Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.
Please enjoy waking up to a photo of a bear having a bath
clean bear
Very clean, but is bear pondering honey or picanick baskets?
$750 gas bill… Jesus Christ man…
No bueno! First things first, check your meter and see if the number is higher or lower than the bill; occasionally it will be an estimate in which case you should be able to provide your own actual reading to your provider, or it will right itself by the next bill.
Next, if the read is accurate, check for leaks. Generally you will need a plumber to check for you, but better to be safe. (Edit: adding, if there is a leak you will most likely still be liable for the bill).
Otherwise, it may just be the gas price increases have come into effect, and you’re seeing that on your bill now.
Source: many years in energy call centres.
Reading is accurate. Haven’t checked for leaks, but my graphs don’t suddenly spike and are comparable to last year. I think shit’s just expensive…boo
Do you have ducted heating or something or do you get bills very infrequently?
If you can see the metre is it going up by a lot and ticking?
750 sounds awful.
Gas Hydronic, bills are quarterly. Metre looks normal.
What the fudge? Is that quarterly?
Yes unfortunately
Damn. That’s nasty. Check your metre readings. Even with the recent increase that’s a massive bill.
Mine is pretty close to that as well. It’s not sexy at all.
😱 😨 that’s rude. That’s very rude. Times like this I’m grateful that my place has zero gas heating. But even the freaking daily supply charge alone for a gas stovetop is $1/day.
Induction is amazing. I was hesitant but it truly is epic!
I recently got one of those 😖
Time to get some split systems by the sound of it.
I feel the same.
it’s spring , allergies and rosacea are bad 🥺
I have now reached this point too.
New guitar day!!!
Our very own bard! Very slick looking guitar, noice 👌
Listen to The branch or the tree by Stray on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/hcHeV
You might like this tune. Some of your poetry fits the vibe
Oooo saved! I will listen! Thank you 😍
I’m wasted on this audience (my parents). The TV just had some ad where a woman had all of her toes amputated due to diabetes, showed her nub foot. She said “you never think it’ll happen to you, but until you put your foot into someone else’s shoes…” and I said “Ha! Was that a pun?? That was toe-tally a pun…” and dad was like “yeah”.
I crave appreciation for my comedy and I’m not getting it from these supposed “loved ones”.
Maybe if you told some jokes you might get a better reaction. 😐
It’s not easy to get a foot in.
Mean! Looks like you’re looking to make an arch enemy…
You have no sole
It’s a tough crowd… Tougher than callous. I see you.
They should toe the line and laugh at your jokes
American ads are fucking weird.
Approx 6mg of gummy, a good episode of Star Trek TNG, off to a traditional no-name diner next door for a hot meatloaf & gravy sandwich and a tall cold country style lemonade… now I’ve plonked myself on a layback lawn chair in my hotels courtyard where the wifi is fast and plentiful. Not a bad way to spend a summer evening in Deadwood, SD.
Update: I have relocated myself away from the flagpole because a thunderstorm has rolled in. Enjoy 79 seconds of Deadwood Summer Storm with me as I sit here: https://youtu.be/-OHD2UdU40c
Food tax…
Holy Hell.
Also, you guys just missed the Sturgis Rally.
That looks like such a lovely evening, the food, the storm, the trees! Thanks for sharing!
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PTV usually have a few Maxi Taxi’s on call for complete stuff ups.
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that’d be a WILD taxi ride. Its a great drive!
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Got higher duties at work (yay extra cash).
Tasked with performance managing someone (book extra work).
Good news is that we have a new manager and they’ve been leaning on me to guide them through what we do and asking for my advice quite a bit. We get on well and think along the same lines.
Bad news is that higher duties kind of require me to be in the office 3 days a week.
More money offsets that though, right?
I’d happily not get paid extra for the extra day that I’m at home.
In the office I get pulled into meetings and catch ups, leaving less time for work. At home I’m actually being productive.
Management still doesn’t see that.
This DT is losing to r/melbourne DT today, quick start shitposting
I don’t have any shit to post but I can do cat. My buddy for the next 4 weeks
Cute tortie! You do a lot of cat sitting!
I have in the past few months!! Since June I’ve looked after 4 different cats - 5 days of void cat, 1 month of the minor chonk standard issue cat, 1 week of sox, and now 1 month of cuddly calico
You’ve got all the benefits of cats and freedom to be cat-free when you want :-)
It’s pretty cool and although moving around is a bit of a pain, I look at it as a staycation - sure I’m still paying rent on my place but at least I’m saving on heating. And this time my friend has carefully prepared some delicious food for me and tidied up the place. Also I can potter around in their garden!
