Electric toothbrush or manual toothbrush?
Electric, better clean
With less effort
Electric all the way.
Manual, do it in the shower and you get an extra few minutes for free
Manual. Gotta get that exercise in somehow.
There’s electric now?
Yeah. They’re new.
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I just made some strawberry yoghurt ice pops. Yoghurt, milk, strawberries a little sugar in the blender then into popsicle molds
should turn out nice 😋
They sound delicious 🤩
made with real wholesome ingredients 🙂 they are also lactose free
oh holy shit I just realised my PT-E550WVP does very good QR codes. And I run my own webserver. As in literally, in my house, apache build that I can control access to.
Guess whose specialty tools are gonna get all their guides and manuals digitised with link stickers on every last one? Mwahahahaha
Edit: double holy shit this is a gamechanger for His Lordship’s adhd.
Garlic bread or garlic focaccia (which is really a garlic pizza)?
Yes. But also garlic bread. Garlic pizza if I’m sick
garlic bread
I just saw the word pizza and now dinner plans are confirmed. I don’t need to make 300 decisions, just 1 good one.
I knew someone would fall for the trap.
Garlic bread, ideally with cheese
Sandwiches or rolls?
But I do love a wrap.
Sandwiches, especially with toasted bread.
Crusty white roll please
What’s in it?
Whatever you want.
Depends what’s in it. Next.
rolls with sesame seeds please
Tram or bus?
Tram! Nfi y
Tram for the frequency.
Bottle or can drink?
Ooh. Bottle of wine!
Can when it’s hot. Bottle when it’s normal.
Can. Freezing cold on a hot day
Whatever is in reach. Bottle taste better
Bottle for resealability
Washing powder or liquid detergent?
Liquid. Just cause of the machine.
Powder. No idea why, just habit.
Powder. Liquid degrades faster (especially enzymes) so I can buy a larger container and not have to think about shopping for more for a much longer interval.
Tasty cheese or Vintage tasty cheese?
Vintage, always.
Tasty is tasty
Audio books or physical books?
Let’s get physical, physical
Physical, because I mainly like them on display.
i love physical but when I’m tired audio is good
Records or cds?
To listen to, records
Icecream or icy poles?
Ice cream.
I scream
My mind says icecream but my stomach pooch says no.
on a hot day icy poles
Taxi or uber?
Uber. Or didi. Or grab. Though they’re all going to hell.
I’m inclined to Uber
Hardly a difference in 2025. At least taxis weren’t an investor pump and dump.
Metal straws or paper straws?
Fuck the turtles (I love you turtles)
I never had a problem with paper, drank day old maccas drinks hungover the next day and the straw was still fine.
Children’s things
i have a big plastic one
i refused paper straw today because texture is shit, rather use my mouth
Paper works fine for me, don’t tend to leave drinks long enough for them to get soggy.