Ahem. For your information. You CAN microwave gratin. Comes out a bit misshapen, but very tasty. It is potato after all. Will be having that tonight with some mushroom and snowpea stirfry. Tacos were lovely for breakfast but I NEED POTAT for a real meal.
There’s a frightening lack of potato on taco day. I’m getting worried. Maybe we get the goods when Chief makes the Aldi scalloped.
Ahem. For your information. You CAN microwave gratin. Comes out a bit misshapen, but very tasty. It is potato after all. Will be having that tonight with some mushroom and snowpea stirfry. Tacos were lovely for breakfast but I NEED POTAT for a real meal.
For me a meal seems weird without it. I mean meals where you have like meat and veg on the side. Potat must be there or I feel unfulfilled.
Spot on! Gotta have spud in there somewhere.
Pardon my ignorance but I’ve never had gratin before. What makes it so nice?
It’s slices of potato shaped into a short cylinder.It’s potato in one of its many delicious and awesome formsID: Aldi brand frozen potato gratin - delicious 9/10 reccomend
edit: ignore the health star rating - potato only brings good to us all
It does make me curious about them and I do like potato in all forms.
Might have to check it out sometime!
I will only eat potato tomorrow to make up for it okay?
Wasn’t there some guy who lived off potatoes and butter for an entire year?
Yes that was me
You can always rely on me to be the odd one out. 👍
Don’t worry I have some potato in the air fryer as we speak
I noticed a lack of frozen potato chips last week. I didn’t get to see if the fresh potatoes were in stock.
Are we going through a potato shortage again?
Potatoes are a bit of a meme here at the moment. For some, it’s a lifestyle.
A meme…? A MEME???