Sent you a PM Kitten
I found a job I think I want to apply for… but change is hard and I was very comfortable where I’ve been for 3.5y until recently
By the combination of our shitposting, YOU are now the very comfortable professional catsitter!
Are we racing to the bottom?
I can only degrade the quality of everyone’s experience so much on my own
Smoked Kippers from Brunswick brand at woolworths are on sale for 2 dollars this week.
That place is a cesspit now. All the good people came here.
Quality will always triumph over quantity. Can the reddit DT boast a poet, a professional cat sitter and a variety of canned fish enthusiasts? No, they content themselves with merest gossip. I discard them. Also the good cooks all came here.
So why doesn’t the 2nd season of the next generation start with more about the Romulans is the question I asked myself earlier.
Ugh, just remembered due to schedule changes the person I am relieving tonight is someone who I dislike immensely, think I’ll forgo my strict punctuality and relieve them last minute. I hate to be rude, but with a week like the one I’ve had so far I couldn’t bare having to listen to her crap for more than a minute.
I thought I had sold one of my Marketplace items, but I think it’s just a better quality scammer than the last one. ☹️
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Hard agree. I have never used the downlights in my apartment because they’re white. I have yellow lamps, yellow fairy lights, and multicoloured globes, but I fkn loathe white lighting.
I thought this was some abusive behaviour related to white knighting I’d not heard of 😂
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I work nights under white light and it’s disgusting, some nights I spend the whole 8-12hrs with an awful headache. I begged to have them changed and their answer was to allow me to turn all but one light off which does shit all when it’s still bouncing off all the windows.
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Glasses with some kind of light filter on them?
My reading glasses have a filter in them but it does shit all, sometimes in the early morning hours I just pop my sunnies on.
Here is my dinner for tonight.
Tub of creamy tomato pasta salad with Parma and chorizo and a side serving of discount potato salad.
Nothing fancy, deeply discounted and wanted to be a little bit adventurous as I’ve never tried the creamy tomato pasta salad before.
photo of pasta and potato salad
If in the discount section, good value. I managed to get a potat salad one for 70c on Sunday evening. It’s really quite not bad.
Yeah. I got the creamy tomato pasta for 1.90 and the potato salad for 1.10.
Not sure if I’ll try the creamy tomato pasta again. By the time I got through it I felt like it had a sour taste or something. Might have been the vinegar in it.
Finally going home, I’m just happy to get away from the tradies. So bloody loud! I don’t think anyone else was in the office complex except for me and my boss lmfao
Am sick, miserable and depressed. Anyone got any cute pet pics or funny jokes? Funny stories?
What a glorious floof!
What an utterly fluffy unit!
Hope someone’s looking after you. Get well soon hun.
Aww thankee! Love the kitties 😻
Grey-and-white kitty angling for food.
Q: what do you call a fly with no wings? A: a walk
Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Love heart nose!
About a decade and a half ago, my dad’s side would hire a houseboat on the Murray, in Mildura, and we’d spend 2 weeks in the middle of nowhere wakeboarding, skiing, and drinking. My uncle has a ski boat and a tinny, so we’d hook both to the back of the houseboat when we felt like moving.
My uncle and aunt also have a few ski-toys, like an inflatable biscuit, or these blow-up pod things you could sit in and be pulled by the boat. I was by myself on the biscuit thing, and my aunt was driving the ski boat, and she was terrifying. She would do these donuts in the water so the wake would crash into itself and get super high and choppy, and I’m bouncing around holding on for dear life. Then, the wakes coalesced and the biscuit got absolutely launched
When I came back down, I was still holding on, but slowly let go and slid off. Totally done haha!
Here is the pic my dad snapped of me mid-air, during that epic launch:
that’s my foot poking out the bottom there hahah
Edit: to clarify, this is meant to be my ‘funny story’ contribution lol
Epic! Nothing like a crazy boat pilot to make you feel alive (and nervous!). I’ve gotta do a similar holiday one day, always wanted to go on a house boat.
I defo reccomend it, though I haven’t been since highschool. Nowadays, with myself and my cousins being adults, we’re lucky if we can organise a weekend on Eildon in the summer haha
But I cherish those memories, nothing but sun, water, and the bush. Bliss.
Something stupid this time.
I found this in toilet on the wall one time at a public library and never forgot it.
A sign of sitting on the toilet
Nothing wrong with a bit of toilet humour!
These any good?
Images are top: white and tabby cat looking off camera in portrait bottom: black cat looking at camera on a big cushion with a shark plushy behind it
They’re beautiful! I love your white cats eyeliner, very chic!
Cleopatra she should be named, but one of her rescuers named her Ponyo. As her and her son, Calcifer came to me together. changing two cats’ names would be pretty hard. I like the names anyway.
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