This is DJ G bringing you all the good beats to get you through this day
Haha hello Melbourne DT’ers! This is your host Ms GA and I’m back and hosting another Friday thread.
Hope you have a marvellous Friday irl. And if not then I hope today’s thread will turn that around and you have fun here! ☀️
Found out old mate from my old work who used to treat me like shit was pushed out the door yesterday.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer dickhead. Good riddance!
Really tickled me to hear how it went down
Buy him tickets on the next mini sub thing as a nice departing gift
Was that shit boss with no time to discuss things with you?
Nah that’s the owner. This is the dickhead from the department I was in that thought he was King Dick
The new job must be wonderful.
It’s a lot of work but it’s amazing.
Cutting my teeth on HR/WHS in a high risk environment is so much more rewarding than what I was doing.
Already making a big difference in the workplace based on the feedback I’m getting
Haha!! Just desserts are awesome
This one will keep me warm at night for a while 😄
It’s cold, it’s dark and I’m on my way home having been given the nicest compliment anyone has ever given me
You have a presence that lifts everyone around you
My heart
As it’s Pride month (love all my gay/queer/trans homies and homettes) I’d like to share that we have had three separate friends of our kids, come out to us before telling their parents.
My wife responds with a motherly hug and I put the kettle on.
I’ve told all the kids that if they need adult backup when (if) they tell their parents, I’ll happily accompany them and offer sanctuary, just in case.
I may not be their parent, but I’ll pretend to be one if it makes them feel safe.
I don’t share this a lot in real-life to keep our space safe for the kids, but felt like saying it here tonight.
Forgot to say hello to everyonehere, I finally made it here today.
I was wondering where everyone from the DT went when it came back and I stumbled across a stray comment after Epicpillow said someone was impersonating them here.
Good to see all the familiar names I used to see!
It is not Covid. Three years and counting of dodging that particular plague
Had an influencer encounter at the gym this morning. Their session lasted about 10 minutes before a staff member escorted them out.
Local council gyms don’t play that shit it seems.
That would have been pretty funny to see
It definitely was. Grins all around.
Oooh what happened?
A fitness influencer (or wannabe one) was recording an exercise set at the gym. The gym has very strict policies about recording equipment (forbidden without a permit). Several people complained, including a trainer who was running a class behind this person. Staff member came over, grabbed the phone, turned it off and essentially said “Let’s go” and started walking away.
Person didn’t even have a membership and were on day 3 of a free trial too.
Oooh. You just know that they’ve tried that at other gyms too.
Gotta build up that brand before ‘investing’ into an actual membership
“Safety isn’t important” says man who would later go on to implode under the ocean taking 4 other people with him.
Probably the single greatest win for climate change in a while.
I feel bad for the young dude who went with his dad and the Titanic expert (professor) who has done the dive previously.
The sub operator was an absolute tit with his attitude to deep sea diving.
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Darwin award winner of the decade
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Have you seen the controller? Just… dude I wouldn’t have used that thing to go to the bottom of a backyard pond!
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Xbox controllers are light years beyond the Logitech stuff though. And it’s only drones who cares.
But oh yeah 100% it’ll be the windows. What purpose did they even serve?? What would you actually see at that depth?
What would you actually see at that depth?
A lot of water, very quickly
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But muh titaniiics
The pressure cycling on the hull would also weaken the sub. When carbon fibre it also fails spectacularly.
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All it needed was Cheetos stains on the analogue sticks, and that gross shit that builds up around the seams and near the buttons.
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I… I didn’t need this in my life!!!
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someone on reddit said the Tit will go look at Titan next
I have a little story to tell. I’d never been interstate so for our first trip together we booked a flight to Tassie and booked a nice cabin out the back of the pub with a “continental breakfast” included. How good is that we thought. I wonder what a continental breakfast involves. Bacon, eggs maybe some sausages and mushrooms thrown in if we are lucky. Now we couldn’t google this because internet wasn’t really a thing back then. It was so long ago that we flew there on Ansett.
Anyway we arrived at the pub to book in and thought we’ll stay for a meal. Half way through, old mate calls us over and says “Here, I may as well give this to you now so I don’t wake you up in the morning” and he hands us a freezer bag with 4 slices of white bread and a small carton of long life milk. Still nothing jerried.
We get to the cabin and we do what any respectable couple does. He checks the TV for channels. I raid the fridge. And there I discovered the open jar of jam, Vegemite and margarine. “Um Dear, I don’t think the continental breakfast is what we think it is” “What do you mean?”" Well there’s condiments in the fridge. I think it just means toast".
Everytime we here those words “continental breakfast” we laugh.
After pushing through to finish out the work day (bossy boss & my last day before a week off), I found and booked in with the Richmond Priority Primary Care Centre, to have my increasingly painful ear looked at. Now have confirmation of an infected ear.
That clinic takes in urgent cases that can be handled without going to emergency, and was such a great alternative given all the standard GPs seemed to have closed for the weekend. They were super easy to book in with via HotDoc. Highly recommend.
