Wrote in the text that I almost got today wrong again, while still getting it wrong.
Watermelon jelly setting in the fridge with a generous amount of gelatin to harden it up.
Will be ready for the hotter days coming up.
Saw a guy that looked like Brendan Fraser Columbian drug lord , moustache and all
The Aristocrats are playing tonight, I only found out this week. I’d really like to go so let’s hope the boys go down easily enough
Actually having pretty good luck selling stuff on marketplace.
I managed to sell some boots on depop recently without too much hassle. Maybe the market is picking up
It certainly seems a bit better lately. I’ve sold a few things recently, and there seemed to be a lot less of the useless inquiries to wade through.
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning
My brain hurts, been sleeping so much. Gotta be up early to get the bus to the train station to go up to my Uncle’s tomorrow. Dad would have picked me up, except the Sydney Rd Street Party is tomorrow so fuck that noise lol!
If I had the money to waste, I’d stay home and attend the party instead. But the lure of free smoker meat and seeing my Uncle’s Swiss Shepherd is too great.
I’m going to the street party early (before the party, really) because the Minipeelers love the feeling of walking down the middle of Sydney road unimpeded!
Took the paddleboards for their first spin this morning and oh my god it’s love. We both fell many, many times are now rather exhausted, but the weather was so peaceful for it, the water was gorgeous and just had the most fun we could. Lots of laughter. Can’t wait for more. Definitely need to work on our core strength though, wowzers.
I ordered a schooner and received a side eye haha
It’s one thing I wish they’d embrace down here more. A midi is not enough and sometimes a pint is too much
I had few pints and forgot what state I was in hehe
Back in uni we would phonetically coach the American exchanges to order a skewwy a noow
Time to take more stuff to the op shops.
Should you want boxes…
Can you take a few bags down for me too?
Looking after my Aunts’ Hamish the border collie next week for a few days.
Thankfully dogs can’t talk cause he’s getting some premium eye fillet and won’t dob me in.
I looked after a friends dog for two weeks and after I dropped it off and was leaving the dog got in the car with me to come back to mine.
Hammy!!! He deserves all of the premium eye fiillet!
Went back to sleep and woke up overheating -_-
I’m trying to wean myself onto books so I don’t rely so much on my phone but it’s hard. It seems I still read fast too. Going to have to sort something out about getting to the library. Doing things digitally is just looking too much for me right now. I forgot my library card password or pin, I cbf working out Libby and don’t want to buy a kindle.
Coles is currently 40% off on some shampoos and CW is 50% off on a lot of hair stuff.
I’m a bit suspicious though because the last time I bought something heavily discounted it turned out that sunscreen brand was being pulled for not living up to SPF claims.
Coffee. Had lunch. Gaming. Put the footy on. Nap achieved.
Severance and The rookie watched.
An overall productive day.
A bag of chips were sacrificed today however.
Ow my goddamn stomach :(
Mustang man. 4:45am. 😴
Motorcycle man’s place is for lease which is great, but somehow someone worse had appeared.
One of the reasons I got rid of my mustang was because I felt so guilty any time I needed to use it outside of regular hours. It was fun to drive, but it was so obnoxiously loud.
Have gym-ed. In pursuit of sushi for protein