Thanks for the support yesterday everyone. I had a decent night sleep and am feeling better.
You will find a job at another company, get a raise, and wave that stack of extra cash in their faces
You got this. You are actually in a stronger position now, as the comfortable lies are now off the table. Time to look for a better place.
I’m glad you’re feeling better! It’s difficult to weather but you’re doing great! You will find something that pays better anyway, you got the skills that pays those bills bro. 💜
so many hugs 😘
Mickey says “brrrr?”
Mickey is wearing a fur coat - lucky little thing.
Exactly! A tabby cape on a white cat haha
Ooh Mickey your toes are so warm…
What a handsome little prawn, all snug and warm.
Yes, hooman?
So cuddly!
He’s so fine
Boop the snoot. Gently. Please.
Thy will hath been done 💜🙌💜
I get unreasonably irritated by the pop-up chats when online shopping. They obscure the screen in the worst positions to get your attention, and pop up within 5 seconds of landing on the site. No, I do not want to chat to ‘Hailey’. I just got here, put away your chat bot and let me browse please. And then it whines when trying to close the chat window, are you sure you want to close chat? Look mate, if I wanted to be harassed by aggressive sales staff I can do that in person, I don’t need the service extended to online shopping.
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Yes! I online shop to avoid people, especially forced up sell litanies at the register.
Or worse - frequent popups of ‘SomeBozo in Buttsville bought such-and-such!’
Cool. Even if the popups don’t fully block what I’m looking at the flickering appearances of those messages is still breaking my concentration and causing visual stress
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A weird side effect of going through winter carless is the mental health boost from the enforced walk when I have to go into work. Definitely doing better than normal so far. Who would have thought that exercise and a little natural light would do wonders.
Narrator: everyone…literally first or second on every mental health suggestion list…
Lol I feel the same. I say I hate going out, but really I hate the at-home-before-going-out part. Once I’m out, I feel great and so much better
I have a doctor I have to see every 2 weeks. She’s an almost 4 hour round trip on public transport.
It fucking sucks, but she’s amazing. First paycheck of new job, I’m getting a car.
Bike? Ebike?
Even an escooter that you can take on the train. Depends of course on where home and doctor are.
It can be two hours to go a 20 minute drive from suburb to suburb if PT insists on taking you via the city. A 20 minute drive is around the end of a comfortable escooter range.
Can also take ebike on train AFAIK.
Plus bike is good for you and can ride on the road. Would not do/say the same about scooter.
While I happily ride my bike to work every day, I would not take it that far unless there was a shower and change of clothes at the other end.
Swap of tshirt at work is all you need. You don’t get that sweaty riding a bike if you’re doing it everyday and just cruising. Much less on an ebike
Racing cars is another thing…
Good idea actually. Will look into it.
I bought a lottery ticket. I would love to win my money back lol
Here’s an odd one.
Random dude probably 20yo rocks up this morning, starts whipper-snippering the front lawn. I go out ask him wtf are you doing, he says sorry I got the wrong address jumps in his car and drives off…
I’m still scratching my head.
Same thing happened to us once. The dude did both nature strips. Beautiful job he did AND it happened to be my husband’s birthday. He came back the following week to do across the road.
Husband thought I’d organised it as a surprise. Nope.
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Could be the scam where they do work then over bill you for it unauthorised?
went out for a walk yesterday, ached just a little afterward but today I am 100% better
I think I’ve lost a lot of fitness the past 8 months 😞
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TinyCat is all about the cuddles too. Its funny, I’m fine one minute then brain dead the next. Food deffo helps!
oh no, take care youse all
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Braved the chilly air and got my partner his anti-sads from the pharmacy. I love using the local pharmacy instead of the chain; they know me now and it’s so lovely having a little chat with the pharmacist and the cashiers. A little jaunt around the block and back home with a warm coffee.
All is well.
Went for a drive at lunch. On the way there I saw this… figure. Face totally covered, just sitting by the side of the road. Still there when I came back. Hadnt moved in 10 minutes so I figured I’d call the police non-emergency who directed me to 000. I’m really hoping it was just someone throwing out a sex doll or something. Now I’m worried it was just someone having a mental breakdown or something and I’ve made it worse by getting police/ambulance involved.
You may have saved someone’s life. Don’t over think things. They’re in the right hands now.
yeah I hope so. Or at least the cops have a laugh at the sex doll being thrown away. Without seeing a face its impossible to know.
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I think that’s a great idea. Maybe check out Meetup and see if there’s something interesting there?
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I love dinner and movie solo. Or even take a book or mobile/laptop to a library and just hang. Often a good quiet warm option. I do that sometimes when I just want to get out
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Wanna go for lunch?
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I wish I could fit on a cat tree in front of the heater and be cute. Maybe in the next life.
She is so beautiful!
It’s how she gets away with all the shit she puts me through lol
Beautiful Gibson, how could one not want to be you? 💜🙌💜
There’s a few coppers outside my place and because I cant see because of my fence I opened the gate and asked what’s going on. The one copper says “yeah ah just someone tryna get away. Don’t worry we got him”. I said “no worries” shut the gate.
It was right outside my drive way so I couldn’t use my binoculars 😔
Mind you I went out in my cat pjs and what I describe as a native American woollen blanket with sleeves. It’s an interesting little number.