They’re my dad’s friends plushies hahaha! I’d play with them everytime we went to visit her! She had/has so many, mostly tigers (her fav animal), but this is such a special photo! It’s crazy I’d forgotten, but seeing this photo is bringing it all back in the best way possible!
There’s so many! Dad’s friend said she’ll send more if she finds any more as well! There’s a good 20 or so photos! Me at melb zoo, and at dad’s 25th birthday! I’m so fucking stoked!
Those curls! You are adorable!
Such curly hair!! I must try to get those back 😂
Plukka Duck!
I had that same Plucka!!! Would have loved that Ozzie Ostrich too!!
They’re my dad’s friends plushies hahaha! I’d play with them everytime we went to visit her! She had/has so many, mostly tigers (her fav animal), but this is such a special photo! It’s crazy I’d forgotten, but seeing this photo is bringing it all back in the best way possible!
I love everything about this :D
That is wholesome and adorable 😍
There’s so many! A bunch from melb zoo as well! My mullet was epic!
omg, who is that cutie pie with the tigers? 🥰😘
Eeeee! 💜💜💜💜
Are those Hey Hey it’s Saturday plushies? sooo cute haha. I see Tigger too.
Yes! I mistook one for Donald duck as a kid, lol, even though I’d watch hey hey 😂
cutie pie! This is special.
There’s so many! Dad’s friend said she’ll send more if she finds any more as well! There’s a good 20 or so photos! Me at melb zoo, and at dad’s 25th birthday! I’m so fucking stoked!
Amazing ❤️
SO CUTE! Animal lover from the start <3
Haha it’s in my blood 😂😂
VERY cute 🥰