Also, my (newish) BF is being really sweet and is offering to postpone our plans for tomorrow so he can just make me dinner and take care of me 🥹
The cat is very cute and when she sits next to me she puts her paw on my leg or foot
On the menu for tonight is takeaway pizza, a bottle of red and a TV show which requires no thinking. I’m mentally spent, today was a really tough day. Recharge required.
The paupers Pop-Tart!
Image shows a crustless jaffle-like food with Nutella filling, sealed around the edges by pressing with a fork.
Bogan pop tart? Either way, keen as shit! Was it just a bit of butter on the outside?
No butter, but I might next time actually, sounds good.
Genius! 🙌
I’m not a fan of Nutella so I made some of these with cheese and Vegemite not long ago. You enjoy those babies on this cold morning. Well done.
Sounds good! I’d like to try a “pizza” type of filling next time, but I’m worried it won’t cook. If I had a jaffle/toasty maker type thing I’d put it in there, but I’ve only got my gas stove griller.
Have you got an oven?
Yeah, I guess I could start it in there and crisp it under the griller to finish. Good thinking!
So many filling options. Omg.
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Sorry about the lack of spoiler, couldn’t work it out on mobile.
Highlight the photo link then press the little triangle.
Aah, thankyou!
use this code:
::: spoiler The paupers Pop-Tart!  :::
Oh, like this
::: spo👋iler spoiler
Or like this
::: spo iler 👋spoiler
Yes, and you can replace the second spoiler with anything you like
Oh cool, tyvm!
Well I know what I’m having for lunch now.
I don’t know how some find it hard to sign up here. I just googled aussie zone, followed the prompts to login (I think Chrome keeps my deets) and I’m in and I’m technically challenged. Like I only learnt how to screen shot last night.
Also I think we do need to come up with a new name like Tinybreak suggested. Something like The Melbourne Literary and Microwave Potato Society.
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See I don’t know what that means having never facebooked. My husband has always said to me If in doubt back out. The back button is your friend.
I may have been known to do that. But excessive alcohol consumption was involved.
Tricky. The Personal Engaging New Interesting Stories thread?
I don’t want to join the Dick Thread
i found it difficult - not conceptually, it just didnt work.
Oh no shade. I was just curious as to what was going wrong for many because I know it’s a little glitchy but it was workable for me. I’m thinking there is probably other ways to get in to here that I am oblivious to. I hope you’re all good now.
It’s quite glitchy for me on my phone - the app just doesn’t work for some reason. But the browser page is working just fine, so as long as that still works, we are all good.
Yeah I’m using the browser on my phone. I don’t need to sign in everytime. I didn’t need to change my user name. The hardest thing was coming up with a password that it liked because it kept saying weak.
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undefined> Also I think we do need to come up with a new name like Tinybreak suggested.
I missed this - what’s the idea behind changing the name? Is it just to separate us from the Reddit DT?
Yeah I think so. The Fun dt vs the reddit dt. No competition though just friendly fire.
you know what is tricky though, successfully searching for other fediverse communities. like on beehaw & kbin. seems to work somethimes, then not work others. i followed guides to it so i’ve got the syntax down. it just doesn’t work sometimes.
See this is all in another language that I don’t understand. I hope everything works smoothly for you in the future.
…and now apparently the Jerboa has been updated, but Lemmy hasn’t yet so the app is incompatable from the instance… instance needs to be on 0.18.0…i have no idea what any of this means yet…
Haha. All I’ve understood so far is that Jerboa is an an app for Android and you can access other stuff on it and it’s a bit shit.
Jerboa 0.35 should be fine with now.
I had problems this morning signing up. It looked like it was forever loading and not going to the next screen or registering or logging me on.
Oh. I hate when things don’t work straight away because I immediately think is it me? What’s happening? Back out, back out, back out.
I’ve been up for 6 hours. I’ve had 4 hot drinks and I just realised I didn’t give little dog his breakfast. He didn’t even complain. Bad mummy.
Isn’t it a horrid feeling! I feed our cats in the morning when I wake up, but noticed if I sleep in on the weekend they help themselves to their kibble (which they’re very good at rationing). If I feed them later in the morning they still eat it but then likely throw it up, so I usually feed them in the afternoon if I have slept in.
I forgot for the first time ever the other week, and we’ve had them for nine years. They didn’t complain but it wasn’t until the next morning when I got their food out that I realised. I felt so fucking terrible.
Sometimes he does his little dance so I feed him (he gets dry stuff in the morning) takes a nibble then goes back to bed. If it’s still there in the afternoon he scoffs it down so that he still gets his wet stuff.
Little dog deserves a little treat later today I reckon
Oh for sure.
And also a treat now!
He’s gone back to bed now. He might get a little meatloaf later.
I’m loving the individual greetings for the daily threads - such a great way to come in and say 'ello. Thank you @[email protected]!
Adds a bit of spice to it doesn’t it?
It’s that welcome dusting of chocolate on a cappuccino, that’s for damn sure.
You’re very welcome!
I just try to be a little silly and hope to pump some joy into people’s day if I can. I hope it made you smile.
It very much did, so thank you :)