Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
My dinner tonight was fabulous
Image of a plate with Mediterranean chicken drumsticks, lebanese rice, hummus, toum,spicy roast pumpkin and a piece of lebanese bread. 5/5 yum yums.
Components look delicious but also scared of eachother
A place for everything and everything in its place.
Oh you did the food seperation thing and now I must have a cold shower.
It wasn’t deliberate. I don’t mind if my food make love on the plate.
The food makes love in your mouth silly…
I need more details on that Lebanese rice 👀
This is probably the closest to what I make.
I just use 1/2 cup of noodles, 1 cup of rice, 2 cups of water.
Whoa, cool! Noodles AND rice together! I must read more about this…
It’s a very forgiving dish because the noodles soak up residual moisture leaving the rice fluffy.
Yup I’m definitely in middle-America…
I have and could have taken so many more photos of stuff like this
Imagine spending your hard-earned money on merch that features people you despise.
The political merch grift is something I can never understand.
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My ex-stepdad would be one of those people.
I mean hey a grifts a grift.
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I actually wouldn’t mind a Hilary Nutcracker.
So my wife just told me that shortly after I went to the office, one of the cats parked herself on top of her.
With her butt right up her face.
Apparently she also just took a shit moments before.
And then she just stared at my wife like there she didn’t do anything wrong.
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This is why I get fluffy cats. You cannot see their bum.
I have a throat infection or a cold or flu and man it is fucking me up baaaaadly. Tomorrow is eofy work dinner at a really nice place. I just want to be able to go.
It is brutal. I was even 100% recovered and I’m back in it again. You should hear some of the kids coughing and spluttering in daycare.
I had that or not dissimilar from when I went OS 3m ago. Rude upper respiratory it lingered.
Yuppp I’m on the arse end of one. It’s going around. 3 days of torture.
Tried to convince my manager that we should shut the office for the afternoon and go for a trip to one of the chocolatier places as a team bonding experience. It didn’t work today… but I’m sure I’ll try again tomorrow.
Because you were let down I think you need a basket of office support kittens and/or puppies.
behold Casey in all his fluffy glory
Omg. Which way is the head? Hahaha.
that’s his tummy, his head is on the right
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I’d be extremely tempted to give that tum a pat. I have all my shots and I’m okay with Bartonella if it’s that fluffy.
Yes, yes, I do believe you’re correct!
15 years in prison for Malka Leifer somehow doesn’t seem enough
Apparently she’ll be put in immigration detention and then deported as soon as she’s done the minimum sentence of 11 1/2 years. abc article
Oh it’s breakfast time so I can show you all my breakfast from this morning. Humungous breakfast burrito from that same diner I went to last night. Fork for scale. That’s their home made “green chilli” on the side, which was not green but was delicious.
Breakfast burritos are actually the best burritos. I hope it was excellent!
It really was. It had egg, sausage, cheese, onion, hash brown and peppers in it I think. Only thing was it was so chonky I had to use a fork’n knife!
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It hurts the wallet. It’s not a good time to be an AUD wielder in USD land at the moment. They are having their own cost of living crisis and a lot of places food items look like our prices, making them mega expensive when you convert to AUD. Plus you have to add tax and tip.
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The last time I was here our dollar was worth more than theirs and their prices still low (2012), so with conversion tax and tip things were CHEAP. Not now that our dollar is only worth 65c to theirs and the price hikes of everything. Those cheap days are gone.
That looks delicious and as much food as I eat in a whole day
Been to pub. Mildly inebriated (this word took me three attempts on the phone keyboard)
Hi kids. I’m about to start work and I don’t want to
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Hi mum, we are hungry and we gratefully wait for you to put bread on the table.
delicious thanks mum
more floofiness , Oscar ( blue himalayan ) with totoro
I’m gonna put my money on the cat if things escalated between those two.
He was a great cat beloved by all. 💗
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Din dins tonight - pork shoulder chop marinated in nostimini, mashed spud and brussells sprouts dressed in dijon mustard and butter.
And a knob of butter in the crater of the mash. Yes I know that little trick. I know it well.
The classics never date.
TIL a new word: nostimini, thanks, looks delicious 🙏
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Maybe with the assistance of a glass or two of something.
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Hoping today will be the last day I need off due to sore throat. Can’t work with no voice. Can’t risk making throat worse until it’s healed. Feeling better today but still sore and swollen lymph nodes. This week has sucked
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Rum or Brandy also work in a hot toddy.
My culinary experiment today was very successful. I took one microwave sausage roll, heated it as per instructions, then took it out of its sleeve and air fried it for 5 minutes. It went from a 3/5 yum yums to a 4/5 yum yums.
(Please note that 5/5 yum yums is reserved for homemade sausage rolls only).
Oh golly, I could go for a basic sausage roll.
Going to do some low level food shopping today, trying to figure out what I want.
I think I’m going to pick up some 2 minute noodles and some cocktail frankfurts. Not sure what else to be honest. Wouldn’t mind some party pies or sausage rolls but not sure I could fit them in my freezer at the moment.
Always wait for the party pies and sausage rolls to go on special then you pounce. Also Mrs Mac,'s microwave sausage rolls are half price every few weeks. Something like $1.25 - $1.50 compared to $3. Aldi also have microwave sausage rolls that are exactly like Mrs Mac’s.
Party pies goes on special? I don’t think I’ve seen the Aldi ones go on special? I’ll have a look at the sausage rolls as well when I’m at Aldi this afternoon.
No the party pies at Coles and Woolies go on special. I don’t know if Aldi has party pie and sausage rolls packs but they do have individual microwave sausage rolls if you have limited space in your freezer.
I know Aldi have party pie packs, not sure about sausage rolls to be honest. I’ll have a look this arvo.
I don’t think I’ve seen party pies go on special deep enough that made me want to go get them at Woolies.I’ll have to keep a better eye out on them.
Oh yeah always wait for the half price packs.
Chicken and cashew tonight.
With that magical bull’s eye carolina reapr hawt sauce. only a few mls left which makes me sad.
Stock up while it’s available!
Now you’re scaring me. This better not be another sriracha type sitch.
Can’t be too careful. Buy gold while it’s cheap
Thank you for the inspiration, I just had some chicken and cashew