tomorrow! Maybe I’ll start with drinking enough water tonight…
Spam away the Severence thoughts! The subreddit is a bit too crazy and intense for me to read ATM (3 years of waiting will do that. I don’t remember all the main theories) Just finished ep 1 and soaking up the delightfully unsettling and suspenseful vibe. Love Patricia Arquette’s mid-Atlantic accent… And oh boy, every detail hits so differently watching it a second time round! Onto e2 and the Helly R/Helena stairwell scene makes so much sense…
I hear ya! Hears to good choices. Just think…what would Ricken do ? 😂
I understand the feeling of the empty weekend. I’m forcing myself to go out tomorrow night. The world isn’t going to knock on my door.
I have the imax on the next block , I go to that sometimes
I’m going on a solo bender to grieve the job I had. May as well.
Inner city: Close to the CBD, trams, night life.
Outer city: We got eggs, plenty of eggs, omelettes galore.
Partner’s dad got him an air fryer for Christmas, it arrived this week. As soon as all the packaging was out
Mickey claimed it
He always looks so cuddly!!!
I was expecting a picture of a cat in an airfryer, dammit…
Sorry to disappoint! But I can guarantee he wouldn’t fit in the air fryer 😂 he’d do his best ofc hahaha
I’ve got a drink and fluffy has some catnip. Everyone is chilled.
Edit: and yet I can’t stop thinking about work.
The face of catnip
I know this feeling all too well and I hate it. I’m sorry you’re in a sucky situation, but I’m excited to see what comes next for you!
Thank you :)
Things will get better soon hopefully! Going out tomorrow night is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now.
Who knows what will happen.
Where comet?
Very close to the horizon. Give it a couple of days for better viewing.
I can’t see it ,even with my beer goggles on🤷♀️
I enjoyed looking at Venus, spectacularly bright. I think the tiny star visible above it is Saturn. What an amazing universe it is.
everything is so beautiful, all we have to do is look 🙂
Beer goggles ❌️
Telescope ✔️
not here, all I saw was trees and bats, big bats
Me too!
so many bats here
My backpack has been with me now for 10 years.
Poor thing needs to be retired. Bought a new one today.
Gonna miss old mate. I carry a backpack everywhere, every day except for nights out. It’s practically attached to me lol
Gearing up for piccys of le comet tonight.
C’mon bby give me dem photons.
Isn’t it going to be visible from next Tuesday? Or have I misunderstood it’s social calendar.
Was supposed to be just a little visible tonight but getting higher over the next few. No luck tonight for me :(
From what I saw best viewing is from next Tuesday yes!
ooh yeah, I forgot about that.
What a strange thing to come up on my yt feed
everyone wants to rule the world in latin
best comment …lol
Which decade do you like the the most?"
“The 80’s”
“Oh yeah, I love the 1980’s too”
“No, I mean the 80’s”
omg, I am loving this rabbit hole
some Tenax D
I’m glad to be home after a long day. One of the managers asked me if I have another job and asked why I don’t. Then he said he’s glad I’ll be studying, so I can justify not having another job that is more reliable and consistent. That was an even bigger push to start applying for something else.
I later go on to find out that a girl who’s only job is this one got fired because she used her discount card too much. She said she shared it with a couple of family members, but somehow, they spent a few thousand dollars using her discount card.
The person who shared her card with more than ten people didn’t get fired. Although, she racked up less money than the person who only shared it with two people.
customer interaction today
Me: you purchased this over X days ago, so unfortunately I cannot refund this today.
Customer: really? scoffs and walks away
Me: next!
- customer comes back *
Customer: it’s only been ___ days, not however many days you said."
Me: I’m positive it’s over that. Do you want me to bring up a calendar and we can count together?
Customer: yes
I get to a week and then she realises.
people are eccentric, potential trigger warning, someone's way of dealing with trauma
Customer: I placed an order online and it says it has arrived. Can you get it for me?
Me: sure.
The order had just arrived from couriers. I go and grab it.
Customer: Thank you so much. Have a great day. No, have a great weekend. And may your children live happy and healthy lives. If you don’t have children, extend that to your pets.
She moves to the side and opens her order, which was a t-shirt she made that said, “I am a victim of paedophilia. __ raped me.”
I hope that having the t-shirt didn’t prolong her distress or lead to someone else reading it and being triggered by it.
so she ordered that particular tshirt? On purpose. 😐
I understand not having shame, because why should she
and I understand being over it and matter of fact in discussing life and the past
but this seemed needlessly defamatory and provocative, even hate driven
I can’t see who would be helped
I like to think she’s gonna wear it at the next family gathering and call out her abuser.
And we should have hate for those who hurt us and they should be called out for their anti-social behaviour.
I really hope she does.
not everyone has family support and not everyone has the mental strength to call abusers out
sometimes all people can do is have enough strength to save themselves
fuck it’s so depressing that trump is a proven rapist, found guilty in a court of law and there are still people who think he is innocent and there are people who voted for him knowing his guilt
not everyone has family support and not everyone has the mental strength to call abusers out. sometimes all people can do is have enough strength to save themselves
I agree with all of this and know it all too well, I’ll will add some people don’t have the strength to save themselves.
Trump-dump is another problem - him becoming president again is ‘permission’ for like-minded individuals to act on their desire for control over women, lgbtq+, minorities, etc. anyone who isn’t a white maga man is in danger. The minorities who voted for him don’t understand they are going to be victims too, no minority is safe with Cheeto-lini in power.
My pet peeve is people who spend Thursday coughing all round the office then announce they have covid on Friday 😠
Just got my tooth re-excavated because there was still nerve tissue left and a tiny bit of infection. Fingers crossed it settles.